Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1109 Qin Beichen and Zhong Hongcui

The handsome-looking man was really frightened by the little girl own, and he sighed after a long time: "Hey, evil! What a fucking evil!"

Xiao Cui joked with Beichenxing, and the expression on his face was much more natural.

"Okay, Young Master, although it's still dark, it's already past four o'clock. You should practice calligraphy soon. Don't you have to study the recipes at 5:30?"

"Yes! Beichenxing has these two hobbies throughout his life, one is writing, the other is cooking! Only calligraphy and food can not be abandoned!"

"Hmph, it's very verbose, Young Master, the literary youth, I don't know who is like it! Master and Madam are not this temper!"

"Who is it like? I don't know, maybe I should be like someone?"

"Oh! Look at your contemplative look, you are really crazy! Hurry up and write, or Xiao Cui won't sleep well at night!"

"Oh, why don't you sleep well?"

"I always dream of you!"

"You girl, don't you know how to be shy and reserved? You come to hook up and molest Young Master?"

"I don't understand, Young Master doesn't seem to teach me, don't talk about me! What are you going to write Young Master today? Is it a poem or a word?"

Beichenxing picked up the pen, Xiaocui polished it, and it took a long time for Beichenxing to quickly swipe the pen on the rice paper!

"I will not write words or poems today, Young Master, I only write one word!"

Xiao Cui turned behind Beichen Xing and climbed onto his shoulders after he finished writing, frowning and whispering:

"This is...Qin's Qin character?"

Beichenxing smiled and nodded.

"Exactly! Xiaocui... Do you think that if my surname is Qin, would the name Qin Beichen sound good?"

Xiao Cui frowned and pondered for a while, then said:

"I think Qin Xingxing is better, and a little cute!"

Beichenxing was very elegant and picked up the cup to drink tea, and after listening to Xiao Cui's words, he directly threw the water in his mouth to the ground.

Why is this girl so two sometimes?

The very second Xiaocui smiled like a flower at this time, and she was coquettish.

Outside the study, another hearty laugh sounded.

"Haha, Young Master, your surname is Beichen, how can you change your own surname?"

While talking, a middle-aged man who looked very elegant walked in from outside.

Beichenxing raised his head, slowly put down the tea cup in his hand, stood up and bowed impolitely, and chuckled softly: "Teacher, why are you here?"

Fang Zihai, who has been with Beichenxing since he was eleven years old, has taught Beichenxing a lot of truths over the years, so this person is not only Beichenxing's teacher, but also the first counselor around him.

There are four kings in the Tang Dynasty, Dong Enze, Xi Fengjin, Nanxianglong, and Beichenxing.

Among them, Beichenxing is the youngest, he is only 26 years old this year.

However, the power of the North Royal Mansion is not weaker than the other three kings. It can be said that half of the credit is due to Fang Zihai. He is indeed very smart and has the means to help Beichenxing do many great things.

"Haha, good Beichen, you and my teachers and students have been so kind for many years, why are you so polite? Free courtesy."

While speaking, Fang Zihai took the initiative to pull a chair and sat down opposite Beichen Star.

Xiaocui still smiled like a flower, and said to Fang Zihai: "Hello teacher!"

"Ah? Little girl, why are you calling me a teacher?"

"The parents have grown up. As the saying goes, marrying chickens, dogs, dogs, and dogs. From now on, my goal in life is to become a Young Master woman. If this is the case, he calls you teacher, so naturally I should call it that way too!"

"Hahaha, Xiaocui, your heart is so big!"

"Young Master said, the big the heart is, the big the stage is!"

"Oh? Isn't this an advertisement before the end of the world? Beichen, you are good at your knowledge!"

Beichenxing was still smiling, and seeing Fang Zihai sitting down, he also sat back on his seat.

"Don't listen to Xiaocui's nonsense...Speaking of which, the teacher can never be too early. I came to see me so early today. I don't know what's the matter?"

Xiao Cui stepped forward and poured Fang Zihai a cup of tea. Fang Zihai took a sip and said, "Xiao Cui, do you want to avoid it first?

Before Fang Zihai could finish, Bei Chenxing smiled and interrupted: "Teacher, you also know that she grew up with me since she was a child, and I am the same person as her, but you say it's okay!"

Xiao Cui smiled more coquettishly and made a face at Fang Zihai.

Fang Zihai shook his head, then frowned:

"Beichen, do you know that the queen is sick?"

"Well, of course I know, it seems that I have been sick for more than two months and haven't come out to see anyone!"

"Yes! Tang Capital now has five powers, namely the queen and the four kings of the south, east, north and west! Tang is very prosperous today, and the materials in the six major cities on the Tang Capital boundary are also extremely rich. Although we handed over the city defense to Qin An That’s right, but the military power has not been handed over. Now there is no fixed number on how Tang Du will participate in the construction plan to enter the Kowloon City Link. So no matter what happens in the future, Tang will still be our own! Beichen, I used to think you were very supportive to the Queen. Sincerely, she has been ill for two months now, and she has been unable to come out in the palace. The other three kings ran to visit her condition almost every day. Why didn't you go? Don’t you know that the queen can get it. Tang Du?"

At this point, Fang Zihai's face became serious, but Beichenxing and Xiao Cui still had calm smiles on their faces.

"Beichen, I know you like Xiaocui, but at this time, it's better not to delay your career because of women! The last days have been 25 years, and the human breath is still there. These last days will definitely continue. There was an old saying in the past. It’s called a hero in troubled times, so today’s last days are an era that can create kings! Don’t you want to leave your name in history? Are you just willing to be a little northern king? As long as you can completely rule the capital of Tang Dynasty, these seven It's ours to divide the world!"

Beichenxing nodded calmly, then shook his head again:

"Teacher, what you said is wrong."

"Oh? What's wrong?"

"I like Xiaocui very much, but I won't let her become my woman. I think the flowers that grow on the branches and leaves are beautiful, and once they are picked, they will change their taste!"

"Young Master, you hate it! How can you know if the flowers you get are more beautiful than the branches and leaves if you don't pick them?"

"Huh, what Young Master is after is sentiment, you know what a fart!"

"It's all vulgar words, and the sentiment? It's really insulting to gentle!"

Fang Zihai saw this situation and hurriedly interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Okay! Don't interrupt me, is this the point? Beichen, I mean, you have to go to the palace often! Our queen is not good-looking, but that is the first beauty of Tang Capital. Let all Men are moved! To tell a joke, if I were to choose Jiangshan and Beauty, when facing the Queen Tang Yu, I might choose Tang Yu again! Hold her body in my arms, it must be It's wonderful! Put a queen under your body, and any man will feel a sense of accomplishment! So Beichen, don't let yourself be fooled!"

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