Rutya, a timid, weak and confused person who likes to complain, and the reason why he likes to complain is to get the attention of others and thus get help.

Els, he has a bad temper and a bad heart, but he is not a fierce person, and he should be very afraid of death, otherwise he can't be scared by a gun!

Weng Lan came to the above conclusion after analyzing the personalities of the two people.

As a pre-apocalyptic sales practitioner, observing one's words and feelings is actually just a basic skill.

At that time, Weng Lan had an own customer profile, which was very detailed. For example, one of them was named Wang Xiaohua.

Name: Wang Xiaohua

Gender: Female

Age: 35

Occupation: Manager of Purchasing Department of Huadong Pharmaceutical Company

Mobile phone number: 138XXXXXXXX

WeChat ID: pty911pty

Home address: Room 302, Unit 2, Building 4, Meiyuan Community, Gongshu District, Hanghai City.

Family members: husband, son

Hobbies: watching movies, having dinner with good girlfriends

Temperament: I like to show off and I love Face, but in fact I am greedy for petty and cheap, timid, and I like to do business in office.

Scope of activities: twenty-four hours a day, ten hours at the company, twelve hours at home, the remaining two hours are personal free time

Relationship with company colleagues: I am a girlfriend with XX, rival with XX, ambiguous with male colleagues of XX, and have a cold relationship with XX

Son's relevant information: school address, teacher phone number, classmate relationship, etc.

Husband's related information: Because the client is more jealous, she has no contact with her husband at the moment.

visiting record:

The first time I met, at 9:15 in the morning, I delivered business cards and fruits in the independent office. The customer was polite, but his eyes were cold. She introduced the company’s products and asked to purchase at the 80 deduction rate, but was rejected. She said that all similar products of the company had a 70 deduction rate, and she refused to give up. When it comes to distribution, let me bear the 4% tax point. After the meeting, it is difficult to make a comprehensive analysis.

When I met for the second time, I met the head teacher of Wang Dahua's purchasing manager's son by picking up his colleague's child. The two children were originally classmates. This class teacher is relatively easy to contact, gave some small gifts, and once invited to dinner, he became a good friend. After that, Wang Dahua was invited to dinner at six o'clock that evening. Wang Dahua refused. Later, when he mentioned the children, he brought out the head teacher. Wang Dahua heard that the head teacher and his own head teacher were the same teacher, and that the head teacher would also go to dinner in the evening. It was a simple gathering of friends. So Wang Dahua agreed to attend work.

After meeting for the third time, this was Weng Lan's ability. Through the first meeting, he judged the personality of the other party, and then obtained more information about the other party through observation and investigation, and then figured out a way to go to public relations.

What she studies is human nature, and the complexity of sales work is by no means imaginable by ordinary practitioners, but Weng Lan was very familiar with it back then, and her performance in the industry is quite outstanding!

At this time, Weng Lan put down the gun, looked at Rutea with a smile, and spoke:

"I heard your name before. Your name is Rutya? Hey, we could get along well, but Sam wanted to smother his son, so I could only kill him. Now, we It should be united. Look outside, there are zombies everywhere. If you go, you don’t have time to talk too much! Rutya, come over too, let’s stay together, so that when you encounter a crisis, everyone will If you can discuss it, there is no way for a person to survive in the last days. We all understand this! Moreover, we still have food here! I believe the rescue should be coming soon after insisting on it!"

While saying this paragraph, Weng Lan kept looking at Els, her eyes full of mockery.

Moreover, she said: There is no way for a person to live in the last days...The tone is very heavy, as if she was talking to Ruthea, but in fact she was telling Els.

Lu Teya didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Weng Lan's words, on the contrary, he thought it made a lot of sense.

So since the other party wants to accept him regardless of the predecessors, Root is naturally willing. Now it is obvious that Weng Lan seems to be safer. She has weapons and food!

They didn't care too much about these things when they were just trapped, but now they have become treasures.

In fact, if Sam was alive, this kind of thing would not happen, because Sam was the head of several people, and Weng Lan killed him very decisively in the first place. Of course, Weng Lan felt that she didn’t mean it, she just In order to protect themselves, they killed the other's leaders.

Rutya had already taken his footsteps at this time, but Els grabbed him.

"Hi, man, don't go! This woman is not a good thing!"

Els saw it, Weng Lan should never intend to accept own, so if Rutya leaves, he will be left alone.

As Weng Lan said, it is indeed too difficult to be alone in this last days.

Rutya glanced back at Els, froze for a moment, and didn't think too much.

Weng Lan suddenly drew a dagger from her waist, and then threw it at Ruthya's feet.

"The guy Els doesn't seem to want you to go, he wants you to starve with him! Root pressure, use this knife to scare him, let him not stop you!"

After Weng Lan said these words, the corners of her mouth raised an arc, feeling that her words were a bit funny. Birutya shouldn't pick up the knife, because he doesn't seem to use a weapon like a knife at all!

But Els doesn’t have to.

Sure enough, Els saw that Weng Lan had thrown a knife in front of Rutya, and he walked towards the knife without even thinking about it, and then bent over to pick it up.

"Oh my God! Rutya, be careful! The knife is about to be snatched away by him! Quickly, stop him!"

This is human nature. When two children are playing together, if their own things are snatched by the child, the other child will be anxious and even cry.

In fact, some of the behaviors of people when they were young are their souls. When they grow up to be hidden in the future, they don't mean they disappear, but they won't leak out in the real society.

Weng Lan's voice is clear and deep and rapid, and her tone is also up and down, which can very much inspire the mood of others.

Rutya was nervous and thought to himself: Els must be jealous, because at this time he became a lonely man, and the women on the opposite side wanted to accept him and would not accept Els.

Why is he going to pick up the knife? The knife is obviously owned by the woman! That's own thing!

Thinking of this, Rutya also quickly stepped forward to stop Els.

Weng Lan's voice became more urgent, making the atmosphere even more tense!

"Be careful! Rutya, you must be careful! He has got the knife, and you will be stunned, you are about to be killed! See if there are any useful tools! What is that thing on your waist?"

Stun Els?

Yes, he is going to stun him!

But Els is a black guy. He is so big, can he knock him out?

Has tools around his waist? have what?

Els subconsciously reached out and touched it, and then took out the waist knife, only then did he remember that he was carrying a knife!

Els had already picked up the knife at this time. He just heard Weng Lan's hasty words, and felt extremely ridiculous in his heart, and hated this woman even more.

When he picked up the knife and turned around, he saw Lutea who was holding a knife at him!

Ruthya wants to kill him?

Suddenly, Els became nervous. He held a knife in one hand and wanted to snatch the knife in Ruth's hand with the other to prevent him from attacking himself.

Weng Lan finally had a smile on her face when she saw this scene.

Pigs are different from dogs.

Although a dog is very fierce, but it can understand human speech, and human speech is terrible, so the dog is also afraid.

Although the pig is very weak, it does not know how to advance and retreat.

The so-called pig-like teammates may refer to this kind of person!

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