Qin An uses the two abilities of Wannian Sword God to control people and Soul Sword God Soul Eater, which can explore the thinking and memory of some ordinary people, but it has no effect on the supernatural power. The Mental Energy of the superpower requires Better than ordinary people, so Qin An didn't know what Shangguan Yeying was thinking at this time.

While releasing the four women of the tree elves who had been in the cage, Qin An continued to comfort the green clothes.

"In short, don't listen to the nonsense of the infant fire. He is brainwashing you, making you feel that the tree elves are extremely humble, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling you and let you depend on their forces. In fact, he wants to parasitize and enter. In your race, then let you become their slaves...or puppets.

The tree elves have only existed for too short a time. In a few decades, you will have your own history and your own legend.

Your birth will be written into the annals of history, and then spread by mankind, because you are the children born to uncles. How different is this?

As for the fact that there is nothing to worry about right now, you are a qualified queen, and the tree elves are occasionally discriminated against or excluded by some humans who don't wanting face. It's just an isolated phenomenon.

The reason why you are not confident is actually your own problem, not caused by human beings.

You need to belong to your own heroes, and not always live in the shadow of human culture.

Perhaps today is a historical moment for your tree elves, because you will witness the emergence of a superhero belonging to your own clan.

He is an uncrowned king, and will help you keep the tree elves healthy forever! "

"Superhero? Uncrowned King? Who is he?" The green suit was a little puzzled.

Qin An did not answer the question of the green clothes, but gestured to let a few people follow him and leave the basement, but his eyes were fixed on the face that filled him with entanglement.

She... why did she cry suddenly? And crying so miserably? What's wrong?

Qin An couldn't figure it out. He Tianyu was reaching out to help Shangguan Yeying wipe her tears. She seemed to be dizzy from crying, and she didn't know how to comfort her in a frantic state.

Qin An walked over and pulled He Tianyu aside, and then said: "Go and help Luyi check the mental state of the four tree elf women. They have been imprisoned for a long time, and their mentality is no longer normal."

After speaking, Qin An took Shangguan Yeying and walked forward quickly, went up the stairs and left the basement.

He Tianyu and the queen in green didn't dare to delay when they saw Qin An's gone, they hurried to take care of the other four tree elf women, and then followed Qin An with them.

"what happened to you?"

"It's nothing, I cried when I suddenly remembered something sad!" Shangguan Yeying wiped her tears, trying to keep her own tone calm.

Qin An frowned slightly, feeling that he seemed to understand a little bit.

"Miss Weng Lan?"

"...Well, don't you want her?"

"I think, but I have put it down. If it weren't for seeing the true face of the wolf girl today, maybe... maybe I could never miss her."

Qin An lied, and he couldn't help lying because he wanted to comfort Shangguan Yeying now.

"Don't think about the past. Li Ying in the last life is not worthy of miss. I am willing to get along with the Shangguan Yeying in this life. No matter what you look like, please remember that you are already Shangguan Ye. Ying, the memory of the last life has nothing to do with you anymore!"

"I know that Shangguan Yeying heard Qin An say that the memory of her last life has nothing to do with her, and she couldn't help but cried for a while.

People's thoughts are actually like floods blocked by a dyke. Often the stronger and more majestic the dam is built, the more floods will accumulate.

Once the dyke bursts, it is not so easy to contain the flood when it comes out.

Qin An was a little puzzled. I don't know why Shangguan Yeying suddenly broke down. Wasn't it okay before? Why did it happen all of a sudden?

Even if it's because of having the same looks as in the previous life, it won't cause you to burst into tears?

If you want to cry, shouldn’t you start crying after seeing your own appearance in the mirror before?

Is it because it was not out of danger at that time, so I didn't care about it?

Forget her, now Ying Huo is about to meet Gu Changqing. Although Qin An has some confidence in Gu Changqing's strength, it is impossible for him to face the danger alone.

Turning around and seeing the green clothes coming out, Qin An asked:

"Let’s find a safe place first. I have to deal with that monster."

"The hotel I am staying in should be safe, and I still have some security guards over there."

"Well, let's go first. The tree elf queen named Mu Zhi can't be trusted. I have read the old man's memory. Mu Zhi has become a man in black."


"Well, I will tell you later, now I will send you to a safe place first."

While speaking, Qin An suddenly remembered something, so he quickly walked over and carried the body of the parasite to own.

"You...he is dead? This is the monster's Big Brother, what are you doing with him?" the green clothes asked inexplicably.

"Naturally it is useful, you will know when you look back! Oh, yes, I found that there is a huge square platform two kilometers away from here."

"Well, there is Guanhaitai, where the tree elves of the city into the sea are used for sacrifices. We want to create some own beliefs, so we will sacrifice at the beginning of the month, hoping that the weather will be smooth and everything will grow. Humans have said that, the grass and trees are ruthless. ..... We are the descendants of plants and trees, so ruthless plants and trees have become our ancestors."

"Okay, don’t be sentimental. Go to a safe place first, and then call your guard to follow you. Isn’t there a big ship on the sea under the observatory? You can go there and take a look in ten minutes, I Let you witness the birth of the legendary hero of the tree elves!"

"Legendary hero? Do I really have such a tribe?"

"Well, he is enough to impress you, and hard to forget!"

Seeing Qin An's determined expression, Lu Yi suddenly had some confidence and more expectations.

The tree elves really need a hero and a belief. She really wants to spread her wings and fly to the viewing platform to see what is on the huge wooden boat originally used for fishing on the sea?

Jiulong Mountains, Tang Capital, Beiwang Mansion.

The man named Beichenxing has already got up to wash.

Xiao Cui prepared pen, ink, and paper in the study as usual, and then served her Young Master sitting down with a blushing face.

"Xiao Cui, you have been with me to get up early to practice calligraphy for thirteen years. Why are you getting more and more unhappy when I see you now? Why are you blushing?"

"Young Master, the parents have grown up, they have moved their hearts!"

"Cut, where is it big? Young Master sees you as a small bean bag!"

"You...you are the Xiaodoubao, no, you are the cucumber!"


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