Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1198 Two Women In Red

Li Haibo's face became gloomy, and sure enough, he was right to guess!

In fact, when Wei Ran and the Russian woman and another man in black arrived, Li Haibo recognized the goddess of dreams who had let him dream.

However, he was not too excited to lose his judgment.

He found that Wei Ran seemed to be injured, his body was stiff, and it was very difficult to walk.

By her side, the man in black had been supporting her, dragging her to be precise, very rude.

In other words, they should not be a simple companionship, at least the men in black have no kindness towards her.

As for the Russian woman, the man in black said that she was a cargo and was going to be sold to Jiulong Mountain.

Li Haibo can be considered countless people, so he thinks that as a cargo, the expression of Russian women is too easy, too calm, and too indifferent.

In addition, Li Haibo is a small animal trainer, or mosquito breeder.

He found a mosquito about the size of an ordinary mosquito, but very smart.

In fact, in the book "Apocalypse Biology", this type of mosquito is called a sticky bite, a second-level upgraded beast, which is more intelligent, sensitive to human voices, and can be domesticated.

When sucking human blood, it can keep sucking, and it sucks secretly, the pain is not strong, and the blood sucked into its body will not support its body because of the existence of black spots.

So if ordinary people are attacked by this kind of mosquito and do not find that it is biting, they will faint because of the slow blood loss and will eventually be sucked to death.

What is gratifying is that this mosquito is actually not very interested in human blood, so they will not take the initiative to attack people, unless they are controlled by others.

Li Haibo will release mosquitoes to test when he feels that the guests are abnormal.

So today, when mosquitoes landed and bitten by Wei Ran's three people, Li Haibo discovered that Wei Ran had a small bag on his neck, while the black-clothed man and Russian woman had smooth skin, without any reaction!

This can only prove that Wei Ran has no abilities, the other two have. It's no surprise that the black man has supernatural powers, but if the so-called Russian female slave also has supernatural powers, shouldn't she be controlled by some means? Instead of not even having a rope, let her follow along freely, they are not traveling.

Another point is that the black-clothed man looked at Wei Ran's gaze very unfriendly, while his gaze at the Russian woman was full of love.

Li Haibo understood that feeling very well. A man fell in love with a woman so deeply that he went back to look at her like that. He looked at Wei Ran like that at the beginning!

So on the whole, Li Haibo felt that Wei Ran might have been controlled. Although this was just a guess, Li Haibo did not dare to be careless, because he knew that he was a weak person in front of the superpower, so he had to be careful.

After dinner in the evening, Li Haibo has been sitting in his own tent thinking.

He told those people a story this afternoon, a story that happened between himself and Wei Ran and Bai Li many years ago.

This story is not meant to express his feelings to Wei Ran, he is probing!

In the story, he repeatedly said Wei Ran's name with accents, but the eyes of the Russian woman and the man in black remained unchanged from beginning to end.

In other words, they probably didn't know Wei Ran, at least they didn't know the name.

All the inferences were finally confirmed after the person arranged by Li Haibo reported to him, and the man in black sneaked into the shack of the Russian woman. The sentry did not dare to approach it for fear of being discovered by the superpower, but the shack would leak light and not soundproof.

Therefore, the sentry can be sure that they should be doing things between men and women in the tent.

Hmph, true end-time merchants will not have a relationship with goods. This is their taboo, and it is also a character formed in the end-times for more than two decades.

In other words, the man in black is not a real apocalyptic businessman at all, so why did he pretend and where is their destination? These questions Li Haibo couldn't think of.

But in any case, if Wei Ran is really controlled, he wants to save her, because he gave up this woman back then, and has been regretting it until today!

That's why Li Haibo dressed up, went to Wei Ran's tent, and finally settled everything after a brief conversation with her, and he was right!

So I am afraid that there will be no peace tonight, and where his fate will go, he has no way of grasping!

Unless, he gave up Wei Ran again! Then regret for another twenty years! But how many twenty years are there in his life?

Li Watermelon got into Qin An's tent. He had been following Big Sis all the time. The old man said that little men should learn to protect women.

"Don't bully me Big sis! Suddenly! Machine gun!"

After the kid came in, he made a gun gesture and aimed at Qin An, and then made a sudden noise...


Li Taotao went up and kicked the little watermelon down, then twisted his ears and lifted him out.

"What are you doing? Erbi!"

"I protect you, sister, how do you kick me? I have a gun, suddenly..."

"Tutu, your grandma has a chicken thigh, playing in the mud at the door, don't give me Losing face!"

"Cut, look down on me!"

"Dead boy, I will seal your mouth when you are in Tu Tu Tu!"

"Huh! Da Da Da, Da Da Da..."

Li Taotao, with a flushed face, returned to the shack, only feeling that her childish Little Brother had made her lose face.

When she went to see Qin An again, she found that Qin An didn't seem to care, because he was staring at a corner with surprise.

"What are you looking at?" Li Taotao asked curiously.

"... A person who is somewhat implicated with me appeared. She is still 20 kilometers away, setting up a tent and preparing to rest. There are two other women with her, but I don't know! I don't know if they will come eventually. Here...it’s so weird, because she is also wearing a red dress! Like Wu Xiaofei who is still eight kilometers away from here...they are all in bright red color, is it more popular this year?"

Li Taotao frowned and said:

"You are clairvoyant, you still know about things twenty kilometers away! Humph, you guys are really boring."

She was bored in the building, but Li Taotao did not turn away. She has no playmates in the scavenger camp, and now it’s just night, so she’s fine, and thinks it’s good to talk with the kid in front of her, after all, although he is very Weird, but it also feels very kind and doesn't seem to be a dangerous person.

"The dumb girl who suddenly gained power and then left the camp and came here; Wei Ran, the woman controlled and subjected to the cruelest treatment; the ninth-level upgraded Russian woman and her loyal dog, the man in black; coming soon The black-clothed killers Qiao San, Wu Xiaofei, Xu Dakai; she and two mysterious women who are camping nearby, want to save their goddess after years of absence, Li Haibo; and...and the sudden boy Li Watermelon! What a big scene!"

Qin An whispered to himself, ignoring the dumbfounded little peach blossom

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