Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1165 I want to divorce you

In a luxurious mansion in the northern district of Jianzhifeng, Long Qingshan, a relatively high-ranking official of the military department, was receiving a very special guest, which was a cloud of black smoke.

"Yue'e, the people I sent seem to be dead."

Long Qingshan is estimated to be almost eighty years old, but he is always strong. The concubine in his new family is only eighteen this year.

"Uncle, you must help me this time. If the little hoof doesn't die, I won't be able to resurrect!"

"Okay, okay, Yue'e, you are my niece. You know that I am a person who pays the most attention to family relationships. I will naturally work hard to bring you back to life. And I am also curious, who is going to protect that girl! Don’t worry, people have been rearranged. I have been interested in assassination in my entire life. I really have never encountered anyone who can’t kill. It’s just a question of whether I’m willing to kill! Besides, she is not a supernatural person, even if she has some The methods are useless, as long as I really want to kill her, she will never continue to live!"

"Uncle, thank you for that! Hey, I also went to find the old lantern and the parasite, but they all failed. The old lantern is still dead, and was killed by a sword repairer who suddenly appeared. It seems to be called Gu Changqing?"

"No! It's not him, it's Guo Sihai, the next generation leader. Hmph, this kid is actually the target I want to kill. I plan to push the owner to the foreground. Now I can't get the most benefit by continuing to hide, so I don’t want to be a shadow again. I want to emit a radiance brighter than the sun under the radiance of the sun. Now in the Eleventh Shadows, the parasites and the flower lady are dead. Hey, the love with them was still good. And the Eleven Shadows are connected to each other. Only we know that we have really existed. The tradition of the people in black organization is too focused and hidden. It may be needed before the end of the world, but it should be reformed long ago after the end of the world! Let me Hidden Killer come and be the pioneer!"

"What? Hua Po is also dead?"

"Well, the turmoil in the capital of Tang Dynasty, it is estimated that Queen Tang Yu has reached some kind of agreement with the Northern King Beichenxing in private. What role does it play?"

Tian Yue'e doesn't really care about these things, she only hopes that Hidden Kill can help her kill Qiu Jinse in the light of the love of the year! So she quickly brought the topic back on track.

"Uncle, who did you send?"

"Have you heard of the hidden killing order?"

Tian Yue'e was startled, and then quickly said:

"Have heard of it! I heard that once this order comes out, there is no doubt that the order will die?"

"Yeah! When I was young, I liked to study killers and assassins, to read stories like this. At that time, there was a heart to kill, and in the end times, the revenge of adolescence was truly realized. In the last twenty years or so, I have built a super strong team of killers. In these years, those who have received my hidden kill order have not been able to survive! This is my temper and my stubbornness. Now I have sent someone to hand over a hidden killing order to the woman. Do you think she can still live?"

Tian Yue'e was really happy and thanked him repeatedly.

Long Qingshan smiled slightly, and then continued to water the flowers with a kettle, just like an ordinary old man.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door outside, and Tian Yuee disappeared.

Several children ran in and called Grandpa around Long Qingshan.

Long Qingshan laughed and gave them a candy.

"Grandpa! We want to hear you tell a story!"

The children yelled.

"Okay! So Grandpa tells you a story about a killer today! It's just that this story hasn't ended yet, do you want to listen?"

"Listen, listen!"

"Well, then sit down, the name of this story is called the hidden killing order! In the legend, there is a hidden killing order, and then the order will die.

Long Qingshan was telling the story in an unusually low and old voice. Several children sat down faithfully, their faces flushed with nervousness, and they did not dare to speak.

Qin An was also as honest as a child at this time, sitting opposite Lan Yue not daring to speak.

Hey, when he was young, Lan Yue was actually a bit more naughty compared to Liu Xia.

In the past twenty years, things have changed.

Liu Xia lived in seclusion near the city of Qin to cultivate her character and cultivated her good temper. Lan Yue became the lord of the city in Qin Lan, her temper was much colder, and her angry appearance was a bit scary.

"Say! Why did she make me call her Aunt so arrogantly? Where did she squeeze out from seniority?"

Lanyue's eyes were red, but her face was very white.

At this time, Qin An really wanted to rush into another space, pulling out Wuma Xiaosan and beating him violently.

"Haha... my wife, she's a crazy woman, she's nonsense, how do I know what she thinks."

"Then you go and call her over, I have to ask her face to face!" Lan Yue is not stupid, naturally knows to go to an appointment with the person involved.


"Huh, I always think this is weird! After we came to Tianju, the place where we lived was connected to the place where Vajra Lao Liu lived, but the space where their sisters lived was not open to us! Three women lived What are the taboos to be together? Are they afraid of me going to see them sleep?"

Speaking of this, Lan Yue actually shed tears, and she didn't know why she was so wronged.

Qin An could only come close and hug it into his arms to comfort him, but was pushed away by Lan Yue, and then stared at Qin An with piercing eyes.

"At that time, my mother appeared in Xuanjian City, as if she was pregnant!

I just wanted to talk to her about the past, but she told me not to let me call her mother, and said that we weren't biological at first, and after many years in the last days, there was no fate for mother and daughter!

Why is this? Why is she doing this?

Also, how about you? What is your performance?

My mother who had been missing for many years suddenly appeared. You don't care about it. If she disappeared, you won't look for it!

You have the power of super hearing and super vision, it is natural and easy to find someone!

You are very thoughtful about other things, and it has always been great to apologize to me! But why don't you care about my mother such a big thing?

Do you think I don't know the reason for this?

I just don't dare to guess without evidence, and I'm afraid to imagine!

Qin An, if you don't tell me plainly today, I will...I will divorce you! "

Lan Yue was really anxious, and she uttered the divorce.

Qin An looked at Blue Moon, who was like a small fighter plane, in a daze.

It turned out that she had been aware of it a long time ago, but she hadn't told herself clearly.

Hey, it seems that people's hearts are not simple.

So, what should we do? Say it or not?

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