Time is running out!

Damn, this woman was in a daze instead of answering her own question.

"Okay! Yin Shiyao, just stay here honestly for me, and my body will come to you in a few days! Remember, don't run around, if you dare to run, then see how I clean up you!"

Qin An made Own's tone look fierce, mainly because he was too anxious and too shocked.

In fact, I saw that the woman in front of me looked exactly like the Wang Fang I met back then, and after distinguishing them with super vision, I found that they were definitely one person. Qin An, generals Wang Fang, Yin Yao, Yin Shiyao, sword god Yan Liuxiang, dumb melon After Yan Liuxiang got together, he already wanted to understand something, but he still had to confirm it himself!

Oh shit! What women are all around him? Qin An felt that it hurts.

Qin Xiaoyan is an ordinary, own female neighbor, but because of the Red Leaf Sword God, she has been a ruthless and unrighteous woman for more than 20 years!

Li Na, an old classmate, was parasitized by the Time Sword God and opened the Infinite Samsara mode. What I fear most now is that Li Na is hurt. If she dies again, is Xiaowenxin a dead mother? Is Li Na, who has re-traveled, counted as a questioning mother or stepmother? If the newcomer Li Na looks at other men and doesn't like herself, is he wearing a green hat?

Liu Xia, the woman I liked very much, but because the two people were together, she killed her whole family. As a result, Liu Xia was hidden in the last days for so many years. This personality became introverted and uncontroversial. There are really two ways. Sometimes when I think of Qin An, I feel a trace of sadness in my heart.

Lan Yue, needless to say, Liu Ru's daughter.

Needless to say, Liu Ru, Lan Yue's former foster mother, the degree of entanglement between the two was the entanglement in Qin An's heart.

Rongrong, the old lady has become a girl, and now it is estimated that she is in menopause every day, she has a strong desire, so she will take the initiative to hook him up and let him do? It won’t work if you don’t pay the public food. He has already boarded Rongrong’s thief ship. If you don’t pay the public food, people will go to someone else. What should he do?

Tang Yu, the former boss of the company, and the queen of the Tang Dynasty today, is a voyeur. In those years when he was voyeurized, it was really impossible to tell.

The three Wuma sisters, tangled!

Gong Xue, little fat girl, tangled!

Wang Yunzhi and Wang Hui also make people tangled.

The female giant Lu Ya, the host of the wind-moving sword god, not only makes people entangled, why is she still missing now?

The five little beauties, Shangguan sisters, Cheng Jiayao, He Tianyu, Lu Lu, and Ye Lingxuan are all tangled goods.

The woman Luna who pretended to be married to Liu Xia made Qin An depressed even more.

And the daughter of the Seven Swords from United States, occasionally reminded Qin An, although he didn't know them or not, he couldn't care less. Because Qin An’s soul also traveled back to United States in the past two years, he knew the existence of Seven Sword City, and heard that seven women were still single, and only one of them seemed to have given birth to a child... Of course, killed Qin An didn't believe that the legendary child had a half-cent relationship with him!

The chance of getting a woman pregnant by yourself is very low.

Weng Lan didn't get pregnant for seven years, and now Li Na has successfully given birth among the four wives. Oh, yes, there is also Liu Ru who has been a pregnant woman for twenty years.

Then Qin Xiaoyan must not say that she has worked hard on Lan Yue and Liu Xia, but...the two people's stomachs are really unbelievable!

Although Qin An didn't have the desperate hope of becoming the creator of the superbirth guerrillas, he also hoped that at least every wife could give birth to a child for him. He was not afraid of a full house of children and grandchildren. As an only child, he knew that he did not have the pain of brothers to help.

At such a moment, Qin An thought about these many things, and then was pulled out of Song Yuzhu's body by the power of supernatural powers, and returned to his body! Yin Shiyao was left in a daze.

"It's so slow to come back!"

The voice of the avatar Qin An sounded, and Qin An was standing behind a big tree supported by him."Are you dead?" Qin An asked subconsciously.

