Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1143 F*ck wave clone

Walking under the boundless black sky, Lu Ya felt a little depressed.

Nowadays, she can be regarded as having friends, but she is still very lonely. That kind of loneliness penetrates the bone deeply, and it's hard to read.

With a light sigh, Lu Ya looked up at the stars in the sky, and then sighed again.

While walking, she suddenly stood still, and then looked sideways into the woods, where she heard the sound of a person's breathing!

who is it? Rangers? enemy? Scout on your own side?

While Lu Ya was swiftly running her brain, she had already stepped towards that side, but when she approached the woods and saw the man sitting on the ground with the big tree back, she was stunned.

"Qin An, why are you here?"

This was really an unexpected surprise. Lu Ya really didn't expect Qin An to appear in front of her at this time. Shouldn't he be busy in the barracks behind?

"Ah... the vast grassland, the sky is high and the clouds are pale, the stars and the moon are shining, the giant girl is pitying... Lu Ya, what was your expression just now? Dad!"

"You...!" Lu Ya was a little silly, why is this Qin An so stubborn? He doesn't talk like that on weekdays!

"Haha, are you scared? Don't worry, I know you are lonely now, but I am actually a little sad, so I made a small joke with you! Who is Qin An? Qin An is a The owner who is very restrained, his heart is actually very wild, once it breaks out, it will be a flood of beasts!"

Qin An said his name in his mouth, as if he was commenting on other people.

"Lonely? I'm not alone! Why do you say that?" Lu Ya blushed, heartbroken, and began to retort.

"Don't hide, is it true that people live for hypocrisy? If you only have five minutes left in your life, would you still hypocritical?"

"Five minutes?" Lu Ya frowned slightly, Qin An felt really different to her today! Why is this?

"Oh by the way, how is the task I entrusted to you done?"

"Well, there are a few wicked girls who wanted to go to the south, but I killed them all!"

"The giantess is really extraordinary! So, I seemed to have promised you at that time, if you can complete the task well, I will dance with you, the vast grassland, under the stars and moon, this is the best dance venue!"

"...Qin An, you don't have a fever? Are you Qin An? Why do I feel you are so strange?"

"Is it weird? It's not surprising that people have many faces, but they usually show what they or others hope for. Now, I don’t have time to care about the feelings of others and own. The word “living away” is too negative. , Enjoying the moment is what I should do. Lu Ya, do you want me to fulfill my promise to you and jump on such a romantic waltz with you?"


Faced with such an active Qin An, Lu Ya was dizzy and didn't know how to respond. In fact, maybe this is not the cause of Qin An, how many years has it been? How many years hasn't a male creature started talking to her?

Suddenly, Qin An's body began to grow slowly, his clothes were torn, but his body was not exposed, and his ever-changing abilities were activated. When Qin An became a giant of a hundred meters, he also wore a set of brown. Dress.

"You...are you really going to dance with me?"

Lu Ya was somewhat flattered.

But Qin An had flashed in front of Lu Ya, and then pulled her into his arms.


What does it feel like?

Lu Ya's heart beat violently.

At this time Qin An is three or four meters taller than her, which means that her huge body is like a bird in Qin An's arms... and Xiaoniaoyi's taste can make her so. Not calm.

With a smile on his face, Qin An raised his hand and shook it in front of Lu Ya's eyes. Then one of his fingers slowly pointed to Lu Ya's crisp chest and began to move forward.

"You...what are you going to do?" Lu Ya's breathing became even more rapid, but her body was a little soft, and she didn't know how to resist.

Slowly, Qin An's fingers touched the clothes on Lu Ya's chest, and then a dazzling light rose, then spread, and finally changed into a red dance skirt on Lu Ya's body.

Almost at the same time, Qin An turned on the ability to transfer objects, teleporting all of Lu Ya's original clothes away, floating to the side.

So this red dance skirt was naturally made by Qin An using his ever-changing abilities. At the same time, he also transformed Lu Ya's one-piece stockings and a pair of black high heels.

They all appeared directly on Lu Ya. As long as Qin An's body did not leave Lu Ya in contact with him, these illusory clothes would not disappear for the time being.

Lu Ya was like in a dream.

what is this? She was held in the arms of this man, and they all wore such noble and elegant clothes. Has she become a princess? She wants..... She doesn't want it! If this is really a dream, she would never wake up.

With a warm smile on Qin An's face, he waved his hand again, and a beautiful music rang nearby. This is also an energy substance that is transformed with a variety of abilities, and the sound is actually energy.

Qin An felt that this didn't seem to be enough, so he waved a big hand, and a crimson flame was already rising from his hand.

The flames were bounced to the ground one by one, forming a heart shape around them instantly.

"Qin An! What are you doing?" Lu Ya's voice was already trembling, trembling endlessly.

Qin An didn't answer. At this time, the flame in his hand went out. Qin An moved his arm and pointed his finger towards the woods where he was just now, and then activated the mind control ability. This ability originated from Wannian and Wandering Soul's ability to control creatures.

Although Qin An couldn't use it to exert too much power now, it was still possible to control those little bugs in the woods that exuded colorful light from flying out.

In less than a minute, beside Lu Ya and Qin An, the sky full of fireflies, grassland, music, fireflies, heart-shaped flares, a dress and a handsome man...

OMG! Lu Ya was drunk and almost died in this world.

She don't ask any more reasons, she cares why Qin An is like this! She would rather all this be a dream, so she just went to sleep and died, ending this lonely half of her life, at least leaving good memories before death.

With the music, Lu Ya began to swing slowly.

Haha... So she is still so slender and beautiful?

On weekdays, looking at her huge body, Lu Ya will feel sick after some time!

Her huge chest can fit a bus, and the bulge on her chest can make a Labrador lie and circle on it...All the hugeness makes her feel like herself It's a monster.

At this moment, she was like a small doll in Qin An's hands, pulled up by Qin An, flying like a butterfly.

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