Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1216 Fire God Sword

"Eleven Dark Gods?"

Qiao San, Wu Xiaofei, Xu Dakai, and Jia Li looked at each other and were surprised afterwards.

They have been investigating the Black Organization for a long time, but they have never heard of the existence of the Eleven Dark Gods!

But this is also very possible, could it be said that the headquarters of the man in black is actually in the end-spirit sect? All the instructions were issued by the queen behind the Moling Sect. To be precise, the queen communicated to the eleven dark gods, and then the eleven dark gods communicated to the eleven dark shadows in a single line?


Lisa breathed, and then stretched her sluggish waist. She didn't mind that her body was exposed in the eyes of others, like a female beast.

"Okay, I also figured out what happened to you, and you also know the biggest secret behind me, so that's it for today!

As you said, I still have to go to see my daughter, so...everyone here will die!

I think West Tibet should not be so dirty. My daughter knows nothing. I let her grow up in the Qin League and gave her an ordinary life. I will never recognize her again in this life, and I should not go to West Tibet. Excuse her?

If they really do something like this, it will surely provoke me crazy revenge, and then it will be a disaster!

Forget it, it's useless to tell you this, anyway you are about to become dead!

Do it, Tibet Real Fire Palace? I want to see what you guys are capable of!

Poison me? Hahaha, it's ridiculous, you seem to have miscalculated! "

While she was speaking, Lisa's body moved suddenly, and the speed was reaching the extreme.

Wu Xiaofei only saw a group of red shimmering shadows rushing towards her, it was too late to escape!

So fast, why is she not poisoned? How can the spirit of the sword spirit on his body be released? Wu Xiaofei knew that he still underestimated the enemy.

Just as Wu Xiaofei was in distress, Jia Li yelled: "Boy! Save people!"

A small figure flew from the side, unexpectedly faster than Lisa, knocked her aside, and rescued Wu Xiaofei.

"What the hell is this kid?"

Lisa, who had been very calm before, looked stunned, looking at the little boy Li Xuan who knocked herself into the air, she only felt that her abdomen was still painful! What a great strength, what a powerful sword spirit! Li Haibo's son, this kid named Li Watermelon is also a sword repairer?

Jia Li sneered: "I told you that we are the True Fire Palace group of five! This child is one of our group members. He received the oracle when he was just born a few years ago and is now a spiritual speaker. A believer in the fourth main god! So even if you are a little weird, we are really not afraid of you, four ninth-level upgraders with sword souls, and this little watermelon who has refined the magic sword and has realized a kind of sword god ability , How do you deal with it?"

In fact, Li Watermelon is the sword repairer's business, Qin An has discovered before, but he is still a little unsure.

In fact, only Jia Li was aware of the fact that Li Watermelon was a sword repairer.

That was the first time that Jia Li went to Li Haibo's scavenger camp to stay overnight. Li Watermelon was just a little baby who could just walk.

At midnight, the light burst, and all the people in the camp passed out in a coma, and only Jia Li was unaffected.

The soul form of the fourth main god, Lingdi, appeared, saying that Li Watermelon was a genius and a genius, so he sent an oracle in front of Jia Li, making him a sword repairer and breakthrough to Realm.

Because the child was too young, the Fourth Lord God was afraid that he would harm his parents with uncontrollable abilities, so he sealed Li Watermelon's abilities with Spirit Power, and then put the seal Spirit Power into Jia Li's body.

This allows Jia Li to have two seals and three chances to unblock Li Watermelon.

Because of this, Jia Li often went to Li Haibo's camp to stay overnight, but he was actually concerned about Li Watermelon's growth.

When Li Watermelon was four years old, Jia Li tried to unlock the child's seal, quietly letting him release Spirit Power in the deserted woods, and continued the seal after testing his really good body.

The second time the child had a high fever and almost died. Everyone could not figure out the reason. After Jia Li arrived, he thought that the Sword God Qi in the child must have accumulated too much, and it was unable to flow and reconcile because of the seal. A man was taken alone into the deserted valley to unblock him for the second time.

Li Watermelon is really talented. After the seal was unlocked, he realized the skill of the first sword god. Jia Li was surprised and curious after seeing it, and then named the two-character title set fire for the god sword in Li Watermelon's body! Then he sealed his power again, and formally accepted him as a disciple after that, explaining to him the use of abilities and some things he knew about the sword god.

He also told Li Watermelon that the relationship between the two must be kept secret.

This kid Li Huaquan is also a stern mouth, and he really kept the secret, even his dad and Big sis don't know.

So this time, it is the third time that Jia Li has unlocked Li Watermelon's seal!

From then on, Li Watermelon will be completely independent and his abilities can be used at any time, and Jihuo Shenjian will officially go to the road of sword repair!

The little boy slammed Lisa into the air, feeling that his whole body was full of strength.

"Uncle Jia, this woman just wanted to kill me, can I kill her, Xiaoye?"

Jia Li knows that Li Watermelon is a master who refuses to admit defeat. Although he is small, he has such a silly and fierce energy.

"Do it! Be careful not to get hurt!"

With permission, Li Watermelon did not hesitate, the yellow light in his body was full, and then a strange magic sword appeared!

This Excalibur looks like a double barrel hunting gun. Its hilt is really like a gun hilt. The blade is only five centimeters wide, with a blade on one side and a flat side on the other.

Li Watermelon raised his own sword, aimed at Lisa with a bewildered look, and then yelled:

"Let you bully us, Xiaoye beat you to death, dashing!"

With the sound of his childish voice, the top of the Fire Set God's Sword suddenly became yellow, and then the mouth of the bowl was thick and thin, and the yellow ball of light with the Hui tail flew out from the tip of the sword!

There are a lot of yellow balls, one after another, it really seems to be a bullet shot from a machine gun, but this bullet is a bit too big, and its lethality is much more terrifying.

Lisa dodged more than ten meters away, avoiding the previous attack, but the follow-up attack had arrived. These yellow light balls not only turned, but also tracked automatically, flying extremely fast.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a burst of blasting sound. With Lisa as the center, the ground in the surrounding space of 20 meters was actually blown up by a big hole.

Li Watermelon didn't mean to stop the attack at all. He had already used Mental Energy to lock Lisa, and the attack shells fired by the Jihuoshen could fire infinitely. With the strength of Li Watermelon today, there is no problem standing there for an hour to shoot continuously. This is really his first sword skill, called Jihuo Quick Shot!

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