"Yeah! The people over there are whiplashing the corpses... their heads are all chopped up

Qin An raised his eyes and saw that Jia Li and the four of them were whip the corpse tens of meters away, and they took a large knife and slashed at the body of little mother Lisa. The little girl Li Taotao looked pale and clutched Little Brother Li. Watermelon's eyes dared not let him look. Li Haibo had already returned with Wei Ran, and his face didn't seem very good at this time.

Before being protected by supernatural energy, Lisa entered a state of absolute defense. Now her soul is dead, the sword god ability of the soul is turned off, and the state of absolute defense has disappeared. She was successfully divided by several people.

Turning his gaze, he saw Qiu Jinse wandering around, apparently looking for himself, Qin An took the clone directly into his body, and then a few flashed to Qiu Jinse's side, pulled her up and trot all the way, and hid in the sight of everyone again. Behind, avoid trouble.

"Qin An! Why did you go?" Qiu Jinse was very nervous when Qin An held her little hand.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's talk! What the hell is going on?"

Qiu Jinse saw Qin An's face a little blue, his eyes rounded, his appearance was really scary.

Stabilizing her mind, Qiu Jinse shook her hands together, feeling that the hand that was just held by Qin An seemed to be warmer. "I didn't say that, after Qin Wenxin came back a hundred years later, she has become a four-character title of time and space. The Shadow Sword God, helped me refine the Shui Feng’s Dawn Sword, and then let me arrive at this place tomorrow and kill a woman in red... Hey, I just saw it called Wu Xiaofei’s woman, she is wearing a red dress, but Qin Wenxin asked me to kill someone here tomorrow, so I wonder if the target is her! Qin Wenxin said, if I don’t kill the target, then she will show up to you By your side, many people who have a relationship with you will die because of her! Qin An, that's all, if you want to know more details, let me think about it, because I just remember these!"

Qiu Jinse kept his eyes open and said nonsense, and decided that dead pigs were not afraid of boiling water, but could not tell Qin An everything.

Moreover, Qiu Jinse couldn't say how she would marry Qin An and give him a bunch of children, and Qin Wenxin's Electra complex.

Qin An slowly calmed his own mentality.

Kill? Who are you killing? Naturally it won't be Wu Xiaofei, she has nothing to do with her.

So, it must be Li Wanhua who was sleeping in camp twenty kilometers away at this time. How could this happen?

Hey, Qin An was struggling again, only thinking that women's affairs turned out to be the most troublesome.

He once thanked Li Wanhua in his heart. After all, she had done a lot for herself over the years.

But Li Wanhua is definitely not the person Qin An wants to get close to, because he knows that this woman's mental state is no longer a normal person.

Qin An once talked with Lan Yue and Guo Shuai about the Shadowless Night Demon.

Over the years, as long as someone speaks ill of Qin An behind his back, the Shadowless Night Demon will take action, and will almost kill the whole family, even the newborn baby!

It can only be said that this is a kind of paranoid worship of oneself, which is far beyond the level of love.

Hey, Qin An confirmed this even more when she heard her talk to Haiyue before.

Was she actually trying to kill the woman next to her when she returned this time?

Hmph, even if he is really a Virgin Angel, this kind of thing won't let him forgive him.

Li Wanhua is destined to be a tragic character. Many years ago, she was not completely mad because of being wronged, but now she is demonized, and she is the root of her Heart's Demon.

"She has been the host of the Sword God for many years. You are a recent strong-body sword repairer. It seems that it is not difficult to kill her. But she has the mountains and seas of the Heavenly Seal Sect by her side. I guess I am also a sword repairer and want to deal with it. The three of them, you are afraid it will take some effort." Qin An said softly.

"Ah? Do you know who I am going to kill? What are their names? Shanhai Shuangyue?" Qiu Jinse asked curiously.

