After a full five minutes, in front of Li Watermelon and the others, the entire space was shrouded in smoke and dust, with flames everywhere and flying earth everywhere!

Lisa had countless bullets in her body, one of her beaten arm flew, one leg was broken, her head was blown away, and half of her head was blown away. Li Watermelon’s energy attack was not an ordinary cannonball, but it contained a sword spirit. Because of this, Lisa could not fully defend.

Are you killed?

Jia Li and the others were very nervous, but did not dare to enter the smoke cloud to check.

Fatty Qiao San has pulled Li Mao and his wife and little girl Li Taotao back to a place farther away, fearing that they will be affected.

Li Taotao's eyes were already staring like silver bells.

On weekdays, Little Brother always gestured with the gun with his hand, and then made the dubbing "DaDaDa" from his mouth.

Li Taotao has always thought it was just a naive game of 2.B Little Brother. I didn't expect this kid to have such a powerful ability!

Regarding the sword god, in fact, Jia Li occasionally mentioned it to Li Haibo at the wine table, and Li Taotao had naturally heard of it.

She originally thought it was such a tall thing, but she didn't expect that Own Little Brother would be able to comprehend such a powerful ability through the "sudden" play in daily life. This is really abnormal!

For people on earth, such a thing is really difficult to understand. In the concept of people on earth, the strong will eventually achieve something through hard cultivation.

Then the Sword Spirit Star is different, the talent is actually playing a decisive advantage.

The forty-nine sword god came to the earth, and the invisible energy released by the sword god has actually been quietly changing the laws of the earth and even the entire galaxy. Now many time-space gates have appeared one after another, and they have allowed the location of the earth to occur in the universe. Slowly and will become more and more obvious!

The post-apocalyptic era has actually arrived, and it will be followed by a new era of great space.

The arrival of many races on the Sword Spirit Star will bring disasters to the earth, and it will also bring vitality to the earth! An outwardly extending space is being formed, but humans haven't discovered it yet!

When the flowing matter in the Milky Way solidified one day, all the planets became slow and eventually stopped, and all the potential energy transformed into biological forms to diffuse between the heavens and the earth, and the earth would actually become the second sword-spirit star, an energetic star. Operation will enter the human life world with a brand-new concept and method! This is the future, the future in the last days!

In a daze, Jia Li heard a strange roar in the smoke. The sound was very soft, but it was... but also familiar!


The next moment, a strong wind suddenly rushed towards you.

Jia Li raised his palm, and the bloodstain on his palm quickly entangled with flesh and blood, and a black-muscle giant elephant flew out, and his body instantly grew to ten meters!

On the back of this giant elephant, there are nine spar bone spurs growing obliquely, all reaching one meter in length, with nine colors of light shining on them, which looks very dazzling.

This is a ninth-level upgraded beast that has not yet been included in the book "Apocalypse Biology". It was named the nine-backed sword dragon elephant by Jia Li!

Lisa had flew out of the smoke ball intact, and hit the head of the giant elephant that was leaping towards her with a punch!

There seemed to be folds in the space. The giant elephant that was flying forward suddenly hovered in the air for a second, and then the whole body was pushed forward, all piled up together, becoming a huge ball of meat, but even then Lisa did not Take a step backwards, and in the end, the power exploded, and it turned out to be the giant elephant flying back twenty meters away, falling heavily to the ground, and smashing the ground out of a big hole!

It is really difficult to estimate how much power it has. If you know that the weight of a giant elephant itself can be dozens of tons, then a punch can knock dozens of tons of objects into the air. How to calculate this power?

Jia Li quickly stepped forward and hugged Li Watermelon in his arms, then retreated back together with Xu Dakai and Wu Xiaofei, and opened his eyes to look at Lisa.

This woman is still undressed. She should have been injured just now. When the smoke rose, Jia Li clearly saw her severed hand and foot. How could she recover so quickly? Could it be said that the inhibitor did not have any effect on her? This is absolutely impossible! This inhibitor developed by Real Fire Palace can be effective on all ninth-level or even tenth-level upgraded people. Even if the opponent cannot completely lose the ability, it can also make the TC virus in his body enter a weak state. Why is it suffering? After a strong attack like Li Watermelon, Lisa can recover so quickly?

Lisa walked forward slowly, with an arrogant smile on her face.

"Haha! Ah... so strong! Really strong! It almost killed me! Unfortunately, I still have some secrets that I haven't told you. I can't be killed! Do you think I am an upgraded? Yes, I count it, because the content of TC virus in my body is very high, far exceeding that of ordinary upgraded people! In addition, I actually have some other identities, my parasitic beast is very special! It is not ordinary The upgraded category! So I mean, I’m actually an awakened one! The parasitic beast in the body was originally a ninth-level skull zombie, but now because of the attack just now, it has quickly evolved into a tenth-level skull zombie! How about you Kill me? Tell you, the more severe my injuries, the more ferocious the skull zombies in my body will evolve, so come on, let us fight a battle, and see if I can break through the current tenth level and enter the teleportation. Strong body Realm in China! Hahahahaha!"

Amidst the frantic laughter, Lisa's face turned gloomy and she rushed forward quickly. The target was Li Watermelon who had just injured her!

After all, Li Watermelon was still a child, so he was worried about seeing Lisa unscathed.

He broke free from Jia Li's arms, stood on the ground and once again picked up the ability of the sword god, set the fire to shoot the ball covering a cross section in front of Lisa, Lisa was unavoidable when she rushed forward, and was beaten again. The body was damaged, and another smoke cloud caused by the explosion was born!

"Boy, don't fight for now!"

Jia Li hurriedly stopped Li Watermelon, and then led him back to prevent Lisa from protruding from the smoke!

Unexpectedly, this Lisa turned out to be a dual power, which means that she is both an mutator and an awakener! No wonder the Sword Spirit Qi inhibitor did not have a very good effect on her, because it is not the TC virus that plays the leading role in the awakened person, but other chemical derivatives of the T virus!

Damn, it's really hard to deal with!

The characteristic of skull zombies is that they can store energy and then evolve instantly when encountering an attack. Then the skull zombies in Lisa's body are already ninth-level, and she has hardly interacted with people for so many years, that is to say, skull zombies. I don't know how much energy is stored. What if she really breaks through the tenth level and enters the strong body Realm?

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