Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1162 Weng Lan's Story Companion

Weng Lan didn't know what happened in the house 100 meters away from her. At this moment, she was crept out of the door and entered the living room.

Throughout the day, she would pull a gap in the door every fifteen minutes and then look out.

No zombies! No zombies! No zombies!

In the living room, there has never been a zombie in.

She started to observe at 8 o'clock in the morning, and she watched forty-seven times at 8 o'clock in the evening, and none of the zombies walked in.

In other words, the probability of zombies walking around inadvertently entering this house should definitely be less than 10%!

The reason why these ten score points were reserved is because Weng Lan felt that zombies might walk in, but this kind of thing had not happened in the 47 she estimated.

Since this was the case, Weng Lan became more courageous. After the kid fell asleep at 8:3 in the evening, she put him in the closet and hid him, and then walked out of the room lightly.

When I went to the door of the living room to the backyard, I listened.

Outside is Rutea, Juliet, Els, Ives.

Weng Lan is not the kind of person who just waits blindly. As a sales manager in the pre-apocalyptic pharmaceutical industry, she knows that opportunities are always reserved for those who take the initiative.

That's why she will come out to look for opportunities after the incidence of dangerous situations has decreased! Or more directly, she wants to find a partner.

Vaguely, Weng Lan heard the dialogue inside.

"No! I don't agree, our food has been divided equally, this is my dinner, why should I give it to you?" This is Juliet talking, her voice is a little high.

"Els, the problem now is that you don’t even know what saving is! Our food was originally enough for two days, but you can eat it too much! Now we have nothing to eat, and only these two packages are left in plastic packaging. Ham, and this originally belonged to me and Juliet." Orvis said slowly, seemingly full of anxiety.

"Hey, don’t do this, don’t you guys know? Look at me? Nothing to find? Didn’t you see? I’m a black man! How about a black man? Hell, do you think this is before the end of the world? Do I want to be treated as a black slave by you? It has been proved in the end times that blacks are a very good race! We are more suitable for this end times, and we survive more! You don’t understand anything! Why should I go hungry? If it weren’t for you, let me give the food. That damn yellow monkey, will I go hungry?" Els said arrogantly.

"Yeah! My food was given to her, God! Where is our army? Why didn't they show up after a day? Are they all killed? How could things become like this? I can't stand it anymore! If we continue to stay here, we will die! I want to go out!" Rutya's voice was full of panic.

Food, fear, distrust, disagreement, and then break.

Doomsday, what is the difference between you and reality?

With a sneer on Weng Lan's face, she remembered her previous experience of working in society.

Food equals income, and fear equals helplessness in the face of performance that cannot be accomplished. Distrust is an intrigue between colleagues, disagreement is to compete for profit, and break is to compete and unscrupulous.

The reality is actually more cruel than the last days, but in reality people know how to cover up, and in the last days, most of those who try to hide their true thoughts have been dead for many years, right?

Weng Lan had feelings, but did not continue listening, but entered the bedroom next door, where the window opened to enter the backyard.

Weng Lan took the gun, checked the ammunition, and then stepped forward and gently opened the window. Els outside was already thinking about snatching Juliet’s food. Ives had long since been trying to keep the situation from becoming chaotic. Give the food to Els.

Looking at the situation, Weng Lan raised the gun lightly, then pointed the muzzle at Els and spoke softly.

"Don't move, it's me, I'm back again!"

The four people who were entangled in the backyard were taken aback, and together they retreated to the back side wall.

Weng Lan held the gun tightly, always aiming at Els, he was the biggest threat!

"What the hell do you want to do?" Ives seemed angry.

Weng Lan can understand her. She killed their people and robbed them of their food, but now they have come back. They will naturally think that she is unhappy, especially Ives who has a sense of justice... This may also be her weakness, shortcoming!

"I'm thinking, you two ladies, do you want to stay with me in this situation? The bedroom over there is still safe, and the zombies outside seem to be getting farther and farther away, so...Don't Misunderstanding, I just came to ask!"

Rutea, Juliet, Els, and Ives were all stunned, and no one spoke immediately.

Ives was a little surprised. In her eyes, Weng Lan was just a crazy and greedy woman in order to protect her children.

Why did she come back again?

Juliet reacted first and quickly hugged own food, and while Els was not paying attention, he snatched the package of plastic ham that originally belonged to Ives, and then ran to the window and watched Weng Lan. At a glance, he said, "I am willing to be with you."

Weng Lan raised her eyebrows.

I really didn't expect it, it seems that this woman also has advantages, at least she is decisive enough, without hesitation, the ability to do things should be better than Ives! But this kind of person can only be an errand runner at best, and Weng Lan would never regard her as a cron.

How can a woman who has an unstable personality and can have no principles for the benefit of being a cron?

Without thinking too much, Weng Lan gave up the position of the window and made Juliet jump out. Then she stepped back slightly so that she stood side by side with Juliet, so that she could not only monitor Juliet, but also deter her inside.

"Hi, Ives, we don't have much time to think about whether you want to stay inside or come out with us? We are all women, at least nothing bad will happen, don't you think?"

Weng Lan directly pointed out the crisis that Ives might face.

Although Ives has principles, he is not a fool, knowing that the best choice at the moment is actually to leave the yard.

Forget it, thinking of this, Ives also ran to the window, but Juliet showed her friendship and stepped forward to help her out.

In the yard, Lu Teya was originally a hundred people, and his face became paler at this time, but Els never said a word, looking at Weng Lan's eyes are full of fierce light, obviously he hates Weng Lan to death. , And always think that those two women actually betrayed the past.

In fact, this is really not to blame them, who told him to grab food from others just now.

Weng Lan and Els looked at each other, and then let out a breath.

This Els is a very dangerous and disturbing factor! And Rutya is actually not much better than Els. Once he has a mental breakdown, it is very likely that he will become a timed bomb and explode, attracting many zombies.

Then... Weng Lan bit her lip, then slowly put down the gun in her hand, with a smile on her face, and spoke into it.

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