After Qin An returned to the shack, he lay directly on the bed made of grass. Not to mention, it was very comfortable!

Qiu Jinse trot in and chased her in. She was surprised that she hadn't kept up with the seemingly walking young man, which surprised her, and at the same time, she was sure that the other party had supernatural powers.

"Hey, Big Sister, what are you doing here, I'm going to sleep!"

For some reason, Qin An just wanted to tease the dumb girl. He thought that he might be doing this to relieve stress and relieve the killing intent in his heart at this time.

He can kill people as well as kill people, but he must not lose his mind because of this.

Qiu Jinse took out a box from his backpack, and then took out the chemically synthesized Ye Mingzhu from it.

This kind of night pearl is actually very cheap. It is a lighting device often carried by pedestrians in the last days. Its brightness is not high, and its propagation distance is not far, and it only emits light in a small area.

Throwing Ye Mingzhu to Qin An's side, Qiu Jinse spoke straightforwardly:

"Are you Qin An?"

"No!" Qin An was a little surprised. This dumb girl usually looks pretty dumb. How can she become smarter and think of her own identity?

"You are! If you are not, you should say: ‘Who is Qin An?’ Instead of saying, ‘I’m not!’" Qiu Jinse said with a pair of beautiful big eyes.

Qin An struggled, what kind of logic is this mud horse.

"Beauty, am I Qin An, do I have anything to do with you?"

"Why not! If you are Qin An, then you are also Qin Xiaoan, and you are also An Xiaoqin, huh, what is your name this time?"

"My name is Xiao Qing'an


Qiu Jinse pondered the pinyin, and then shouted a minute later: "You still say no, isn't this a homophonic of Xiao Qin'an again? Are you playing with me?"

Qin An saw Qiu Jinse's depressed, tangled and frantic expression, couldn't help but laugh, and at the same time controlled Wannian's ability to transform into another form of invisible shield, blocking the dialogue between himself and Qiu Jinse. .

"Ah, beauty, who is Qin An anyway? I'm really not him!"

"Qin An, are you playing with me?"

"Everyone said that I'm really not Qin An, and I'm underage, and my mother said that I can't talk to girls casually."


Qiu Jinse felt that she was going crazy, and now Qin An was the future Qin Wenxin had predicted for her.

In any case, Qiu Jinse wanted to see Qin An, because she wanted to verify Qin Wenxin's words, to see if her future was as Qin Wenxin said, and to see if it was possible for herself and Qin An.

Hey, in fact, she is not too young. Girls in the last days have men at the age of thirteen or fourteen. She is twenty-three or four but still alone.

And when she came out of prison this time, she really didn't want to go back.

There was no thought before, but now, because Qin Wenxin has told a future that will make her laugh and wake up in her dreams.

Will she have a long list of children with very different personalities? That's great!

When she is bullied, will the guys who inherited her father's abilities come forward to help her beat others?

This is also great! She has been lonely since she was a child, so can she not be alone in the future?

Because of these reasons, Qiu Jinse wanted to see Qin An, so much.

"Whether you are Qin An or not, I ask you, why do you know I am waiting for a woman in red?"

This matter is top secret. Qiu Jinse thought that only he and Qin Wenxin knew, because it was impossible for Qin Wenxin to tell Qin An, otherwise he would tell it directly. Why did he let himself come here?

Qin An exasperated! Then he said: "Observe, I think you always secretly look at the women in red-related clothes, glance at them but don't look at them, it seems that you are looking for something."

Oh my God, is the own action so obvious? Qiu Jinse blamed herself a little, but in fact she did a good job, but Qin An was too observant.

"Then...then how do you know that two women in red will come?"

"I'm talking nonsense, can't I talk nonsense? I can say eight if I want to!"

Qiu Jinse was speechless, and felt that the kid in front of him was really not Qin An.

Qin An's character doesn't seem to be that annoying, right?

Think of the black boy Qin Xiaoan. On weekdays, he was always quiet. At that time, he refused to speak. He would often guess his own mind, which was very powerful.

Little white face An Xiaoqin, they rarely come into contact with her. An Xiaoqin acts as her protector and doesn't often stay in the camp. She seems to be very busy, but she also feels mature and stable.

This kid in front of you is so skinny, what this little mouth says is a True Qi person!

So if it is not, will it be the enemy?

What is it for such a small supernatural person to appear here?

Qiu Jinse actually has some perception of dangerous people. This can be regarded as a woman's sixth sense. It is also because she has been assassinated since she was a child, so she has experience in this area.

So she felt that the Russian woman was dangerous, but she didn't really think that the boy in front of her was a dangerous person. She actually communicated smoothly with her. She spoke unscrupulously, and he calmly faced herself.

Oh, right! His tone, his tone is very problematic, as if they are familiar with each other!

So Qiu Jinse again thinks that this kid is still very likely to be Qin An, he is here to molest his own moles? like? Have a lot of children?

When some things were connected, Qiu Jinse became shy, and instead of glaring at Qin An, he found a place to sit in the shack and gradually calmed his own guilty conscience.

"Hey, what are you doing? Are you lonely and widowed, don't you plan to go back to your own tent?"

Qin An protested.

"No! I think you are very deliberate, so stay and monitor you!"

"Watch me? Big sis, are you too unreasonable? I didn't offend you again, why are you watching me? In case a woman among the scavengers wants to come over to bed, wouldn't you be delayed here? My good thing?"

"Humph! Of course they won't come, don't tell me you don't know the dark waves in this camp today!"

Sure enough, Qiu Jinse also discovered all of them.

"I don't know, I just know that you are very choppy. Big sis, you are getting fat again, don't you know? Can't you find a suitable dress to wear?"

Qiu Jinse looked down at his own clothes. There was nothing wrong with them, they were loose?

Immediately afterwards, her face flushed!

One of her clothes is indeed small, that is, the corset that she wears in it.

Therefore, the size does not match, and the two little rabbits have been constrained and changed their shapes, crowded together!

Oh my god, is there a clairvoyant to the conversation on the other side? Can she see her own chest?

Thinking of this, Qiu Jinse hurriedly raised his hands and covered his chest.

Qin An haha, then turned his head slightly and looked over there two kilometers away?

Qin An's expression became a little weird.

Damn it! ...Isn't it? Does the chaos of tonight add new blood?

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