"Well, according to previous calculations, it should be there in two minutes. That is to say, we should be able to see them now, but the north side is very quiet? It's strange. Could it be that Qin An has so many flying over there? Are all the zombies attracted? It should be impossible!"

"Where are the scouts?"

"They are all withdrawn, they are about to touch, and naturally they have to hide in the bunker. Wait and see, maybe because Qin An's impact has hindered the flying zombie herd, it is normal for them to appear later. It's time to come. You will always come, you can't hide from it!"

Guo Sihai looked very deep, Cheng Gang nodded, and everyone in the room had different faces.

In ten minutes, the mecha troops had arrived in advance, and then arranged to enter the line of defense.

In fifteen minutes, a large number of air troop helicopters arrived. The scene of more than one hundred teams and 30,000 or 40,000 people descending to the ground along the helicopter's soft rope was not unbelievable. They immediately joined the line of defense.

Twenty minutes later, Dong Junwei personally came from the rear by a transfer plane, intending to sit on the line of defense, vowing to coexist and die with the line of defense.

He had already received a report from Guo Sihai, saying that Qin An rushed into the corpse group, with the goal of killing those high-level flying zombie beasts that were more threatening.

Therefore, Dong Junwei felt that the flying zombie herd had not come so late, it must be because of Qin An, this kid can be regarded as blocking the flying zombie herd from advancing, and bought a lot of time for the line of defense!

Dong Junwei was very pleased and felt that Qin An was indeed reliable.

It's just that it's not appropriate to charge by one person! After all, he is also a person with status and status. Look at how smart Guo Sihai is.

Then, exactly thirty minutes later, the line of defense that was waiting in full was seven kilometers in length. What mobile fortresses, refuge boxes, mech fighters, tanks, artillery, swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, crosses, and more than 18 types of arms and N arms have all come together. , Everyone is ready to wait...eagerly waiting...anxious!

Who collected the information before? Didn’t the flying beasts arrive in 8 minutes? The news also reached Jianzhifeng, and the leaders of Jianzhifeng also set up a countdown meeting to discuss countermeasures.

But it's been half an hour, why didn't even a mosquito fly over? Ah? Is this a military exercise? Or it was too dark this day, the flying zombies were already one or two hundred meters away, but they were all blind, so they didn't see it? Will it be like this?

Dong Junwei was in command of the armored caravan, and there were all high officials and think tanks nearby.

Everyone stared with big eyes. Dong Junwei coughed a long time later and said, "Ah, scouts... send them out and have a look! Oh, by the way, don’t send planes, send ground intelligence troops, and the other side will fly. The speed of the zombie beast should be extremely fast, the target of the plane is too large, and it is very likely that it will be destroyed directly when it goes out!"

A lieutenant with a more straightforward personality said: "Commander, it's been half an hour, what's going on? I'm still waiting for the damn thing!"

"Dongsheng, I know you are an upgraded, but you are more of a commander. Don't talk to a 250-year-old, so be sober!" Ye Liangchen, the deputy next to Dong Junwei, said bluntly.

The people around laughed and felt that the atmosphere suddenly became a lot lighter, probably because the danger that should have come did not come.

Three kilometers to the north, Guo Xiaochuan and Wang Dasheng, two difficult brothers and sisters, were advancing fast while talking in a low voice.

"Damn! What kind of plane? Don't you say there are hundreds of thousands of flying zombies? Let's come out for investigation, why don't we send robots?" Guo Xiaochuan complained.

"A robot is an aerial target, and it is easy to attract flying zombies. It is improper, so let us investigate from the ground." Wang Dasheng is very simple and honest.

"Fuck, then why don't you send an upgraded person?"


"Daddy just saw a female soldier now. Yesterday, when I was showering in the public bathroom, I was really hot. You don't know the figure of Daoist's house, it's awesome!"


"The signal here is not good, I haven't called my mother yet! What if I sacrifice? I heard that the big guys have special dedicated lines, and their phones are unblocked. Why is our signal bad? Privilege! Corruption! Damn!"

"Hey, Guo Xiaochuan, you are enough! Shut up!" Wang Dasheng couldn't bear it.

"What are you doing? Can't you complain about it?"

"Go, you. Mom! We are the upgraded, we are the scouts, who are you not sending us? Two pen!"

Wang Dasheng broke out.

They are all upgraded people who are good at speed, and they ran north for two kilometers while they were talking.

Just when Wang Dasheng finished scolding Guo Xiaochuan and Guo Xiaochuan was about to fight back, a roar suddenly came from the northern sky, and the two of them were stunned at the same time, and their bodies trembled and stopped.

Wang Dasheng took out the night vision binoculars and looked forward. The lens showed a huge D5 flying zombie with a body length of 20 meters and wings spread out to 100 meters!

"D5! It's D5! I see the spar mark!" Wang Dasheng screamed.

"Say what to shout, don't hurry up, go back and report! The flying beast is here!"

When the voice fell, the two turned around and ran, flying back to the defensive position like flying!

In an instant, the phone became busy, and the news reached Dong Junwei's ears within twenty seconds. Dong Junwei immediately issued an order and the whole army entered a state of combat!

At this moment, everyone was nervous.

A group of five mech fighters pulled out a strong iron net to guard the nearby mobile fortress. Their task was to face the enemy head-on when flying zombies came and protect the mobile fortress and nearby power grid equipment.

The soldiers in the mobile fortress are responsible for covering and shooting from the back, and they are mainly mecha fighters.

Then five mecha fighters cooperated with a mobile fortress to form a combined defense point.

Those tanks began to adjust their positions and were responsible for bombarding the approaching flying zombies at the first time. The shells they are equipped with have the ability to chase with heat, and the shells have multiple warheads after they explode. The locked heat is the brains of the zombies. That is to say, these shells do not need to be aimed when they are fired. You only need to find the approximate target point design. good.

Upgraders also put on mechas. Their mechas are all special induction mechas, which can match the abilities of some upgraders to fight. It’s just that Ling’er is far away from here, and the induction mecha can’t get the power of Ling’er’s sword god, and the effect it can exert is average. However, in the face of so many flying zombies, there is a mecha wearing It's always better than nothing.

Dong Junwei's command of the armored caravan drove into the woods where a defensive offensive had been built on the side. As a commander, he can come to the front line in person to cheer up the soldiers, but if he really wants to fight, he naturally finds a relatively safe place, and he can't put himself in a dangerous place as soon as he comes up!

In short, all the preparations are ready, everyone is nervous, waiting for the arrival of the zombie herd!

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