"Hey, I heard that the spider kid died terribly, and the toad girl was so scared to cry! It was said that a super powerful woman suddenly appeared next to Qiu Jinse and came through time and space. This ability should be Is it related to the Sword God? Can the three of us be able to deal with it in the past? The woman also said that he is the daughter of the lord of the Qin League, which is really weird!" The fifty-year-old middle-aged Fatty was called Qiao San, and he patted red as he walked. Woman's ass.

The woman in red didn't mind, she writhed her buttocks when she walked, as if she was cooperating with Qiao San's movements. Her name was Wu Xiaofei, 37 years old this year.

"We are going to kill Rendi, don't Nong Xiao know? A qualified assassin, what he wants is the ability to win the top rank among thousands of troops!"

"You sorrowful girl. You know a lot, and you have a lot of troops and horses, and take the top?"

The third man who spoke was named Xu Dakai, not tall, forty-five years old.

"Eh, it's not right for you to say that! Which one is Sao. Niang? The old lady is very pure, okay? Funny!"

"Are you pure? Look at Fatty's hand, it's almost stuffing you. It's in the ditch, and it's pure!" Xu Dakai's tone was obviously jealous.

Qiao San laughed and said, "Dakai, stop making trouble? Talking so badly, I'm helping Xiaofei massage. Do you think I'm taking advantage of her?"

"That's right, Xu Dakai, don't always be serious. If you want to touch it, my old lady will let you touch it. Anyway, you won't lose flesh when touching it. You are comfortable with my old lady. But I am a very principled person, you Feel it, you can't do other things!"

"Cut, I don't bother to touch it, daddy hasn't touched a woman's butt!"

"Okay, you two always quarrel, now we are going to carry out the task, let's study how to kill that Qiu Jinse!" Qiao San is very business.

"It's good for you to study. Anyway, I don't want to fight with you. I'm a lone woman. Killing people alone is my stunt!"

"Oh, I'm fucking, Big Sister, don't brag! Did you forget it once? Go and kill a fifth-level upgrader in Western Tibet. It was a few years ago? Six years ago? As a result, you were beaten so that your mother didn't even know him. If it weren't for me and old Qiao to rush, you can live to this day?"

Wu Xiaofei's face was as usual, and he laughed and said: "Don't wanting face! Is that the truth? My old lady is trying to lure the enemy to go deeper and use your own body to attract the target, so that you can successfully kill him! Otherwise, relying on our strength at the time, Can you deal with him? I don't know anything, Xiao Ci!"

"I'm fucking you crippled, who do you call the old thorn?"

"How do you drop? The old lady scolded you, you're a fool!"

"Damn! Let's fight, okay! Fuck, come here, don't use supernatural powers! Damn damn girl, see Daddy won't kill you!"

"My old lady fights with you and still uses powers? Come on, come on, come on? If you don't beat me to death, you will have the same surname as me from now on, the little one!"

"Old Qiao, please don't hold me, it's forcing you. The one who raised me said that I was a scumbag, no, no, no, no, my heart is mad at me, I must fuck her! Old Qiao, don't hold me

While they were talking, the three of them twisted into a ball, and they didn't use the supernatural ability, just like ordinary people fighting, and the dust was flying all over the floor...

Qin An looked silly at this time.

Are these three people funny? Or a funny monkey?

Needless to say, they must be the killers sent by Hidden Killer, but this character is really painful!

Sneaking at Qiu Jinse, are these three people waiting for this dumb girl?

Hey, I can’t guess it, but the story seems to be getting more and more interesting. Wait, see that the three people are walking in this direction. According to their previous speed, it is estimated that it will be dusk when they arrive here, right?


When the evening came, the sky was gloomy, and the three funny ratios did not reach. There were still ten kilometers away from here, and the walking was as slow as a tortoise. Although there was no fighting anymore, Wu Xiaofei and Xu Dakai were still fighting, and Qiao San was still fighting.

The "house" the scavengers prepared for Qin An was a shack built of grass and branches. It was not too big but not too small, and Qin An could stand up inside.

Qiu Jinse's shack was only three meters away from where Qin An lived, and the shacks of the three Russian women were also nearby.

The Yuhai five-member team set up a small tent alone on the edge of the scavenger camp. The three people who went to patrol have returned and exchanged information with each other.

There is nothing unusual outside. In addition to this reconnaissance patrol team, there are actually many reconnaissance teams nearby. After all, this is the rear of the owner. The responsibility of the reconnaissance team is not to fight, but to prevent the enemy from coming over to do damage, guide follow-up reinforcements, and reduce The accident happened.

Regarding the scavenger camp, the female soldier Zhu Dandan put forward her own opinion. She thinks the scavengers have no problem. In fact, other teams have come here to verify their identities, and there are signs to follow.

Then the newly arrived Qin An, Qiu Jinse, Russian women, and two apocalyptic businessmen are a little suspicious.

Zhu Dandan believes that there is a possibility that there are abilities in this area, and should be prepared for battle, and contact the detection team of abilities in the area to let them come and check.

Yuhai accepted Zhu Dandan's suggestion, and at the same time moved their tent back five hundred meters again, which was considered as far away from the scavenger camp and labelled Qin An as dangerous.

Qin An knew everything about the investigation team's actions and nodded secretly, feeling that they were not only cautious but also careful, and really deserve to be praised.

At this moment, the little girl Li Taotao suddenly got into Qin An's shack, causing Qin An to frown slightly.

"Hey, how old are you?" Li Taotao didn't admit to being a child at all, holding boiled water in her hand, and after placing it on the ground, she directly sat on the bed made of grass.

"Little girl, I didn't keep you as a guest." Qin An deliberately pretended to be very serious, because he found that several scavenger women had also entered the end-time merchant's tent, with obvious intentions, and asked whether to accompany or sleep.

I don't need it, and I'm afraid of getting this kind of trouble.

"You are so strange that other guests want me to enter his shack and I won't come... Don't get me wrong, I am not interested in you. My father said you should be a difficult person, so Let me take a look."

Qin An doesn't have much thoughts about Li Haibo's own speculation.

His performance was originally too calm. It didn’t look like an ordinary wandering boy or someone who came here to find someone. So whether it was Li Haibo or the female soldier Zhu Dandan who had doubts about him, it was normal. He didn't want to deliberately hide his own strength. He was just waiting for the answer to be revealed to see what the dumb girl was doing.

"Oh? Since you are here to check my voice, why did you tell me directly? Shouldn't you ask side-by-side questions?"

"Hey, you are really weird, you look younger than me, but you talk old-fashioned! How do I use this idiom?"

"Appropriate!" Qin An praised her without hesitation.

"What does it mean to be appropriate? My dad didn't teach this!"


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