"Okay, since you have your own mission, I won't care about you. They should be there tomorrow...Qiu Jinse, I'm not kidding you, don't be clever with me, hurry up and take Qin Asking the heart to tell me the whole thing, I don't believe you will forget it!" Qin An's expression pretended to be serious, and he planned to interrogate the dumb girl. At the same time, he also thought that this must be related to the two disappearances of Xiaowenxin! Is her power at this time? The body of this time and space disappears, and then the future self of the Transfiguration City appears through time and space? Then she disappeared twice. If she lost one time to find Qiu Jinse, then who did she go to the other time? Also, why did she go to Qiu Jinse instead of coming back to see herself?

Qiu Jinse bit her lip, seeing Qin An's serious look, she was really scared in her heart.

But after turning around, remembering what Qin An had done, Qiu Jinse mustered up his courage again.

"I still want to ask you, why on earth did you come to me? First pretended to be Qin Xiaoan, then...then took off my clothes and took me

Qiu Jinse's face turned red, and Qin An hurriedly raised his hand to stop it.

"Stop it! I'll tell you the ins and outs!"

Then, Qin An explained in detail the various abilities of own, and then how he accidentally crossed to the cell boss and met Qiu Jinse. He heard about her murder five years ago, so he became curious. Pretend that Qin Xiaoan is following her.

After that, Tian Yue'e appeared, trying to murder Qiu Jinse, how Qin An rescued her, and so on.

"Dumb girl, do you understand now? It's really just a misunderstanding, so don't think too much about it. Then I'm so honest with you, shouldn't you also tell me honestly?"

It's okay for Qin An not to say anything. After talking about everything, Qiu Jinse frowned and his face became a little pale.

It turns out that Qin An is hiding by his side only because of curiosity? It turned out that he did not arrange someone to protect her, but just wanted to deal with the man in black!

So, doesn't Qin An at this moment like her? Is everything a misunderstanding?

The greater the hope, the more sad the disappointed will be.

Qiu Jinse suddenly felt very pitiful.

Yes, she is just a female prisoner, a poor woman.

The man on the opposite side is the great leader, with noble status, so why should I like her?

That's all, it's all her wishful thinking! It's all because of what Qin Wenxin said to her when she came back!

Maybe he will become Qin An's woman in the future, but isn't it because he likes himself? Just because of some other reasons? Maybe it is because she has obtained the ability bestowed by Qin Wenxin, so she and Qin An have a future?

What kind of time and space is this Samsara? Qiu Jinse's mind was a little confused, and she couldn't figure it out.

"Dumb girl, don't be in a daze, hurry up and tell me everything you know!" Qin An is very anxious, and very eager, because on the other side, Yin Shiyao's affairs have to wait for him to deal with! Various mysteries appeared, and the Shanhaiguan battlefield and the entry into the sea city were about to enter the war. Qin An only felt that he was a little too busy, and really wanted the clone to exist forever, and then let them go around! Perhaps, then Yin Yao has this ability? Yin Yao, who turned into Yin Hanchao at the beginning, said that she was always by her side, which made Qin An's heart even more uneasy. Is there a person beside him that Yin Yao changed? Who on earth is it? Tangled, really tangled!

Qiu Jinse felt sorry for herself for a while, and finally decided not to pay attention to Qin An.

She just didn't say it! No matter what his mood is!

Originally thought that this man liked owning, originally she wanted to fall in love with him, but he said that everything was a misunderstanding?

One sentence can describe Qiu Jinse’s mood at this time:

My old lady's pants are almost taking off. You tell me to tease me?

Therefore, Qiu Jinse became a dumb girl again, and allowed Qin An to freak out in front of her. She just lowered her head and said nothing, like a pupil who was punished by her parents after making a mistake but not admitting it. Qin An did not have any way to train him!

At night, because of the fire in the scavenger camp, it became unharmonious.

People become irritable because of the stalemate.

To the southwest of the Shanhaiguan camp, the original Southern Imperial Forest Regiment position has now been blocked.

Three hundred people from Wang Na's team were the practitioners in this blockade mission.

At this time, Ling'er was lying in the own tent, crying silently with tears in her eyes, her leg was broken, and she was severed by a sword from the curse-keeping tribe.Ling'er has sent the robot back to Hanging Sword City to get its own equipment, and then use genetic technology to repair the broken leg.

