Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1126 Come Kill Me

Yin Hanchao actually took out a pistol, and then pulled the trigger four times at the head of the darker Tianchuan next to her, causing Tianchuan to be directly killed by a headshot!

What am I doing? Give up treatment?

"Hey, he is the earliest child I gave birth. Now he is too old to live for a few days. As a mother, I personally sent him away, so I won’t let him fight with you. He can't beat you anyway! And if I die, it would be too lonely to leave him alone."

Yin Hanchao's expression became a little tired, or lazy.

"My dear, you are indeed much smarter nowadays, it doesn't seem so easy to lie to you.

Haha, tell you, what you said is right, in fact, I am not an underground king of the end-lings sect... the early stage of the end-lings sect is just a small organization established by Wu Wenxin, which I told you before Those words are indeed true. Wu Wenxin and I contributed to the myth of the soul boy of the end times. I also really wanted to control the end of the spirit sect, and put a lot of people around Wu Wenxin. But suddenly the woman appeared. She should be a Korean. Her strength made me and Wu Wengui, and even the four-body king Khan couldn’t compete with her, so we finally surrendered and became her subordinates. We called her the last. Spirit Queen, she is our boss.

And the reason why she is so strong is not how strong she is, but because there is a mysterious man beside her, that kid is abnormal, raising his hand to kill is as simple as cutting a watermelon for him.

I don't know much about Queen Mo Ling and the mysterious man behind him.

I only know that the mysterious man doesn't care about things. He seems to be the shadow of the Queen of the Spirits. He rarely shows up, and only appears when the Queen of the Spirits needs him to kill.

Queen Mo Ling is a fascinating woman, but she is an ordinary human, a small upgraded person with such unrealistic ambitions, who wants to dominate the king's territory.

Hey, back then, I was actually forced to become the daughter of sin after being caught by her people, and I have been controlled by them for so many years. If I betrayed, there is only a dead end.

I'm just a miserable and miserable woman, just like the many sinful women in the Mo Ling sect.

Also, I didn't stay in the small gathering place near Qin City to get the secret of eternal life. Although I didn't want to die, I really didn't take life so importantly. I just obeyed the order of Queen Mo Ling to be a little spy over there, and I can be regarded as an intelligence officer of Mo Ling sect.

Oh, by the way, I am still an intelligence officer of the Black Organization, because my other identity is a liar in the Eleven Shadows.

The organization Black Clothes is not mysterious, but it is really hidden. Even I only know that there are parasites in the Eleven Shadows, hidden killers, liars, and old lamps.

Of course, now I am a liar Yin. As for the parasites, the hidden killer and the old lamp, you should also know about them, because they can't provide you with much help.

It’s really an accident that I came here today. I just wanted to tell you that the Hellfire Fortress will send a plane to bomb the sea city, because they heard that the sea city will serve as the command of the human coalition forces, and they plan to have a copper wall and iron wall over there. Destroy it before arming.

Hey, in other words, it’s not the plane I sent to contact the Hellfire Fortress. I just came to inform you. By the way, I made a little joke with you. I didn’t expect you to be so cruel and even chase me. Want to kill me!

Okay, now I’ve told you everything, are you satisfied now? Humph? "

The fat-eared Yin Hanchao has a cute mouth, like that... just like the old Black Mountain demon!

Qin An looked at his expression, completely confused, what the hell is this guy?

no! I can't listen to her to continue talking nonsense. I am almost confused. Kill him first anyway. As for the secret behind him, whatever he is, will it disappear soon after he died?

Thinking of this, Qin An stepped forward, with an ordinary long knife in his hand.

Yin Hanchao turned and looked sideways at the sunrise east, not going to see Qin An again.

"Kill, anyway, my whole life... I'm so tired to live! Maybe, I shouldn't choose this path, but should choose another. But... there is always someone to sacrifice what

Through Yin Hanchao's profile, Qin An could see the sadness on his face. Listening to Yin Fatty's coquettish female voice at this time, Qin An only felt as if in a dream.

"You really don't want to resist anymore?"

In a word, Qin An almost slapped himself, really f*ck is curiosity killing the cat, why is he so reluctant to kill Yin Hanchao? I always feel that there are great secrets in him, and a person with great secrets was killed by himself. Can those secrets finally disappear as I thought?

"Kill it, kill it, come kill me, how come you're haggling, and ask if you hate it?"

Yin Hanchao finally did not look at the sun, turned around and looked at Qin An again, his eyes full of resentment.


Fuck, Qin Andan hurts, which is completely different from what he imagined.

With the super hearing turned on, there is really no abnormality nearby, Yin Hanchao should have been unable to play tricks, unless she is a super strong, otherwise there is really no chance to escape from her own hands.

Then why can he be so calm? And still suddenly? What exactly is going on?

Seeing Qin An's entanglement, Yin Hanchao finally laughed again, with a silver bell-like laugh.

"Haha, dear! Are you dizzy?

I'm a Yin liar! Is the heart of a super liar so easy to be figured out?

Don't worry, kill me, I won't be in pain, but thank you.

Oh, by the way, after you kill me, my wife Lin Lei will also disappear. We two are the best sisters. We said that we will live and die together, so after I die, she will definitely commit suicide. This world There are no Lin Lei and Yin Hanchao!

Don't hesitate, come and kill me! Come on, you're welcome! "

Qin An's hand holding the knife began to tremble and kill her! This guy is a liar, just play mystery, don't believe her!

No, no, Qin An, you can't kill her. If you kill her at this time, you may not sleep well for a long time. It's too suspicious. Don't you want to know her secret?

Two voices came out of Qin An's heart, and the intense discussion made Qin An extremely depressed and entangled!

At this moment, Yin Hanchao slowly walked towards Qin An, and then took Qin An's trembling hand holding the knife.

After that, he took Qin An's hand forcefully, lifted the knife, and in Qin An's astonished gaze, he took Qin An's hand and stabbed the knife into Own's heart!

"Honey...Don't miss me, I'm actually by your side all the time!

Don't try to save me with the power of Purdue Sword God, because...because you can't stop a person who wants to die!

Now that I have made up my mind that I am destined to die, no one can stop me!

Are you confused already?

Hehe, you should treat me as naughty, I am a Yin liar, so I naturally want to lie to you once, twice, many times!

Also, I am not actually Yin Hanchao, my name is Yin Yao...remember...remember this name!

Because...because we have known each other for many years, many, many years! "

While talking, this weird Fatty lost his breath and died in front of Qin An's eyes.

And Qin An... stupid!

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