Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1142 Qin An is very entangled

"Are you so worried? Lao Qin, let me go out, isn't it just a flying zombie? What's terrible! If we are all afraid, what should ordinary soldiers do?" Cheng Gang is very confident, he is the King of Skywings and takes action. They have the ability to kill tens of thousands of zombies in seconds, so they really didn’t take flying zombies seriously. Although there are many of them, they also have a full 200,000 coalition forces on their side, and their weapons and equipment are excellent. Quite a few, can't kill them?

"Hey, I'm not afraid to tell you. In fact, although I have reported to Tibet West, there is a news, but Tibet West has not announced it. The flying upgraded beasts I mentioned are not ordinary guys!"

"Oh? How unusual?" Cheng Gang looked at Guo Sihai.


"You mean, there are seventh-level flying upgraded beasts among them?"

"No, I mean they are generally seventh-level upgraded! The number is thousands, which is terrible. As far as I know, compared with the upgraded species, the evolution of zombies seems to be faster than the upgraded species. The evolution speed is faster. Dean Guo Qi conducted an evaluation experiment on my report and concluded that the upgraded species and zombie species of birds evolve faster than other types of creatures. It was not reported not long ago. News? It’s said that D7-level upgraded zombies have been found in some places. They are actually D7 flying zombies. Most people may not know it. In fact, D7 flying zombies are very common nowadays, but they are mostly concentrated in giant corpses. It’s rare to fly around without being noticed."

Cheng Gang's face finally changed, a group of D7-level flying zombies?

Not to mention D7, the upgraded zombies above D4 can no longer break the defense with a single attack. If a group of D7-level flying zombies attack, then he, the Golden King of Wings, may not be able to get up. That big one is the most useful, right?

"Probably not? I just contacted the rear. I heard that the aircraft formation of our army encountered a group of flying zombies in the Guimen Pass area, and suffered heavy losses. But those zombies seemed to be only D3 and D4, and the pilots did not even D5. I haven't seen the rune spar logo." Gong Xue interjected to express her opinion.

Concubine Gu Lan breathed, and said indifferently, "Isn't it over for a look? Why bother to guess!"

Ye Siya secretly pulled La Gulan's clothes and signaled her to keep a low profile and not to participate in other people's discussions.

Hong Luan's attention was focused on Qin Le's body at this time. She was listening to Qin Le and Tassel's softly speaking.

"Hey, what is the name of the master you Dage found for you?"

"Peng Kai, Dage took me to see you last night! He said that the man is capable, let me learn from him!" Peng Kai was a little excited about this. Dage was so good that he even found him a master.

"Huh, I think he does something to that woman, he doesn't look like a good person! And what can he do? An ordinary person."

Hearing what Tassel said, Peng Kai was a little unhappy.

"Tassel, you can't say that to my master! That woman is a woman the master likes, and she might become my master in the future, her name is Shu Jie! Also, we are all ordinary people, I'm just a little beggar, Even Dage is just the leader of the Qin League, the commander of the Nine Dragons Liancheng City Defense Army. We are just ordinary people after the identity is thrown away, this is nothing!" Qin Le had a sullen face, obviously feeling a little uncomfortable with Tassel's words.

Tassel was still a bit spiritual in observing words and colors, and found that Qin Le was angry, and his heart immediately became anxious.

Damn it! How can I be such an idiot! Doesn’t it mean that you marry a chicken and a dog, a dog and a dog? How can you attack Qin Le's master? Thinking of this, Tassel hurriedly changed his mind.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong! Qin Le, I swear, never say bad things about your master again, don't you be angry, okay? Your Master is my master, and I will definitely respect him in the future!"


Qin Le, who has a very low EQ, was a little dizzy.

What do you call me Master, Master? I really don't understand what Tassel is thinking in his head.

Hongluan listened to the conversation between the two little guys, looked at their expressions, smiled at the corners of his mouth.

It seems that I have a chance to give Qin Le some advice. The little girl obviously likes him, but he is like a piece of wood.

Humph, it really is Qin An’s Little Brother, as the saying goes, it’s not a family and doesn’t enter a family.

Although Qin An is not dull in front of women, the temperament of Qin Le is somewhat similar to Qin An.

To be honest, Hong Luan actually likes this little boy.

Turning his head sideways, his eyes swept over the Wuma Tienan beside him inadvertently.

The beautiful woman was looking at Qin An in thought.

The smile on Hong Luan's face disappeared in an instant, and then followed Wuma Tie Nan's gaze to Qin An, frowned slightly, and returned to her usual unsmiling appearance, and she didn't know what was thinking in Dao heart at this time.

Even if the most honest person in the room was Qin An, he just sat there without saying a word.

Then the second honest person is the captain Qiu Jinse.

Oh my God, what are these people talking about? So profound, Qiu Jinse has already guessed that these people are unusual, but now it seems that they are not just unusual and simple, are they still awesome?

His eyes swept over everyone in the room, and finally Qiu Jinse also looked at Qin An.

In her eyes, this man is called An Xiaoqin. She drank too much that night and seemed to be gaffe in front of him.

She didn't know why, that night she felt that An Xiaoqin was very similar to the black boy Qin Xiaoan before.

Oh, by the way, it’s because of the look in their eyes, they look very similar.

Qiu Jinsejing stared at Qin An carefully, and then he felt more alike. Both An Xiaoqin's and Qin Xiaoan's eyes used the same thing, which was very deep, which made people feel that there were many stories, but they couldn't see through. .

So is there any relationship between him and him?


Qiu Jinse was slightly stunned, and found that Qin An's brows had become tighter, and his face seemed to deteriorate.

what happened to him? Do you remember anything unhappy? Why does it seem so tangled?

At a distance of 20 kilometers from Yahoo's position, Lu Ya, a giantess of 100 meters tall, is walking in the grass.

Qin An gave her the task of investigating the enemy's situation, plus eliminating those with enemy abilities who were trying to come over for reinforcements.

In the past two days, Lu Ya also lived up to his entrustment, killing three wicked girls and more than two hundred dark ones.

The level of the wicked women is proportional to the number of dark people they bring.

Generally, those who lead more than seventy dark people can only be regarded as ordinary women of sin, and they don't have any abilities in themselves, so they are relatively easy to deal with.

And I have to say that Lu Ya is really strong, not only because she is the host of the Wind Sword God, but also because of her own giant metamorphosis physique.

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