Yuhai, Xiaolong, Wang Dana, Xu Ting, Zhu Dandan, the ordinary five-man team has ushered in the super-power five-man team,

They are team leader Su Zhe, team members Zhang Liang, Guo Xiaohu, Deng Hai, and Li Weidong.

Zhu Dandan took out the paintbrush and drawing board from his backpack, and it took only two minutes to outline the image of Qin An.

"This young man should be a superpower, and it seems to be very old, I suspect that his true age should be no longer young, at least he does not look young."

Then, she painted a portrait of a Russian woman sitting with two men in black.

"The people in black should be a man and a woman, black gauze covers their faces, so I can't see their looks. This Russian woman is said to be a cargo, but her face always has a calm and somewhat weird smile, with her eyes When I look at each other, I feel my heartbeat speeds up unconsciously. I think she should be a terrible person!

So in the end this woman is her, she is very beautiful, she has always been absent-minded, Li Haibo doesn't pay attention to listening when he speaks, and he is very cautious in doing things. Before eating and drinking water, he will always be a temptation! The reagent pills used are the same as our military equipment, so I have to suspect that she is in our army, and I don’t know why she appears here alone, so she is also very deliberate! "

The superpower captain named Su Zhe is very handsome and looks like he is in his thirties.

When his indifferent gaze swept over the portrait of Qiu Jinse, it suddenly brightened, and then his eyebrows were furrowed.

By his side, Zhang Liang looked in his early forties. This person was very thin and good-looking, but he looked too feminine.

After seeing Qiu Jinse, his eyes also let out light.

"Ahhhhh, this is really effortless! Boss, isn't this little girl our goal?"

Guo Xiaohu stepped forward to take a look, and then said to Deng Hai and Li Wendong: "Huh? You two come over and see if this chick was rescued by us from the man in black back then, and then followed us in. A member of the army? Later, she killed the owner's family and was sentenced? She seemed to like our boss back then, haha! Almost became our sister-in-law!"

"Ah, what a coincidence, what a coincidence, I met her here! Dage, what should I do about this? Why do you want to do it?"

Su Zhe pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "Now and then, our identities are different, so we naturally have to stand in different positions to do things.

The words were only half said, Su Zhe raised his head, the expression on his face returned to indifference again:

"Five hard work! These people are indeed weird, and among them are dangerous people we are familiar with, so stay away! Their problems will be solved by us!"

Yuhai frowned and looked at Su Zhe. He didn't understand the meaning of their conversation just now, but in the end he could only pay a military salute.

"Yes! Then the five adults have worked hard too, please be careful!"

While speaking, Yu Hai waved his hand and took Zhu Dandan and the others away.

Su Zhe watched the five people walk away, then looked back in the direction of the camp.

"Let's go! Since she has become the target of the hidden killing order, then I can only kill her!"

"Haha, things are really impermanent! Back then, this chick was chased and killed by the black man's killer, and our team saved her. After seven years, we have become the killer in the black man's hidden killer, but she Still the target of being pursued and killed by the man in black! Now even the hidden killing order has been accepted! Hey, I don’t know what the chick would feel when seeing the man she liked back then! Dage, you just used the beautiful boy to calculate , Tell her the old story first, then go to bed for a while, and then kill her on the bed, isn't it a very exciting thing?" Guo Xiaohu was excited.

A smile appeared on Su Zhe's handsome face.

"Well, what you said is really good. Take a look. Back then, I didn't have much interest in women. She was really attentive to me. At that time, she made me a box lunch by herself. It was all vegetables. I'm drained. I'm an upgraded person. Don't let me eat meat and let me become a vegetarian? Think I grew up in the nun's temple like her? Huh, it's just a young woman. I really don't know why the hidden killing was ordered for her. Hidden Killing Order."

"I heard that the spider is dead, but I don't know the specific details yet." Deng Hai began to answer.

"Spider? Don't you know how weak the kid is? After all, this Qiu Jinse is a member of the barracks, and there are many masters in the barracks. Maybe I saved her by passing by." Li Weidong said.

"Okay, we know at a glance, but we don't know why she came back here. Didn't the previous news say that she was at the front line of the Yahoo camp?" Su Zhe was talking, walking quickly to the Jiaoshan Fort, and others. The four followed him.

Su Zhe!

Qiu Jinse’s nominal boyfriend before being imprisoned, but the relationship between the two seemed to be just about to be established. Qiu Jinse killed the whole family and was imprisoned. Su Zhe directly abandoned her. Qin An paid attention to Qiu Jinse when he started investigating Qiu Jinse. With this information, I have also seen Su Zhe's photos.

Zhang Liang,

With the same name as Wei Ran's original boyfriend, Qin An found after scanning the memory that this person was also in Wangyoucheng at the time, which means that he is probably Wei Ran's boyfriend. Wei Ran was sad for his whole life, but this man finally became a member of the military superpower team after several turns?

How could Qin An not laugh after discovering this, only felt that tonight is really a big party, and all the people who should and shouldn't have come, and will meet at the Jiaoshan Fort.

So far, Qin An is actually only Qiu Jinse who has not studied and understood, that is where her power comes from, and why did she come here?

Turning her head to the side and looking at Qiu Jinse again, she was sitting on a small bench made of wooden stakes, her arms folded on her chest, her long legs stretched out together, her face flushed and she stared at herself, as if she wanted to To see through his skin, flesh and bones, and then see his soul.

When I went to see Qiu Jinse, I quickly looked away from her and turned a little bit redder. It seemed...Is there such a shyness?

Ah? What's the matter? Qin An didn't understand what Qiu Jinse's mood was.

At this time, Qiu Jinse was actually a little nervous, because she couldn't figure out whether the person in front of her had changed from Qin An.

Hey, if it is Qin An... does he really like own? Why else would you follow?

Women who fall in love are the stupidest, Qiu Jinse is not a smart person.

She suddenly gained a supernatural power, and then suddenly ran out of the camp. Qin An naturally followed when she found out. It has nothing to do with whether she likes her or not.

Regarding love, Qiu Jinse doesn't really understand it deeply. She is not the kind of woman with agile emotional intelligence, and she never thought of loving someone vigorously. She didn't have this mood or experience.

What she wants is actually such a home and such a man.

You can rub her shoulders when she is tired, as written in the book.

You can hold her in your arms when she is helpless!

This kind of thinking is actually very similar to Weng Lan back then.

Why did Weng Lan marry Qin An? Of course it wasn't because Qin An was excellent, and certainly not because Qin An gave her silently for three hundred and sixty-five days a year.

She just thinks that Qin An is an honest and resilient man, so it might not be a bad idea to marry with Qin An, and it ends up in the end.

As for the deep love behind, it was completely an accident.

Marriage is a two-sided sword. Some people get tired of each other quickly after getting married and eventually part ways.

Some people will change from superficial love to love penetrates the bone after they get married, and then they will stay together for a lifetime.

This is "fate", a word left-handed and complicatedly glued together, which ultimately constitutes a happy event between a man and a woman.

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