The four kings fought secretly for many years. After Beichenxing came to power, the other three kings deceived him when he was young and felt that the Beichen family was not prosperous. So as long as Beichenxing was killed, Beichen's power would be destroyed.

So in the early years, Beichen Mansion often came to assassins.

However, these assassins never succeeded from beginning to end, and all of them evaporated after entering Beichen Mansion.

Needless to say, everyone understands that there is an expert around Beichenxing!

At the beginning, everyone thought it was Ding Dazhuang, after all, this kid is indeed a bit evil, as the first guard around Beichenxing, everyone admits that he is well-deserved and capable.

At the same time, he is also the spokesperson of Beichenxing.

Beichenxing doesn't like to appear in public on weekdays, so Ding Dazhuang runs errands for everything, but he controls it from behind.

So when Ding Dazhuang was not with Beichenxing, the three kings continued to send assassins into Beichen Mansion, but eventually there would be no return, and no trace of them at this moment could be found.

In those years, Beichen Mansion became a forbidden place, and no masters who thought they were good dared to enter easily.

But after many years, Beichenxing has truly controlled the entire Beichen force, and people still don’t know who is the guardian who makes all the killers disappear mysteriously beside Beichenxing!

Beichenxing himself is not a supernatural being, but there is a mysterious guardian beside him, and Ding Dazhuang, who is exquisite in every face, is around him. This is how the Northern King of Tang Dynasty was born.

The big girl Zhong Hongcui has absolute confidence in own strength!

After she accepted the oracle of a woman in red and became a sword repairer, she never defeated when she started with others. To put it more bluntly, she should be that no one can escape in her hands! She is a big girl who is not noticed by others, she is the number one master beside Beichenxing! It is the mysterious guardian.

However, Zhong Hongcui encountered an accident today.

Her speed was very fast, she was in front of the neutral beauty in an instant, but in the end she rushed for nothing, because they had disappeared!

Will be invisible?

Zhong Hongcui was shocked. It was the first time that she had fought against someone with this kind of ability! What made her even more unbelievable was that at the same time that the neutral beauty disappeared, Beichen Yoshiko also disappeared, and then haha ​​laughed from far away.

"Little girl! I will be Beichen Yoshiko from now on! Haha, now I have to collect blood from everywhere, so I am not interested in doing it with you! But I will come again sooner or later when I come again! I hope I can meet you again soon! "

While talking, the voice of that person had gone away, but Zhong Hongcui chased it out but couldn't find his trace at all!

What the hell is this? Did he easily grab Mrs. Beichen in front of own? How is this possible?

Zhong Hongcui's face was livid, standing in place for a long time extremely depressed, and in the end he could only return to Beichenxing to report the matter!

Ten kilometers outside the capital of Tang Dynasty,

Beichen Fangzi trembled all over, it was one thing to want to die, but now it is one thing to not die to face a naked man. A demon!

This should be a personal monster, right? Her upper body breasts are slightly bulging like a woman, and the lower body is slender and straight, which has both the beauty of strength and softness. As for the smoothness between her legs, there is nothing!

Why is he taking off his clothes? Want to force. Rape yourself? But he doesn't have that thing!

The neutral woman looked at Beichen Yoshiko, smiled and said, "Am I beautiful?"

Beichen Yoshiko felt that the other party seemed a bit abnormal, but what else could she say in this situation?

"You are beautiful, but why are you arresting me?"

Beichen Yoshiko still had the courage to ask the question in his heart!

"Because of the taste of genes! We have similar genes! Because of blood, we have the same blood! So I came to find you, and then merge with you! I have merged many people! Now it's your turn! Don’t worry, it’s not painful at all. After we merge, you will be me, and I will be you! Although you will lose your body, you will gain a soul that is compatible with me. That’s a wonderful thing. It's like drugs, it makes me want to stop

While talking, the neutral beauty walked to Beichen Fangzi's body, and then suddenly took the initiative to tear Beichen Fangzi's clothes and withdraw.

Beichen Fangzi trembled all over, and looked up at the neutral beauty who did not dare to resist or scream, because the presence of the other party had caused a lot of pressure on her!

The neutral beauty stroked Beichen Fangzi with her hand back and forth.

Beichen Fangzi's true age this year is already forty-eight years old. Although she looks young, her body is a bit old. At least the fat on her belly is piled up. After taking off her clothes, she is not in good shape.

The neutral beauty looked at Beichen Fangzi's eyes with a somewhat seductive look, and then slowly raised her hand and bit her finger lightly.

The finger broke and blood dripped out, and the neutral beauty quickly bit the tip of her own tongue, and then the two drops of blood merged.

Beichen Yoshiko felt as if her whole body was being burned by fire. The next moment she lost consciousness, and her whole body was turned into flesh and blood. After being swallowed by a neutral beauty, the body of the neutral beauty exudes a faint gleam. Both body shape and appearance have changed, becoming more beautiful and more perfect!

"Ah... the three brothers from Wangyou City! Wang Khan! Shi Slu! Lord Tianyin! Now I have added another Beichen Fangzi! I am already one of the seven bodies!

So who am I? What am I going to do? Why are you so entangled and confused?

I'm so hungry, I really want to find someone who has the same blood and genes with me!

Where are you guys? Come out! I want to become eight bodies! Nine bodies! Ten bodies! Eleven bodies! ...One hundred bodies! Dear children, I need you, where are you all? "

As he spoke, Qi body slowly turned his head to look north.

"Here again! This is the call again! Haha, is it another child who can fit me? Where are you? Who are you? Don't worry, I'll find you now!"

While talking, Qi body disappeared into the night and rushed to Shanhaiguan.

The forefront of the Shanhaiguan battlefield, Yahoo camp, the mobile fort where the Qiu Jinse Squadron is stationed.

Cheng Gang's body trembled for a while, then frowned.

What's wrong? Why did he feel as if his blood was burning at the moment? It seems that some mysterious force in the distance is attracting him, causing the blood in his body to want to fly out?

He had this feeling once when he was in the Labyrinth City, and he didn't care about it at the time. He thought it might be a coincidence, but the experience again made Cheng Gang very uneasy now.

"What's the matter, Xiaogangzi? Look at your frowning eyebrows. Are you broken in love?"

Cheng Gang shook his head quickly, and then said: "Ah, Qin An hasn't come back yet? Those zombies should be flying there soon, right?"

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