It's so angry!

How brave is the once supernatural machine sword god, but now? She couldn't even deal with a small one-soul spell card, and was almost killed. If it hadn't been for the man named Wu Ba in the real fire palace to rescue her, she might have died on the spot!

Now, is she just an ordinary earthling who can invent small things? Encountering the powerful race on the Sword Spirit Star, it is so fragile!

At Ling'er's side, Duoguayan Liuxiang made a wet towel and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

After all, it was a broken leg. Ling'er was not an upgraded person and had no self-repair ability. The wound was caused by the Excalibur, and the spirit of the sword had penetrated into the wound.

At the window, team captain Wang Na was still standing, and she was talking sadly at this time: "Hey, Lord Linger, don't be sad! After all, that thing is really abnormal. The master of True Fire Palace seems to be quite powerful. Yes, after you were injured, he tried to attack the curse several times, but failed! Now he is drinking in the tent, and it seems that he has sent a message to the True Fire Palace requesting support. In addition, there are some other things coming from the camp. People, originally we didn't want them to enter, but Master Wu Ba in the Real Fire Palace made me feel relieved about them. Now these people have each fight tents and set up camps in our blockade."

Ling'er took the towel in Duguayan Liuxiang's hand, wiped her own tears, and took a deep breath before saying:

"Who are they?"

"I don't know about this! I have only learned some things about aliens, real fire palace, spell cards and so on these days after following you together. I just heard Master Wuba say that they all seem to be the Nine Sect people!"

"Nine Sects? Huh, the emperor pavilion of the first sword god, the real fire palace of the second sword god, the third sword god Qin Yingu, the fourth sword god Lingmai Mountain, the fifth sword god Shenyu gate, the sixth sword god martial arts puppet Heavenly Sect, the tomb of the seventh sword god and ghost, the eighth sword god Tianyinzong, the ninth sword god and curse hall! Do these exist on the earth now? It seems that the nine main gods will definitely want to take the war from the star of the sword spirit Transfer to the earth! Linger Big sis, do you remember these? For so many years, the nine main gods have been behind the scenes, and the nine Sect forces have driven all continents, countries, and forces. The melee caused the sword spirit star to be surrounded by white bones, and no place was not bloody!"

Wang Na was dumbfounded when she listened. How could this be the same as the Fantasy novels read before the end of the world? There are also nine Sects?

Linger frowned slightly, the sweat on his forehead came out again, it really hurts! Hey, I have never felt this pain before as a sword god!

After wiping off his sweat with a towel, Ling'er shook his head.

"I remember about the Nine Sects, but I don't know about the sword spirit star's wars that have lasted for many years. Xiaoxiang, it's good for you to follow me in the future, and then tell me about the sword spirit star? "

Ling'er cried again. She had never been crying before. After crying recently, she discovered that crying is an addictive thing. The human body structure is really amazing.

"Following Ling'er Big sis is naturally good, but... but will Ling'er Big sis be with Qin An?"

"Ah? Why do you ask? He might be here. I will return to Hanging Sword City after the curse attack is over."

The dull Melon Yan Liuxiang was tangled.

She had to stay with Qin An, because she had to figure out what the Sword God Yan Liuxiang was about, and Qin An had the smell of the Sword God Yan Liuxiang!

After a short period of thought, Douguayan Liuxiang finally spoke.

"Then Linger Big sis, do you think I can run on both sides? Occasionally to accompany you, occasionally staying in Tianju, I still have some important personal matters to deal with!"

Ling'er nodded with some disappointment, and said after a while, "Xiaoxiang, don't let them call you a fool!"


"Did no one tell you? Idiot on Earth means the same thing as a fool. You should be called Alien Yan Liuxiang instead of Doll Yan Liuxiang. Who gave you this nickname?"


A fool is a fool?

Dolly Guyan left the fragrance for a while, then became angry.

"It's Qin Ann's idiot!!!"

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