Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1118 Poor Little Yuer

Qin An's face changed.

This fat woman obviously knows herself and seems familiar? Why can't he remember this face?

Qin An quickly locked her super vision on the woman, scanned her whole body for clues, and was shocked afterwards!

Could it be him? But... how did he become a woman?

Qin An was completely shocked!


A shout came from He Tianyu's mouth, and Qin An instantly let his body turn on the phantom ability to leave, and at the same time created a Xiangying clone to stay in place.

He Tianyu's dagger was naturally pierced towards Qin An's head.

Qin An turned on the object-controlling ability of the Soul Sword God Soul Eater, turning the dagger in He Tianyu's hand from a thorn to a crosscut.


He Tianyu was a little unresponsive. Why did the dagger change its direction by herself, and what is the current situation? She originally made up her mind and stabbed it out weakly. How come it feels like the dagger is actively pushing forward. This is not as if it is, it is the case, the dagger is rushing forward, driving her body to run forward.

With a single brush, a 25-centimeter-long dagger cut through the back of Qin An's avatar's neck, and then did not stop at all. Under the control of Qin An's power, the head of the avatar was directly cut off!

For an instant, Cheng Gang was silly, Guo Sihai was dumbfounded, and He Tianyu was almost scared to death!

This this this...what's the situation?

How did she chop off Qin An's head?

Ah? ! ! !

The complexion changed from red to white, then from white to black, and then black and purple again.

He Tianyu only felt that there were ten thousand grass, mud and horses running in his heart.

With a loud bang, the dagger fell to the ground, and He Tianyu collapsed to the ground, and then saw the corpse of "Qin An" also collapsed in front of own.

Qin An's body had already been teleported to He Tianyu and appeared behind him. Of course, he also teleported another set of clothes from the Interspatial Ring to put on himself.

Shaking his head slightly at Cheng Gang and Guo Sihai, Qin An made a silent gesture.

When Guo Sihai saw another Qin An suddenly show up, he swallowed fiercely and spit, really f*ck almost didn't get scared to death. He looked at Qin An's corpse on the ground again. It was still there. There were flesh and blood. How could he tell that it was a fake? Qin An's abilities are indeed even more perverted than the information that Zangxi possesses!

Cheng Gang also raised his hand and wiped his sweat, only that his heartbeat seemed to have stopped.

Qin An sighed softly.

One of the nine Xiangying clones died, and it shouldn't take long to resurrect in his own body, but in a short period of time, he can only summon eight Xiangying clones, which did no harm to him.

Every time Qin An acquires a sword god ability, he will study it carefully, so he knows that Xiangying clone can be killed if he doesn't activate the ability, that is, an ordinary upgraded person.

Theoretically speaking, the upgraded person's head is cut off, and it is basically dead. Even if the brain is still alive now, it is difficult for the TC virus to support an independent head to repair the entire body before the brain dies.

Even if Qin An was able to do it, naturally he wouldn't let the clone repair it. The effect he wanted was that He Tianyu thought that she had been killed, and then let her feel what she felt after killing herself.


Suddenly, a roar sounded from the side.

Embarrassed, the blood-filled infant fire was teleported to He Tianyu's side, and Gu Changqing was chasing him from a few tens of meters away.

Ying Huo was nearly killed by Gu Changqing several times, and he had no courage to fight.

He wanted to escape, but his own teleportation ability had been weakened, and now he could teleport tens of meters away, while Gu Changqing's flying wings were not much slower than him, so he could not escape if he only relied on the teleportation ability.

When Ying Huo saw Qin An and the people here, he targeted He Tianyu, intending to take her as a hostage to see if she could have a chance.

Before Qin An could do anything, Guo Sihai, who had been standing more than ten meters away, had already appeared beside He Tianyu and stood beside Ying Huo.

Qin An raised his eyebrows slightly, so fast!

This is not teleportation, just physical skill. Guo Sihai stepped over in one step, and even Qin An did not see how he had a half-meter-long blue small sword in his hand. It should be his divine sword. Bar?

A blue light flashed, Ying Huo and Gu Changqing were both depressed.

Ying Huo was depressed because he had been slashed by a sword, his body was divided into two halves, blood ran all over the ground, and the bloody mist sword was thrown on the ground and eventually turned into blood.

What Gu Changqing was depressed was that the enemy who had fought him for so long let others pick it up! Damn, who the hell is this kid?

As the protagonist who was almost treated as a hostage, He Tianyu Little Sister hadn't reacted at all. Her thoughts were all focused on Qin An in front of her.

At this time the sun in the east had already exposed one side, and the sky was about to brighten.

He Tianyu slumped on the ground, looking at the head of Qin An that was close at hand...this is true!

The meat on Qin An's neck is still growing slowly, but an upgraded person with a severed head cannot repair his entire body at all!

In fact, He Tianyu knew more about this than Qin An, because she was an intellectual and had attended classes in the Hero Academy.

Although TC viruses are difficult to detect, they are indeed tangible, but very subtle.

So where is the TC virus in an upgraded person's body distributed? It's in the blood, bones, and cells.

When an upgraded person is injured, such as a broken arm, the TC virus distributed in various parts of the body will penetrate the cortex and gather at the broken arm, and then let the flesh and bones grow again, the reason why it will grow into the shape of an arm is Controlled by the influence of brain memory thinking.

Then if the upgraded person is cut off, the TC virus in the body loses its control center, and the number of TC virus in the brain is too small to support the task of repairing the entire body. Then the body and brain organs cannot be repaired for a long time. Insufficient blood supply, in a state of hypoxia, will slowly die!

God, Buddha, she... how could she chop off Qin An's head? How did it happen? He Tianyu was completely confused, and only felt that his heart was beating violently, and there was a rush of heat in his chest. He Tianyu's mouth opened, and he even spit out a mouthful of blood which merged into the pool of blood flowing out of the body after the death of Ying Huo.

Then, He Tianyu fainted and fell into the blood of Ying Huo. She was scared to vomit blood. This is really the most terrifying thing she has experienced since she lived so long!

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