There is a very interesting thing, most tree people will change their eating habits when they reach adulthood, they will give up vegetarian food and only eat meat.

Humans think that this is the stubbornness of the tree elves. They think that they are born of plants, so it is normal to have a pious attitude towards plants...

The fishing boat moored at sea is an important tool for the tree elves to obtain food. If there are not many marine fishes to eat, they will not be able to get that much meat.

The size of the fishing boat is large, and the structure of the boat is strong enough to prevent attacks from some small sea animals.

Qin An was leaning on the side of the cabin, watching the battle between Gu Changqing and Ying Huo.

Although they were playing fiercely and intensely, Qin An didn't pay attention to it. He remembered some things that Ling'er had said to him about the tree elves.

"Hey, I actually don't want to destroy the image of the tree elves. After all, they are so weak and kind on the earth. But now that the time-space gate has appeared, I have to tell you a secret. The race related to the fourth god, the Spirit Emperor. There are many, tree elves are just one of them. Tree elves are nasty guys on the sword spirit star, because they are pure carnivorous creatures, as long as they are meat, they like to eat, and they only like to eat raw. A word circulated among the sword spirit Xinglang people is very vivid and never pay attention to the seemingly harmless and beautiful tree elves. They will always have only one purpose close to you, and that is to eat you. ..... Oh, yes, there is another terrible thing. The tree elves are not social creatures. They will start wandering after they are born, because the real tree elves are the ones that even own the same kind will eat. They regard the process of eating living creatures raw as a kind of culture, a kind of inheritance, no tree elves will feel that it is a terrible thing to be eaten by the same clan, because they are also ready to eat each other at any time! The number of tree elves is actually very rare. Each of them is a natural one-spirit sword repairer. They have the ability to refine the divine sword by touching the tree. The unified sword god skill they master is called the forest of the jungle. ..... So, the tree elves on the earth are actually different from the tree elves on the Sword Spirit Star, perhaps because of the difference in the geographic location of the Universe, and these are caused by the spilled energy of the Fourth Sword God Spirit Emperor Some creatures have also been upgraded

"What do you want? Don't call us if you have something good? You kid, don't pay attention to it!"

"Yeah, Xiao Qinqin, this... I'm going, what kind of stuff are these two people, why are they so awesome?"

Cheng Gang descended from the sky holding Guo Sihai and appeared beside Qin An.

Qin An was not too surprised. He had discovered the traces of the two as early as a few kilometers away.

"You guys are amazing, you can find me."

"My parasitic beast is an eagle in its original form, so my eyesight is also good." Cheng Gang responded with a smile, but his eyes were watching the battle between Gu Changqing and Yinghuo.

Gu Changqing’s Excalibur is named Yu Huajian. Yinghuo’s Excalibur has not yet been officially named, because now Yinghuo is actually just a slayer who has achieved the strength of Realm, one who has received the blessing of the sword god’s energy to condense the soul of the sword. Ordinary sword repairer.

His sword-strengthening weapon is his blood, and his blood is naturally different from human beings, and can spread outward as the flames on his body rise.

Therefore, when he released a flame attack to cause a large fire to rise around, the light red mist that appeared was not water mist, but blood mist from the blood in his body.

In the end, the blood mist condensed into a sword under the traction of the sword spirit's energy, which is the origin of his bloody mist sword.

Although I have not yet comprehended the skills of the sword god, Yinghuo's blessing sword god is actually the first sword god! He has acquired some random abilities, such as powerful physical skills, fire attack ability, Spatial Teleportation Movement Technique, etc., so when his combat power is fully deployed, his strength is not worse than Gu Changqing, who has realized the ability of a sword god. .

Qin An was actually a little shocked.

Gu Changqing Rainstorm Lihua's sword god ability has been used twice since the battle with Yinghuo.

This is the sword god ability released by a true sword repairer. It turns out that the attack method of those flying petals is only a small part of the torrential rain pear flower's ability.

The real torrential rain pear flower is much stronger than those petals, and... it is not a group attack ability, but a single attack that people can't avoid.

Hua Yu Jian's sword training tool is upgraded Lihua Shu. This sword was refined by Gu Changqing himself by the 4th sword god that year.

The 2nd Sword God True Fire’s camp includes the 4th Sword God Spirit Emperor, the 7th Sword God and Ghost General, the 15th Sword God All Souls, the 20th Sword God Blood Lord, the 22nd Sword Shenyang Slash, the 26th Sword God Shenshou, and the No. 27th Sword God Tianju, 31st Sword God Wannian, 34th Sword God Minggui, 36th Sword God Pudu, 40th Sword God Time, 48th Sword God Hongye, 49th Sword God Xuantian.

In other words, if True Fire is not hostile to Qin An, then the Spirit Emperor, Ghost Generals and Sword God should not be hostile to Qin An either.

That's why the red-clothed woman true fire sword god will bring Wan Ling, Blood Lord, Yang Slash, God Shou, the five sword god hosts into the Wrangler organization, and send them to own.

Then the Lingdi chose Gu Changqing to become a true spiritual speaker, is it also related to himself?

Qin An couldn't understand it, but felt that there seemed to be a complicated net unfolding faintly around him.

"Fuck! I guess I can't resist this trick!" Guo Sihai, who had no image of a leader, exploded with a foul language.

Qin An saw that Gu Changqing had used the Rainstorm Pear Flower Sword God skill for the third time.

On the sea surface, at this time, the waves were already rolling like a monstrous sky. The rain that had stopped before fell again, and the rain fell as fast as someone pouring down a basin in the sky.

The pear blossoms are elegant in the strong wind.

The appearance of the Yuhua Sword is like a curved bow, the curved blade is the bow bone, and the light and shadow transformed by the spirit of the sword is the bowstring.

When the ancient evergreen mind revolves, countless petals will quickly merge into the gap between the bow bone and the bowstring, and finally form a long arrow that is two meters long and gleams with emerald green light!

With this arrow, the world is changing, and the wind-condensed cyclones on the path of the arrow will collide with each other, and then make the sound of blasting.

At this time, Ying Huo had long since become his own real body state, with a fleshy ball without facial features on his head, and his head growing out of his stomach, looking like a seven or eight-year-old boy!

He was originally going to seek revenge from Qin An, but after Gu Changqing shot him, he was frightened.

From the time he became the Awakener to now, he has never encountered such a powerful opponent!

Is that terrible arrow coming again?

Gu Changqing had fired two arrows before and shot Yinghuo's body twice. Although he had escaped the critical point, Yinghuo had already been hit hard.

So can he escape this third arrow?

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