The matter of entering Haicheng came to an end, and Dong Sihai finally demonstrated his ability as the second-generation leader of the last days.

In fact, the racial inferiority complex of the tree elves has been discovered and taken seriously by Western Tibet in recent years.

Therefore, there will be the appearance and existence of the city into the sea.

From this incident, it seems that it is unrealistic for the tree elves to completely manage themselves. Although their IQ is not a problem, their emotional intelligence and mentality are really too weak.

Now that the wonderful work of Gu Changqing has appeared, it is of course necessary to make good use of it.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the special plane from Sword's Front Dacheng landed above the sea. More than one hundred professional and senior human managers cooperated with the green clothes to take over the rule of the city. Mu Zhi was escorted to Sword's Front. Accept the trial.

Without the consent of Gu Changqing, Dong Sihai has asked someone to package it out.

The tree elves need heroes, their own spiritual leaders and idols, so the Yuhua sword repairmen with super strength are naturally the best candidates. Guo Sihai and Qin An have exactly the same idea.

It's just that Gu Changqing is too rough and doesn't really look like a king. Therefore, Guo Sihai's idea is to let him be named and make him the first-generation legendary hero of the tree elves. Then there will be a second generation, the third generation of the Elf Clan Queen Green is actually very hard work, she just needs more time.

Guo Sihai knew that if he became the leader of the regime in the future, he would have to face the problem of how to handle the relationship between the tree elves and humans. Perhaps he should make great efforts to cultivate the green clothes.

After Qin An returned, he personally led people to eradicate the remaining power of the Man in Black, and Cheng Gang was with him.

Because he had read the memory of the parasite before, Qin An clearly knew the organizational structure of the people in black in the sea city, and it only took more than an hour to settle all their remaining dens.

The entire Insea City was thoroughly cleaned and changed in one morning.

There are tree elves all over the streets and alleys of the city. They are discussing what happened today, and they are sending the big beard scum man, the sudden appearance of the tree elves, how awesome, forceful, and amazing. !

At noon, enter Haicheng Seafood House.

Guo Sihai, Qin An, Gu Changqing, and Cheng Gang arranged separate banquets for themselves, and did not contact Luyi and other Jianzhifeng managers who had just arrived here. In the lobby, they were chatting with the managers of the tree elves and chatting about the future. The haze at dawn has disappeared, leaving many topics for the people in the sea city.

Gu Changqing was very unhappy at this time, and was grumbling at Guo Sihai.

"If you're not Qin An's friend, believe it or not, daddy killed you? Huh, my photos are all over the street. How can daddy go in and out of the flowers to play the game of heroes saving beauty in the future?"

Gu Changqing, who had shaved his beard, turned out to be a handsome man, a little worse than Cheng Gang, but he had a wild charm, and he was able to hook up girls deeply. The Jia Xiaojia is still eating in the hall outside, but his eyes are always fixed on the private room where the four Gu Changqing are.

Guo Sihai laughed, but said to Qin An:

"Xiao Qinqin, you still have your own handsome face. Look at the masculine masculinity that leaks. It's really pitiful for me, and it's heart-warming!"

Although Qin An and Gu Changqing are very familiar, in the past many years, his soul passed through Gu Changqing's body. Therefore, Gu Changqing still didn't know Qin An's true face, and Qin An naturally wanted to show it to him.

"This sentence is justified. The appearance of your little white face made people look uncomfortable!" Gu Changqing spoke casually, but Cheng Gang coughed.

Among the four men, he has the potential to have the most white face, and he is naturally sensitive.

Qin An held a few spicy sea screws in his hand, then took out the meat with a toothpick and put it in his mouth to chew slowly.

The taste is actually not bad, but Qin An's thoughts are still on Yin Hanchao before.

In the end, he still didn't use the ability to save all sentient beings at the moment of Yin Hanchao's death, and after missing those ten seconds, he had no such ability to resurrect a completely dead corpse.

Qin An was very entangled, because Yin Hanchao left him a big suspense before he died.

Yin Yao?

She had never heard of such a name before, and she actually said that they had known each other for a long time, and she still followed her? How is this possible? He has been in United States for so many years, and only Rong Rong and Zhang Geng have been with him.

Hey, this damn Fatty won't let him live in peace.

It must be a mystery! He knew he was going to die, so he was disturbed by telling lies.

Qin An thought of this place and picked up the wine glass next to him and drank it.

wrong! its not right!

It doesn't seem to be a simple trick, because the words she said before she died were too suspicious.

She seems to really know herself very well. At least she knows that she has the ability to save sentient beings. Has his sword god skills been exposed to the point where everyone knows now? Even the name can be known?

Damn, it was still tangled as expected, and I still couldn't let it go.

Now he has burned Fatty's corpse with the power of flames... Forget it, no matter whether he is true or not, he might not understand such a difficult subject even if he wants to break his head!

With his eyebrows locked, Qin An took out a pack of Zhonghua from the Interspatial Ring, lit one by himself and threw it to the other three people.

"Fuck! Qin An, what is this? Is this the 2015 version of Chinese cigarettes? Mud horse, how can you have such a thing? And it is so well preserved? If this is estimated to be a hundred meters of gold coins in West Tibet! Too rich, right?" Guo Sihai yelled.

Qin An squeezed a smile even though he was depressed.

He ignored Guo Sihai, but looked at Gu Changqing:

"Brother, you are almost there too. Don't indulge yourself too much if the boss is not young. I agree with the suggestions of the whole world. You can be your idol here for the time being, attend some of the activities they arrange for you, and show your face in front of the people. You Don’t you want the tree elves to develop better? Oh, right, these people who are here today are all good talents in the think tank of the Western Tibet government. You should also get in touch with them. People always have goals in life. Your current goals what is it then?"

"Hey...Old Qin, can you stop talking to me in this tone suddenly, like my father."

"We are friends at the end of the year. I am many years older than you. If you cannot be your father before the end of the world, it is more than enough to be your Uncle. I plan to build an underground base in this Shanhaiguan area. Let this be the command center and important for the future against the northern forces. On the battlefield, if your kid can study hard, the stall here will be handed over to you! The term "career" has been circulated in human society for a long time. You tree elves have been born for more than 20 years, even if you don’t want to follow the steps of human beings, But the essence is always needed..."

Faced with Qin An's long-winded, Gu Changqing was very depressed, but when faced with Qin An, he didn't know how to refuse. After all, Qin An was his only friend over the years, and he also gave him a lot of help.

In the guest room of Seafood Ju Hotel, He Tianyu finally woke up, Shangguan Feiyan was eating, and when he saw He Tianyu awake, he smiled and said:

"Xiaoyu, get up quickly, I packed some to eat, the food here still tastes good!"

He Tianyu sat on the bed in a daze, then suddenly jumped up and shouted with a pale face:

"Big Sister! I killed Qin An! I actually killed Qin An!"

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