Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1223 Twenty spars!

Brother Qin possesses so many Sword God skills, I believe that things on the Sword Spirit Star should be clearer than we are? So are you not interested in such things as spell cards? I got information, and the nine Sects seem to have come up with their heads, and I have to say that their news is well-informed! "

Qin An listened to Jia Li's dialogue and smiled:

"Well, I am going, but there is still a small matter to deal with. Why not leave tomorrow, we will rest here for one night today, and then go to the spell card area tomorrow together, as for the four seas, you can rest assured , Now his station is very close to the spell card area, when we passed by, he called him... I am not very interested in what you said about Wu Xiaoxiao, but rather curious about Guo Sihai’s sword god ability , Is it really impossible to tell?"

Jia Li looked at the other people on his side embarrassedly. Qiao San and Xu Dakai both lowered their heads with loyalty. Only Wu Xiaofei smiled:

"Let’s tell you, Qin’an leader, hehe, I really didn’t expect you to be a handsome guy! Actually it’s nothing, they don’t tell you, Big sis tells you! Then Guo Sihai is likely to be the successor of our next-generation chairman, now This is already an undisclosed secret. Almost anyone with a certain identity background knows that I believe the Qin An brothers should have heard of it too? So why did you choose Guo Sihai as his successor? One is because he does have some skills, and the other is because of him. The family background is very orthodox. The third reason is that he grew up in Real Fire Palace and will be the successor of the Lord of Real Fire Palace. Then the fourth reason is because of Guo Sihai’s sword god skills.

Speaking of this, Wu Xiaofei stopped unexpectedly, making Qin An feel itchy.

The Sword God abilities he had seen were too much, and he really couldn't think of what Guo Sihai's ability was, it was so mysterious by them.

"Beauty, don't say half of the words, go on, I can wait." Qin An took the initiative to urge.

"His sword god skills are

Just as Wu Xiaofei was about to say something, the smile on his face froze, because in an instant, the outside of the tent turned out to be as bright as day!

what happened?

All the people in the tent stood up, and then ran out together to watch, only a hundred meters away from the scavenger camp, a huge ball of light with a diameter of 500 meters appeared!

This is... Is this the gate of time and space? How could it be so big? The diameter of the previous time-space gate was only about ten meters in diameter.

"Girl! Hurry up and inform your father, let him take the tribe to avoid immediately!"

Jia Li shouted at Li Taotao!

Li Taotao looked at the ball of light at this moment in a daze. When Jia Li called out to wake up, she wanted to pick up Li Watermelon.

Li Watermelon quickly broke free of Li Taotao's hand.

"Big sis! Go ahead, I want to be with the master! I am a superpower, I want to fight!"

Qin An frowned and glanced at Li Watermelon. He had an impression of the little guy. He could tell the truth at such a young age. It seems that he must be a benevolent kid when he grows up.

"Girl, go, Little Brother leave it to me, don't worry, I will take care of him!"

In desperation, Li Taotao nodded to Jia Li, then turned around and ran away to find his father Li Haibo in the camp, and then organized the tribe to prepare to evacuate.

Qin An, these supernatural beings, naturally won't leave, they at least need to know what is being transmitted from this huge time-space gate!

Everyone is nervous, Qin An is actually more nervous than everyone else.

He has seen the blood and bones people, they are not friendly, and after appearing, he started with humans and killed many civilians.

There is not much time to think about it, because at this time a group of humanoid creatures ran out of the gate of time and space.

Qin An's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was slightly stunned after seeing it.


This turned out to be a group of creatures that looked almost the same as human women!

And their looks are all very beautiful according to human aesthetic standards, at least as good as Liu Xia!

The women wore very little clothing, and each of them had a bumpy figure, and they could see blood spurting!

Qin An's mouth grew wide, and the others were also dumbfounded when they saw it.

Within a few minutes, more than a thousand beauties ran out of the huge gate of time and space. Qin An squinted his eyes and looked at their expressions. They seemed to panic, as if something was chasing after them!

Could it be that they were chased into the entrance of the time-space gate? So are the chasers at the back also there?

Thinking of this, Qin An spoke softly to several people: "Prepare to fight, since there is an alien invasion, we must fight anyway!"

Qin An is now a person in a high position. Although his character is not suitable for being a leader, since he has been put in that position, he will slowly and naturally accumulate some aura.

Therefore, when he said something calmly and calmly, the rest of the people calmed down.

After a while, the beautiful women ran here, and when they saw Qin An and the others, their expressions became even more panicked.

Qin An curled his lips. Could it be that the earth and the sword spirit star have different aesthetics?

They are all beauties in their own eyes, but they see themselves as monsters?

Just thinking about it, one of the prettiest among the beautiful women came out, his face unexpectedly surpassed Liu Ru!

The so-called appearance is actually difficult to judge. It is difficult to use words to describe the beauty of a woman, what is the shame of the moon, the fish and the wild geese, the allure of the country, and so on.

This is very abstract, and it is impossible for people to imagine how beautiful it is.

It's easy if you compare two women together.

For example, bring Liu Ru over and put it next to the woman who walked out at this time, and then compare the two.

From the perspective of skin, Liu Ru's skin is already flawless, but after seeing this woman's skin, it seems that hers is more crystal clear.

Liu Ru's figure is already considered the golden ratio, but this woman's figure seems to be more seductive than Liu Ru, and even more exciting.

So when it comes to looks, Liu Ru looks so beautiful, which is recognized by everyone who has seen her. Then the woman on the opposite side seemed a little more beautiful than Liu Ru, and her delicate and delicate facial features couldn't be faulted at all.

Qin An is a little stupid, what kind of race is this? Sword Spirit Star Beauty Race?

Just thinking about it, the beauty on the other side spoke, and she said something like a monkey crying, and she couldn't understand a word.

This f*ck is an alien language...Qin An is very depressed, concentrates on Mental Energy and starts to go to Meditation to see if he can understand the meaning of these languages! After all, he understood the language of the blood bone tribe.

Before his Meditation succeeded, suddenly, the ball of light disappeared, and at the original position of the ball of light, a behemoth with a height of ten meters appeared!

"Look, what is that!!!" Xu Dakai's voice has gone, like a broken gong, with tremors in his words.

Everyone looked at it together, and then all their faces became pale.

Because they saw the circle of spar sparkling with various colors on the chest of the giant beast! A total of twenty yuan

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