Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1197 Li Haibo's War

Seeing Li Taotao's seeking knowledge, Qin An was in a daze.

What will the heart look like when it grows up? Will it be as clear as the girl in front of you?

Well, it certainly will. Although Own has a bad personality and not cheerful enough, Li Na was a sharp tomboy when she was a child.

Since the child was born to him and Li Na, he should inherit a bit of his parents' genes, right?

Qin An suddenly remembered what parents would often say before the end of the world: everything is for the children.

Now that he is a father, what kind of future Qin Wenxin and the kid in Liu Ru's belly have?

Let them grow up in the end times?

Let them be trapped in the wall?

no way!

Children are always rebellious. Once they are older, they are eager to go out. At that time, the world is full of crises. If the child leaves, he still has to worry about death?

So the world must change!

Qin An has already vowed in his heart that even if he wants to level the mountains and rivers and let the blood soak the rivers and mountains, he wants the world to settle down, and for this he will not hesitate to die!

After the Shanhaiguan base was completed, it was time for him to leave and enter the End Spirit Realm. That would be the starting point for him to fight and break the Quartet!

There was a beast that killed him all the time in his heart. Qin An had taken care of it very well these years, but this did not mean that its teeth had fallen out. Qin An could predict that as long as he truly turned on the killing mode, this apocalyptic world would surely become bloody because of him! When he really has no scruples about killing people, the blood flow will surely become a river!

After attacking the curse, he will embark on such a journey!


"Hey, what do you think? Am I asking you? What does this idiom mean?"

"Appropriately, I'm complimenting you, showing that you used the correct words. Little girl, you are very easy to learn. Now many children don't like to learn these idioms, and they find it jerky and difficult to understand."

Li Taotao looked at the boy in front of him in surprise, and said after a long time:

"In this tone, do you really think you are an uncle?"

"Haha, it's not impossible for you to call me uncle."

"Cut, let's take a sample! See you are not as strong as I am!"

Qin An looked at Taotao's well-developed figure, curled his lips and said, "You are not sturdy, you are baby fat!"


Tao Tao's little face flushed. This is the first time someone says she is baby fat. How old is she? Baby?

Just thinking of retorting, Qin An's face suddenly condensed, and then made a silent gesture to Taotao.

"Shhh, don't talk!"

"Why? What tricks?"

In Taotao's mind, the kid in front of him is already a badass.

Qin An listened for a while, then whispered:

"Taotao, can you be a scavenger?"

Taotao was taken aback for a moment, wondering why Qin An quickly changed the subject after a shock. Is this person sick?

"Of course it's okay, the whole world is my home! My father said that practitioner Wujiang, we are the most chic and happy people in the last days, much better than the guy trapped by the wall!"

"What your father said is not unreasonable. But he probably doesn't think so in his heart. I think he might prefer to have a quiet place to live, and then a quiet and stable home."

"You are the roundworm in my father's stomach? How do you know what he thinks?"

"Doesn't the gentleman set up a dangerous wall? No one wants to be at ease, let alone your dad's smart guy."

"Rude! Your father is the guy!"

"Oh sorry, your father is not a guy!"

"You! You are so bad!"

Seeing the little girl sulking, Qin An smiled softly:

"After the matter here is over, I will talk to your father. I think he is a good person. I am willing to take him and follow me in the future to see what his thoughts are."

Li Taotao was a little dizzy. This kid is not weird, but very, very weird. She has never seen such a weird person!

"How do you know that my dad is smart?"

Qin An turned his head to look outside the tent, and Li Haibo was running around, very busy.

"Hey, he has insight into everything, but he can tell the story so calmly. How could he not be a smart person? Little girl, I am optimistic about your Little Brother tonight. I am afraid that there is a lot of restlessness on this corner of the mountain. , Blessings and misfortunes follow each other!"

In the end, these two words Qin An said a little bit, bluffing Li Taotao, making her feel that the kid in front of her is not only strange, bad, but also really capable!

It was getting darker and darker, Li Haibo wiped the sweat from his forehead, and Jia Li said to the old buddies next to him:

"Help me take care of the little watermelon and the little peach blossom!"

"Dage, what are you doing?"

"It's nothing, go to meet someone, don't forget what I just explained to you! Abandon me at the critical moment, and then run away with the child!"


"No, but! This is my destiny. Since I met it, I can't escape! Children should not be embarrassed because of me.

While talking, Li Haibo had already changed into his latest set of clothes, a black suit, a white shirt, and shiny leather shoes, and the messy hair he had brushed back behind his head.

Not to mention, after dressing up like this, Li Haibo had such a taste of the God of Gamblers before the end of the world, which was the movie Chow Yun-fat played.

Looking in the mirror, everything is fine. Li Haibo took the towel again to wipe the sweat off his forehead, then walked out of his own shack, entered the Great Wall corridor, left from the gap, and reached another one less than tens of meters away from Qin'an’s shack. Outside the shack.

He first looked around and found nothing unusual, so he walked over and entered it lightly.

In the shack, the black veiled woman was sitting stupidly. Under the black veil, her face was pale and bloodless, like a dead person, and her eyes were bloodshot and red.

Li Haibo stood for a while after entering the shack, then slowly sat on the ground and spoke softly:

"Your eyes are still so beautiful after twenty years, but they have lost their stubbornness and spirituality!"

The black-clothed woman's body trembled, she turned her head suddenly, looked at Li Haibo, and seemed to realize that he was coming in.

"You...Do you recognize me?"

"Well, because I have never forgotten it, I have a deep memory. How about you? You said that you would hate me for eternal life. Have you hated me all these years?"

The woman nodded subconsciously.

"Hate! Hate penetrates the bone!"

"Haha, that's great, I really hate me for explaining that I didn't forget me!"

Get out! Hurry up, I beg you! "

The woman's voice was suddenly nervous and anxious, trembling a little.

Li Haibo did not move, still sitting against the shack's doorpost, and then staring at the woman blankly.

"Wei Ran, I want to say sorry to you... I was really too rude to you back then! But it doesn't matter, after all, you and I are still alive, and being alive is the best thing, isn't it?

By the way, the plane came at that time, and I let you choose, but you dismissed me as a result.

Today seems to be an alternative situation. What do you choose? Would you like me to help you? As long as you have a word, I am willing to live and die with you, even if the situation you are facing today is such a crisis

Wei Ran, watching the man slowly weep, his body trembled more intensely.

"You...how did you know? How do you know that I am under the control of others now?"

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