Lan Yue stopped talking,

Qin An was so entangled, after a long time, he sighed and said:

"Well, then you come with me!"

While talking, Qin An turned and left the room.

He really couldn't say anything about this, so maybe it would be more appropriate for Liu Ru to speak for himself.

With such thoughts in mind, Qin An decided to take Lan Yue to see Liu Ru!

Looking at Qin An's back, Lan Yue's heart beat quickly, but in the end she followed out, and she had to figure out the truth anyway! Even if this truth is the last thing she wants to see!

In the bamboo forest, there is emerald green everywhere.

Liu Ru was sitting on the grass in a spacious white dress, and behind him was a big fluffy bear toy.

The Son of Super Body in the belly now looks seven or eight months old. This thing is very strange, occasionally getting bigger and occasionally getting smaller, Liu Ru didn't even understand it.

Qin An has done a B-ultrasound personally with a perspective eye, and judged that he should be a kid, similar to a normal human baby, there is no more hand, no one missing a foot, at least it looks normal on the surface.

However, both Qin An and Liu Ru knew that this little thing was definitely not simple, it was Liu Ru's fourth sword god ability of Super Body Sword God! It is the product born after absorbing the infinite essence of Qin'an!

When Qin An and Liu Ru said this, Liu Ru always blushed and said nothing.

In fact, she felt that what Qin An said was wrong. In any case, this child was the result of her more than 20 years of pregnancy, and her credit seemed to be greater.

The sun was exceptionally shining, and Liu Ru felt that she had returned to her childhood. There was no sorrow, no worries, and some just casual happiness, and this is actually the essence of life!

The three Wuma sisters took turns to help the soldiers outside clean up the zombies. This was mainly based on Qin An's Face, because Qin An wanted humans to defeat the zombies.

They actually don't care about the last days and not the last days. They originally grew up in the paradise of the last days. What does the crisis of the last days have to do with them?

Therefore, all this is only because of Qin An, their recognized man.

Today, the boss of the Wuma family, Wuma Danxin, stayed in the center of the sky.

At this time, Wu Ma Danxin was wearing a somewhat quaint white gown, sitting on the ground in Lotus Position, playing the piano for Liu Ru.

Although the three sisters of Wuma looked exactly the same, Liu Ru was actually the closest to Wuma Dan, because Wuma Dan was very quiet, and very clever and thorough.

After a song of phoenix begged the phoenix to play, Wu Ma Dan smiled slightly and said:

"I recently made some books to read, saying that the fetus was listening to the concert in his belly to cultivate his sentiment. I just don’t know if my Feng Qiuhuang will let the little one inside become a young master, just like his father. !"

"Hehe, Dan Xin, your personality has become much more cheerful recently, and you can tell jokes."

"It may be because of you. I had never seen any outsiders when I hid here with the Little Sisters, and didn't understand the outside world. You came and told me a lot of things, which made me change a little bit."

"I... I don't know much, but I live longer than you. Worried, don't you want to go outside and have a look? Go for a break?"

"Look at what you are saying, aren't we now following the sang-gong to enter the world? I think this is pretty good, at least better than before! Our three sisters are all contented people, and we are very content now."

"Hey, contentment is great. In fact, I have the same mood as you, so we can talk and become friends like sisters."

"Sister, I have to apologize to you. Yesterday, the third sister said nothing. Hey, this girl is still like a child."

"You are originally young girls, aren't you just a little older than your children? So it doesn't matter. If there is something upset in my heart, I just think it's nice to be young

"Hey, you are really irritating. You obviously look much tenderer than us when you are young, but you like to make such annoying words!"

"Hey, is it really tender?"

The two chatted lightly, and then saw Qin An walking through the bamboo forest with a purple face and carrying Lan Yue.

When Liu Ru saw Lan Yue, she was taken aback for a moment, then her face became pale, and then she smiled indifferently.

"Come on? Come and let me see. It's been a long time since I saw you. Why does it seem to be a bit fatter?"

Lan Yue's face was originally tense, but she let go the moment she saw Liu Ru, then walked up, squatted down and hugged Liu Ru into her embrace, closed her eyes and wept, and she was silent.

Qin An took Lan Yue here and planned to escape, but when he saw the mother and daughter hugging and Lan Yue was crying, he felt his heart again, and in the end he just walked to the side of the stone table and sat down gently.

Wuma worried about putting the piano in his hand, and then came over to pour a cup of tea for Qin An, blinking wildly, meaning to ask why Lan Yue came here? Isn't this going to be exposed?

Qin An ignored Wuma Danxin, and did not dare to look at the mother and daughter. He just pretended to look around the scene as if nothing had happened, but his heart was already nervous to die.

"You... are you okay?"

"Well, very good! Every day I ate and slept, slept and ate, other times as it is now, chat with the Wuma sisters and see the scenery. If they are all there, we will play mahjong. I have won a lot of them. What about the money!"

"Huh, it's really good looking at you like this! You even won someone's money!"

Lan Yue pouted her small mouth and spit out, then wiped away her tears and smiled.

No matter what the reason is, Lan Yue feels really good to be able to talk with Liu Ru like this!

This seems to be a Samsara. Back then, she was taken by Qin An to find Liu Ru and left Qincheng. After that, she returned to Qincheng and became the lord of a city with the support of Qincheng veterans, but Qin An wandered to United States Really twenty-two years!

Now, she has married Qin An as his wife, and the woman she cares about is not dead and is by her side. What else can make people happy if she is closed?

"Why hide?"

Lan Yue asked these words softly, and then quickly raised her hand and held Liu Ru's mouth.

"You don't need to say! I actually don't want to know the reason so much, as long as you...As long as you are not hiding from me, anything is fine! From now on you will be my little Ruru Big sis!"

Having said that, Lan Yue cried again, and Liu Ru and Qin An who were watching were a little sad.

"Tell you a story...want to listen?"


Lan Yue hesitated, but finally nodded.

"The story starts with the woman who obtained the Super Body Sword God in the Doomsday Land.

The protagonist of the story...There are two, the man is called Xiaoan, and he uses a fake name.

The female is called Xiaoru. She transformed into a little girl by using her super physical ability.

They met at the beach, and then experienced the blue ocean snow and the giant whale together!

There is also a small island in this story. It is called Dongding Island. In fact, everything started from there, from that night.

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