At eleven o'clock in the evening, the scavengers had all returned to the camp and began to sort out the items that had survived the fire and were not burned.

They are actually a little distressed. They ran away secretly before and failed to carry many things. Although they are all tattered, they are also the property they have accumulated after a long time.

Qin An interrogated the dumb girl to no avail. Seeing her aggrieved look with her head down, she couldn't yell out in the end.

Hey, after all, he is a soft-hearted man to women, otherwise he wouldn't let himself become a stallion.

So Qin An didn't ask. For whatever reason, Qin An could give Qiu Jinse some time.

She was finally able to speak, and her personality seemed to have become much more cheerful, and Qin An didn't want to let her go back in time.

After all, apart from Liu Xia, Qin An was the only woman in Qin An who felt that she really had such a spiritual understanding with her for so many years.

Qin An is no longer a young boy, so he can clearly see some emotional fluctuations in his own.

In the tent, Qin An performed the technique of saving all living beings to recreate the internal organs for Wei Ran.

Although it could not offset the influence of the psychedelic component on the TC virus, and did not restore Wei Ran's abilities immediately, it helped her restore the body cultivator to the same condition as before.

Wei Ran knelt in front of Qin An with tears on his face as if he was in a dream, bowing his head and thanking him.

Qin An hurriedly helped her up, and then Li Haibo helped Wei Ran away. The two might have a lot of words.

They were not lovers before, but the suffering and pain of the last days, thoughts and unforgettable things have linked them together.

Then at this time, Qin An remained in the tent, the dumb girl sitting behind her, and the four members of the True Fire Palace and Li Taotao sister and brother.

Li Taotao widened her eyes and looked at the strange man who suddenly appeared. For some reason, she felt a bit like the young boy who had appeared in the camp before.

Qin An's gaze swept over everyone, and then he said:

"Well, you guys, introduce yourself, I'm Qin An!"

Qin An!

Li Taotao didn't respond much, Jia Li, Wu Xiaofei, Xu Dakai, Fatty Qiao San looked at each other with shock.

The Real Fire Palace was originally part of the highest power department in Western Tibet, so it knew all about major domestic events, celebrities, and intelligence.

Qin An's reputation nowadays is very great, at least in the west of Tibet and the Jiulong Mountain area, it can be said that no one knows it!

How could Qin An suddenly appear here? His appearance has something to do with Lisa's sudden death?

"I killed Lisa. I'm sorry to have taken your prey. But I am good friends with Guo Sihai, the real fire palace who is now on the front line of Shanhaiguan pass, so we should be able to cooperate too! That guy is likely to be Break into the strong body state, in order to prevent her from becoming a super BOSS, I can only take the lead!"


The four were shocked again.

Qin An really killed the little mother Lisa? How did you kill it? He never appeared from the beginning to the end, just that suddenly Lisa fainted, and after a little more than a minute, she lost all the defensive abilities, and then she was divided by them. Does this have anything to do with Qin An?

Jia Li finally spoke:

"It turns out to be the lord of the Qin League! Haha, I've heard of your name a long time ago. I didn't expect that the power would make you so young! I really envy you! Dare to ask Qin'an lord, how did you kill Lisa? ?"

"It's nothing. Since you are from the True Fire Palace, you should know the magic of the Sword God's ability. I just happen to have the ability to kill the enemy Hun and Po in seconds. A person who has lost his soul... Is it called a corpse?"

Hun and Po to kill the enemy?

The expressions of the four people can no longer be described as shock.

This...this is too abnormal! I have never heard of this sword god ability!

Now in the Palace of True Fire, there are so many sword repairers who have comprehended the skills of the sword god, but they are as abnormal as Qin An said, that is absolutely nothing!

Oh, maybe there is one, that is Guo Sihai! As a soul sword repairer, Guo Sihai's sword god ability is actually a bit abnormal, but this abnormality has nothing to do with battle!

Thinking of Guo Sihai, Wu Xiaofei suddenly said:

"Leader Qin, Guo Sihai came back from Hong Kong? When did it happen, why didn't I know? You mean he is on the front line of Shanhaiguan now, right?"

Jia Li, Xu Dakai, and Qiao San immediately became nervous and blinked at Qin An hurriedly, making funny faces all of them, and they didn't know what they meant to express.

"You don't need to call me the leader, we are not the ancient Rivers and Lakes heroes. This leader is just an official name. If it sounds awkward, just call me Qin An.


Qin An naturally found the expressions of the three Jia Li, and didn't know what to say afterwards.

What do you mean? Don't let myself say that I have met Guo Sihai, but it is too late, he has already said it before!

Sure enough, Wu Xiaofei said coldly: "Hey! Do you three want to die? What secrets are there? You also know that Guo Sihai is back from Hong Kong? Huh, is it intentional to conceal it? Well, anyway, my Little Sister is too Coming soon, let her go and clean you up in time!"

