"Where are the captain and Xiaohu?" Li Wendong asked as he ran.

"Where can I control them? This is a trap. We have lost the power. We should still think about how to escape for our lives!" Zhang Liang ran back to the front and shouted.

Li Wendong was not talking, and sprinted forward with Deng Hai.

"Peng!" With a shot, Deng Hai was directly killed by a headshot.

Zhang Liang and Li Weidong who were running were so scared that they hurried to the ground.

"There is a sniper!" Li Weidong was sweating profusely. He only felt that he was sweating and his clothes were wet.


With another shot, Li Wendong was also hit by the Tianling Gai, killing him.

The sharpshooter Xu Guozhong of the scavenger camp smiled slightly on the distant tree.

Think you can't fight if you can't see yourself lying on the grass? Even if the position is not moved, it can only be said that these powers are really vulnerable after losing their powers!

Zhang Liang saw that both of his companions were dead, and he was so scared that he cried and cried and lost his composure.

He quickly took off his white coat, propped it up with a wooden stick next to him, and shook and shouted, "Surrender! I surrender!"

After shouting for a long time, there was no response from nearby. Zhang Liang only felt that his legs were soft, and he was peeing in his pants.

He is just such a timid man. Although he has been a supernatural person over the years, he has a glamorous appearance and looks very good, but his nature is hard to change.

"Surrender? Huh, it's really funny. If you can survive by surrendering, then it's not the end of the world! Zhang Liang, haven't seen me for many years, look up and see who I am?"


Zhang Liang quickly raised his head, only to see a man standing in front of him, and in the man's arms he was holding a woman with red eyes.

This... how could it be them? Li Haibo and Wei Ran! ! !

Zhang Liang was shocked, and he forgot his fear for a while.

Wei Ran was lying in Li Haibo's arms and was stunned when he looked at Zhang Liang.

"What the hell is going on?" Wei Ran couldn't help but ask.

Li Haibo smiled bitterly, then said softly:

"Half a month ago, an old friend Jia Li that I knew very early came to me and said that he wanted me to help make a trap to lure a supernatural person named Xiaoma into the bait.

I originally wanted to refuse. The scavengers never care about the nostalgia outside. Jia Li and I are acquaintances in general. He occasionally comes to my camp to drink some wine with me. I don’t even know that he is from Tibet. .

When he showed me a photo, I was completely stunned. In that photo, not only the little Marisa, but also you!

I snatched photos from Jia Li and asked why you were in the photos!

When Jia Li saw that I met you, he shook his head with regret, and then told me some of your experiences, saying that you are the humblest slave around Lisa and have been tortured by her for a long time!

I...how can I bear to watch you keep sinking? So naturally he agreed to Jia Li's request, and planned to bet on my life to kill Xiaomo. Jia Li promised me that he will rescue you after the plan is successful!

I didn't expect that Xiaomo would beat you by her side this time, and let us meet in advance!

Wei Ran, at the beginning of the outbreak of the end of the year, the three of us were trapped in the small supermarket! Later... Later, because you didn't want me, I also gave up on you!

So now that time and space are reversed, we are facing this situation again, you, I and him

While talking, Li Haibo suddenly stepped forward, stepped on Zhang Liang's hand that was about to draw a gun, and then squeezed it hard. The painful Zhang Liang screamed like a pig, and he felt that Li Haibo's fingers would be broken by Li Haibo.

"Look! Is it the same as before? You are controlled by me. This kid who should be your boyfriend is unable to resist. He is a dog in front of me!

Then, Wei Ran, I will give you another chance to choose! Are you going to follow me or stay with him? "

Li Haibo's voice trembled a little.

Wei Ran cried, crying silently.

"I...I am no longer the most beautiful woman in the community! I...I am already filthy

"We are all old. If we can stay with you, it will be the greatest satisfaction of my life! Because you are my dream!

The prosperous ending, whether you shine, or decay and stench, is not important to me!

All I want is you!

Just like back then, I would rather be a rape. I want to get you!

Wei Ran, are you willing to let go of all distractions, forget all the past, and start over with me?

This time I don’t want to force you, because I have become more greedy. I not only want your body, but also your heart!

You have existed as a dream in my heart for more than 20 years, and I can't let it go! Can't go away! "

"Li Haibo

Wei Ran ignored Zhang Liang again, lying in Li Haibo's arms and staring at his face in a daze. In the end, he couldn't even cry.

The throbbing of her heart made her blood rush, and she felt that a life force was being injected into the body, what exactly was it?

"I want to go with you because I never want to go back in time! I'm already a madman's plaything, can I still live like an ordinary person? I can still...I can still have this extravagant hope ?"

"Trust me! You can! And you will live happier than ordinary women!"

While speaking, Li Haibo took off his own coat, then threw it on Zhang Liang's head, and turned to leave with Wei Ran in his arms. Everything was silent.

Sharpshooter Xu Guozhong quickly located the location of Zhang Liang through Li Haibo's clothes, and then pulled the trigger.

After one shot, a period of love and hatred between the three people came to an end. The future will only belong to the two who survived, and the dead will have no chance!

This is the biggest difference between Life and Death.

Lisa sat there all the time, ignoring the burning camp nearby, ignoring Li Haibo and Wei Ran who had chased out the camp to catch up with Zhang Liang's trio, and ignoring the surrounding own Qiao San, Wu Xiaofei, Xu Dakai, Jia Li Siren, she just sat like that with a smile on her face.

Wu Xiaofei frowned and snorted coldly:

"Really a woman who doesn't wanting face, just sitting naked, thinking that own has a good figure? Look at your belly, you have meat!"

Qiao San, Xu Dakai, and Jia Li almost knelt with their legs soft.

Damn, when is this? Wu Xiaofei still cared about others' stomachs.

The four of them knew in their hearts that their intelligence seemed incomplete. Lisa must have a secret that they didn’t know. Otherwise, how could she be so calm after Jia Li revealed all the structure of the Men in Black organization? Woolen cloth?

"Yes! It's not bad! It seems that we did despise the West of Tibet, and your true fire palace! But you are actually wrong! The Man in Black is indeed a small organization before the end of the world, and it has indeed become a small organization after the end of the world. A super powerful existence, but as early as ten years ago, the organization of the men in black has changed again! I am now only one of the eleven shadows, not the leader of the men in black! There is another secret you don’t know. , Eleven Shadows is actually Eleven Shadows, it’s a shadow! Old Lamp, Parasite, Flower Woman, Little Mom, Liar, Hidden Killer, Poison Dragon, Dark Iron, Beggar, Beauty, and what you call the non-existent leader These are all shadows! Behind the eleven shadows, shouldn’t there be eleven people? There is no one’s shadow? Therefore, the legend of black clothes will not end, because the eleven dark gods are now at the end. Among the spirit sect! In other words, the real control of the end spirit sect is the people in black, the eleven dark gods! These eleven people are very special, haha, very, very special!

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