Is someone making trouble? how can that be possible? The monster Yinghuo is so terrible, she feels trembling when she thinks about it, who dares to provoke him?

" let me go first!"

Mu Zhi's voice was soft and cowardly.

Liu Guang pulled her hair so that her face pressed against Own's eyes.

"Oh right! You are the Queen, I should respect you!"

Liu Guang looked at Mu Zhi with contempt in his eyes. The more he came into contact with these tree elves, the more unscrupulous Liu Guang was.

They are just a group of puppets who don’t lose their temper and don’t have self-confidence. Liu Guang feels that the reason why tree elves are so unbearable is that they really have nothing to do with humans. Their blood is full of gentle genes, so how can they be? What about becoming a wolf?

"Okay, the queen, ask the cowardly soldiers to follow me. Terrorists have invaded our city and killed many good people. As the city lord, you can't care about everything, right?"

"I...I can go, but you also have to promise me that I can't hurt Luyi, she was taken away by you, I know!"

"Haha, hurt? Don't worry, she was taken away by Master Yinghuo! Didn't you also stay with Master Yinghuo for a few days? That adult won't hurt people, he will only turn people into food!"

Mu Zhi stopped talking, her face turned pale. She had seen Ying Huo eat a human woman alive in front of her. It was the nightmare of her life, and she might never let it go.

Following Liu Guang out of the room like a puppet, Mu Zhi summoned more than a hundred tree elves to guard.

These guards are actually very powerful, but their oldest age is only in their early twenties. There are no elders in the tree elves, so no one has told them how to fight.

Mu Zhi pursed his lips and secretly said in his heart: Just endure it like this, anyway, she has endured it for a few years.

Although Yinghuo is terrible, he doesn't like to fuck the spirit tribe, and he has promised own, as long as she obediently, she won't hurt the own tribe.

In the past few years... In fact, entering the sea city in the past few years has been peaceful. Isn't this the situation that can only be formed after you compromise with Yinghuo?

That's it, so be it, all for the people of the tribe.

This is Mu Zhi's final thoughts. The most terrifying thing about people is not doing wrong, but not knowing where they are wrong. If Mu Zhi could quietly tell Luyi about his own situation, then Luyi would definitely tell the humans in Shenshu City about the existence of Infant Fire, and then all the problems would not be a problem.

At this time, many tree elves and civilians walked out of the house. They were attracted by the noise, and when they came out, they saw a light of fire on the east side of the city!

Is it on fire?

Everyone was shocked, the most terrifying thing for Jinhai City was the fire.

The tree elves returned home to take out tools for holding water, and then flew towards the Hokage with their wings.

This fire shadow was exactly what Yinghuo shed along the way when he was chasing Qin An. His body was always burning with flames. The temperature of the flames was so high that even if they didn't touch the surroundings, some bark would burn.

The tree elves rushed to put out the fire quickly, and followed the line of fire all the way to the Guanhaitai.

And almost at the same time, the two tree elf queens, Luyi and Muzhi, also came with their own guards.

After they met in the square, Mu Zhi was a little surprised, and randomly embarrassed.

Liu Guang beside her was the first to be surprised.

"You... why are you here? Are you... are you missing?"

He Tianyu and Shangguan Yeying stood beside Luyi.

The women were originally sent to the hotel where the green clothes were staying by Qin An.

Not long after Qin An left, the outside was completely messed up, and the green clothes naturally couldn't sit still, so he called the tree elves guards who came from Xuanjian City with her to leave the hotel, and finally followed the crowd to the Sea View Terrace.

Seeing Liu Guang, Lu Yi's face turned gloomy, pointing to the other party:

"It's him! It was he who took me away with the monster Yinghuo!"

Lu Yi's original intention was just to yell out, it was a kind of accusation, she didn't think too much at all.

By her side, Shangguan Yeying stopped crying.

After all, she was a human for two lives, and she just broke down emotionally. Now that she has blocked her emotional vent with reason, she can quickly return to a normal state.

After listening to Lu Yi's words, Shangguan Yeying raised her head to look at Liu Guang, and then took out a delicate small pistol from her arms without hesitation and pulled the trigger directly at Liu Guang.


With a shot, Liu Guang was killed almost directly before he realized the crisis.

At this time, the tree elves gathered around and some humans who originally lived in the east of the city, the number of both sides together has almost thousands of people.

The humans in the outer circle don’t know what’s going on, but most of the tree elves within two to three kilometers near the Guanhaitai have seen this scene. They can fly to get a good perspective, and they also have ordinary Good eyesight that people don't have!

It turned out to be...... That woman actually shot and killed a human?

In fact, most of the tree elves are well protected by humans. They have almost never seen human death scenes, let alone in reality, even on TV and computers, they rarely watch it, because humans give them the choice to watch. Those films are harmonious, beautiful, and symbolic of peace.

This is the reason why some tree elves are reluctant to approach humans when they grow up.

Human beings keep telling them how beautiful this world is, but what these people are doing is always more evil than the tree elves thought.

By Liu Guang's side, Mu Zhi, who watched Liu Guang fall to the ground, widened his eyes in shock, and covered his mouth with his hand.

My God... My God!

Did Liu Guang die like this? This human man who has kept her living in a nightmare of fear for the past few years, that's it... was it simply killed?

It turns out that killing is such a refreshing thing?

"Go and tie up the sticks!"

Luyi and Muzhi had known each other a long time ago, and they were even all elected queens by the tree elves.

However, their personalities are not the same.

Mu Zhi's sense of inferiority is stronger. She always feels unreasonably worried that the tree elves have no future. That's why she took part of her tribe's willingness to leave Shenshu City, and went south to find a place like Inhai City to build an independent territory. She is considered independent. The representative of the school, and the so-called independence just wants to keep a distance from human beings. It's a pity that Mu Zhi's various behaviors are nothing more than covering ears and stealing bells, and she is the individual who can't leave human beings the least.

Luyi has to believe in humans more. She believes that as long as she follows in the footsteps of humans, the future of her clan will definitely get better and better.

At this moment, the two women who were supposed to be sisters have turned against each other.

In fact, there was some hatred in Lu Yi's heart. She didn't know why Lu Yi had to cling to the monster infant fire. Could it be that she couldn't survive except for compromising the tree elves?

Suddenly, a series of exclamations came from all around!

"Look at him, the man fighting the monster! He...he seems to be our tribe!"

"Yes! I can feel the fluctuation of blood, he is a tree elf! But why is his wings emerald green!"

"So strong, his strength is so strong!"

Lu Yi's attention was instantly attracted, looking at the fishing boat on the sea below, did the uncrowned king that Qin An talked about before appeared?

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