"What? Wu Xiaoxiao is coming?" The three yelled almost at the same time.

"Yes! I heard that Wu Ba failed in the attack, and I have asked for help from True Fire Palace, and my Little Sister Xiaoxiao happened to be at the sword's front. Yesterday she called me and said that the hidden killing had been killed by her. By the way, she killed a group of assassin bodyguards in the Hidden Killing Mansion. Now that the original mission is over, she took on the new mission to reinforce Wu Ba by the way, and she should be able to reach the spell card area today. By the way, she also said to me, let We will find her after our affairs are finished! Because our name is also on the staff increase list. After all, we are relatively close to that side!"

"Oh my God! No, Wu Xiaoxiao, the devil! I am most afraid of her, that lunatic, crazy, perverted!" Qiao San was crying with a face.

"Ah! Although Guo Sihai is good to us, but for the sake of our own safety, we can't continue to participate in this matter. Find a way to deceive Guo Sihai too. With him, the little witch should not come to us for trouble. !"

"Ah ah ah ah, I said that daddy's eyelids are always beating in the past two days, it is indeed a disaster! Let's go to the front and follow Guo Sihai, and then we will pass together! No way, no, my heart, this beating Yes, it's about to pop out!"

Wu Xiaofei looked at the three of them and continued to sneer:

"Hmph, you really want to die, and you say bad things about my Little Sister behind your back? Look, I will tell her when I turn around, is she a devil? A crazy? A lunatic? A pervert? Haha, okay, wait for me to tell. She, how blessed you can be!"Hearing Wu Xiaofei's words, the three big men immediately rushed over and hugged her body to beg for mercy. They were so awkward and mean, there was something like a real fire palace master.

Qin An was stunned to see, secretly curious in his heart.

What is the origin of this Wu Xiaoxiao? How could it make them so scared?

Qin An can judge a person's emotions by the beating of the human heart and the speed of blood flow, so in his opinion, the three people are really not showing off, they are really scared.

Don't want to continue to do the dumb riddles, Qin An directly asked:

"Everyone, who is Wu Xiaoxiao? Why do you have such an expression?"

Suddenly, Jia Li felt that he had lost his temper, and hurriedly returned to his own seat, sitting tightly, his face flushed. Xu Dakai and Qiao Sanpang returned to their seats in tears, but Wu Xiaofei was the only one with a triumphant face and a light smile.

"Brother Qin An, you don't know, there are three strange things in the real fire palace.

The first oddity is Xiaofei’s Little Sister Wu Xiaoxiao, the second oddity is Guo Sihai’s only sword god skill, and the third oddity is a statue of her own left by the Lord God when he built the True Fire Palace at the beginning of the year!

The statue is said to be strange because it is located on the top of Mount Everest, which is more than a thousand meters high! So today's Mount Everest is really a veritable 10,000-meter mountain! This statue is very vivid, with many colors on it, and it looks exactly like a real person from below! In short, everyone says that it is the real fire of the main god, but no one can be sure!

The second wonder is the skill of the sword god of the four seas, his ability is... hey! Forget it, we've all promised not to spread the word, since you already know him, then you have a chance to ask himself!

This strangest one belongs to Wu Xiaoxiao! This girl is only sixteen years old this year. When she was in her infancy, the Lord God gave her God’s gift and made her a sword repairer. Now she has completed fifteen upgrades and has realized two sword god abilities, which is one A real two soul sword repairer! She is also the only person in our Real Fire Palace who has been upgraded more than fifteen times. She is amazing! "

Upgraded fifteen times?

Qin An couldn't help being shocked after hearing this! He originally thought that the highest upgrade level for an upgrader was level 10. Didn't he expect someone to be able to upgrade 15 times?

Jia Li shook his head and smiled bitterly, then continued to talk.

"Of course, she is called one of the Three Wonders, not because she Upgraded fifteen times, but because of her character! That girl... that girl’s personality is too weird! We have also been I hired the best psychologist in West Tibet to examine her, and finally came to the conclusion that she suffers from communication disorders and delusional syndrome! Ah... We don’t know exactly what the disease is, anyway. Brother Qin An would understand after seeing her!

In any case, Jia Li is very happy to meet the leader of the Qin League today, so I once again advise that if you want to live comfortably, you must stay away from Wu Xiaoxiao! Nowadays, the person that girl is most interested in is Guo Sihai, so as long as you show up with Guo Sihai, then she won't bother you! Therefore, Brother Qin, I heard that Si Hai is on the front line, and it seems to be with you. See if you might as well leave from here, we went back to pick up Si Hai, and then you accompany us to the spell card for a walk. how?

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