Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1119 Deceive Your Nerves

"Sihai, Cheng Gang, Changqing, don't tell the truth about the little girl first, since she wants me to die, then I will die for her to see. I still have a very important personal matter to deal with, and I will talk about it later, this You can figure it out!"

While speaking, Qin An's Xiangying clone had disappeared, turning into a mist of energy and returning to Qin An's body.

The next moment Qin An turned on the teleporting ability to leave the fishing boat and board the observation deck at the fastest speed.

He ignored the shocked eyes of everyone, because at this time the young man named Tianchuan had already ran two kilometers away with the fat woman, and his speed was as fast as flying, not much worse than his own rapid state.

After Qin An left, Gu Changqing came to Guo Sihai and Cheng Gang. After glaring at Guo Sihai, he looked at the dead body of Ying Huo on the ground. When he was about to ask why Guo Sihai robbed the fruits of his own labor, his heart suddenly sounded. Made a voice.

"Boy, I haven't seen you for many years before reaching the strength of a soul sword repairer. It's too stupid. You haven't realized the second skill?"

Gu Changqing was taken aback for a moment, then panicked.

This voice... turned out to be the main god who helped him condense the soul of the sword and refine the sword!

"You... why are you here?"

Gu Changqing asked a very nutritious sentence, he didn't even know how to communicate with this so-called main god.

"You? Haha, I am the fourth master of the sword spirit, the god spirit emperor, your kid is so unkind to me! Not to mention, the old man actually doesn't care about these false names. My ability has recovered, so I let my consciousness come out and thought. To resurrect, although I won't rely on Qin An like the sword gods at the bottom, I also need to find a suitable body, and then refine it for my use!"

"Rely on Qin An's resurrection? What do you mean?"

"You don't need to know these things. In the past few years, we have actually reached an agreement on the earth not to prevent the sword gods of the opposing camp from resurrecting, otherwise the war would have broken out long ago. Do you think the earth will be as peaceful as it is today?"

Is the earth peaceful? Gu Changqing curled his lips.

"I passed by here and happened to see this sword repairer who had a sword soul because of the power of the first sword god. Now that he is dead, then I will borrow flowers to offer Buddha.

His sword training tool is his blood. The fusion of the girl’s blood with it has been affected. I will condense the soul of the sword for the girl, and then let the pool of blood flow back into the girl’s body to help her. Refining a new magic sword, from then on she can embark on the road of sword repair!

I am enlightened by spirit, and everything has spirituality. This little girl is a person of blood and spirit. When she evolves to the super-body Realm, then she can finally understand what kind of sword god skills and concentration sword skills can be obtained, it depends on her. own good fortune!

You two have received my oracle one after another. Naturally, even if you are a member of my Spirit Whisperer clan, she will be your junior sister in the future, so you have to take good care of it.

Most of the forty-nine sword gods will eventually find various ways to resurrect, when our unfinished affairs on the sword spirit star will be resolved on this planet.

Now that the star of the sword spirit has collapsed, the father of the sword spirit is useless even if he is resurrected. A brand-new universe will gradually form due to the arrival of the time-space gate. Boy, be prepared to meet the challenges in the future, your end times have just begun. !

Hahaha, the old man lowered the oracle and created the spiritual language person again. This spirit is very exhausted. Let's go now. You can do it yourself! "

As he spoke, Gu Changqing's heart calmed down, and there was no more voice from the Spirit Emperor God.

Gu Changqing was stunned for a long time, until the little girl on the deck of the fishing boat had a bloody mist rising all over her body, and the little sister own... was that born?

"Mom, I can't get rid of him!" Tianchuan shouted loudly while sprinting.

"Forget it, he's uneasy when he doesn't see me. The scorpion snake is still there. I'm not afraid that he will do to me. Stop it!" The fat woman started scared and ordered, Tianchuan immediately Stop.

This place was ten kilometers north of the city into the sea. Only ten seconds later, Qin An caught up and stood opposite the fat woman and Tianchuan.

"Who is the scorpion?" Qin An asked with a frown.

"One of my children is good at strength. Although it may not be as good as your friends, it is possible to attack and kill people by surprise. I believe my brother does not want to see the little girl on the deck, or is called Shangguan. Feiyan’s girl is going to die? He is on the viewing platform now, as long as you do something to me, then I can let him kill people! And you are Qin An, as I said just now, I can actually kill all these years But I didn’t do that, so this is the kindness you owe me. Then again, there is no hatred between you and me, but now we are on opposite sides, depending on the love in the past, You can't just kill you like this, right?"

"Huh, you even recognize Shangguan Feiyan! It's not bad. You have worked hard on me since I returned! I am a little puzzled. Now my appearance has changed, how did you recognize me? Woolen cloth?"

"Haha, it’s not that difficult, because Tianchuan’s hearing is good and I can hear the conversations between you on the fishing boat. Although I am not a supernatural person, I can communicate with Tianchuan, so I will also hear what he can hear. Yes. Then I judge you to be Qin An, but you have changed your appearance."

Qin An tried to calm Own's mood, looked at the fat woman up and down, and slowly said after a long time:

"Speaking of the love in the past, it is a little bit, but you have hurt me a lot! Since you dare to stop and see me, I believe you should say something? Although I won't believe you anymore, I also I still want to hear from you what is going on?"

"My brother, you and I really met occasionally back then, and I was not wicked towards you. At that time, my situation was not very good. It is very difficult for an ordinary person with no abilities to live in this end time. So I am looking for resources, I want to create some protection for myself, and build some influence. It is at this time that you appeared. I didn't actually think that you would be my noble person until I saw you, but... .. What happened later is a coincidence, plus I moved a little bit behind my back, then I am what I am today! Now the Mo Ling sect has been carried forward by Wu Wengui, but he didn’t know that he actually did it for so many years. I am just a puppet, and I am the biggest winner of the Moring Cult! I really have no special purpose for doing this. I just want to wait until I get old to have a nest!"

Qin An's eyes were like electricity, looked at the fat woman and shook his head slightly, then said:

"Don't talk nonsense with me! I just want to know how you moved your hands and feet back then? And...You are really a god-level liar, you are a woman? Yin Hanchao, I can't help but admire you. I even want to worship you as a master!"

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