It was a monster with a lower body like an octopus.

It has eight ten-meter-long tentacles, scattered around the body to make it move.

Above the tentacles is the same ten-meter body.

This body is similar in appearance to a human, with a front chest and a belly, and on both sides of the body there are a pair of arms and the same palms as a human.

The upper part of the body is a beast head.

I didn’t do anything to describe the appearance of this head, because it is different from all the creatures on the earth. The only difference is that it has two eyes, a huge nose, fangs, and lips!

The monster is blood red, covered with viscous fluid, without skin, muscles and external mucus are mixed together, and it looks very disgusting.

When it walks, those tentacles can be divided into tentacles that are much slenderer than the main body. The number of divisions cannot be determined, and it is dazzling.

The most conspicuous thing is the twenty colored spars on its chest surrounded by a circle!

This is obviously the same as the upgraded spar marked on the upgraded beast on earth.

So...what the hell is the twenty spars? Has this thing been upgraded twenty times? Is it a level 20 upgraded beast from the Sword Spirit Star?

Qin An and the others were all stupid for a while, they only felt that the sweat on their foreheads burst out, and their backs also became cold!

Yu'er is very anxious. Although she hates male creatures so much, she has to communicate with them.

"I am Yu'er, the girl patriarch of the Jungle Divine Machine Clan in the southern part of the Eighth Continent. Our tribe was attacked by the Earth-Swallowing Beast and entered the space tunnel here while fleeing! Are you a human race from the Third Continent? Please tell me here. Where is the sea, we must escape into the sea! Are there any swallowing beasts here? Do you know this guy is afraid of water? Hey, can you understand me?"

Seeing the beautiful and charming alien woman shouting in pain in front of Own, Qin An really... once again did not understand a word!

At this time, the monster had chased it out, and the beauties running behind all turned around, each of them took out a small ball from their bodies, and then threw them at the monster.

The sphere suddenly deformed and became larger when flying in the air, and finally turned into a battle armor robot with a height of seven or eight meters!

Hundreds of robots all appeared and pounced on the monsters together, but the scattered tentacles of the monsters quickly grew longer, and they entangled all the robots in an instant, and then pulled them under their own body!

At the center of the eight main tentacles, there is a huge hole in its body. The edges of the hole are full of fine and sharp teeth. Those robots were directly crushed by the tentacles and swallowed into the huge hole, and then were swallowed by the solution inside its body. It corrodes quickly, and the metal elements inside are directly absorbed into its body, and then a metal arm guard is formed on the arm, and a porous arrow groove appears in the palm of the front part of the arm guard.

Whoosh whoosh!

At the same time, more than one hundred black iron feathers with a length of two meters were shot, and the alien women who had just launched the attack were shot and killed.

Their physical defenses are too poor, and they can't avoid enemy attacks.

Yu'er turned her head and saw this situation, her heart was completely cold.

How to do! How can I escape? Here is the mountain, the tentacles of the earth-swallowing monster can walk quickly on any ground. People like themselves must be faster than it on the mountain. Those trees can't stop the earth-swallowing beast, let alone slow it down!

Is it necessary to let the tribesman scatter? There were originally tens of thousands of people in her clan. When the Earth-Swallowing Beast first appeared, they had already dispersed, and now there are more than a thousand people left!

Hey, so tired! If Ling'er is so good, the missing female sword god, she was originally the patron saint of the god machine clan!

If it weren't for her disappearance, they wouldn't have to escape from their original homes and enter the forest in order to avoid the bloodbone tribesmen. In the forest, there are obviously more and more terrifying beasts!

Just when Yu'er was hesitating, a figure suddenly passed by her, then disappeared in front of her, and appeared again almost a hundred meters away!This is...Is this the male creature he talked to just now? Does he have powers? Could it be a sword repairer? What is he doing?

Yu'er still didn't know the situation, didn't even know that she had arrived on another planet.

There were originally many space cracks on the Star of Sword Spirit. These space cracks were like a bridge between a continent and a continent. From the entrance, you could travel thousands of kilometers into another continent in an instant. The Sword Spirit Star is too big, if there are no such spatial cracks, I am afraid that no one can travel all the continents.

Suddenly, Yu'er's small mouth opened slightly, shocked by what the man was doing!

Those tribesmen who had just been shot and killed were... actually saved by him?

My God, even on the Star of Sword Spirit, the ability of the Sword God to resurrect dead creatures is very rare. Among the forty-nine Sword God, there are only a few that can resurrect dead creatures.

So this man... who is he?

After Yu'er was shocked, her heart was full of surprises!

Qin An had already passed through the group of women at this time, activated the Hundred-meter Giant Mode, and instantly became bigger, the Sanhuo Yingyue Wentian Divine Sword Sacrificed and smashed the ten-meter monster!

Brother, don't blame me for taking you first. Who makes you look ugly and knows martial arts? Let me try your 20-level upgraded creature's abilities!

Qin An thought so, the divine sword had been slashed vertically, and the blade of the sword was emitting a dazzling light!

Yu'er and the other girls of the god machine clan were all dumbfounded when they saw the god Sword Ray!

It turned out to be a colorful sword, Spiritual Qi?

In the legend, only the sword Spiritual Qi in the Sword God is colorful! Is this man a certain sword god?

In an instant, all the girls of the Divine Machine Clan, including Yu'er, knelt on the ground and bowed to Qin An's location.

This is regarded as respect for the sword god, after all, the sword god is the supreme existence on the star of the sword spirit. So since Qin An can issue the colorful sword Spiritual Qi, whether he is a sword god or not, he can be respected, just the consensus of the nine great sword god races. Of course, this kind of worship is just a ritual. It does not mean that the girls of the Shenji tribe will be willing to obey Qin An's orders in the future. After kneeling and worshipping, they quickly stand up. In their eyes, Qin An is still just a strange male creature. .

Below the body of the tentacle monster, there are now fifty to sixty meters high of robot debris, which are vulnerable to a blow in front of the opponent.

Seeing Qin An’s huge sword slashed down, the tentacle monster let out a roar, and the robot under him was quickly absorbed. The tentacle monster raised his left hand, and a black iron shield appeared in his hand. As the metal material sucked into the body increased, The black iron shield is getting bigger and bigger.


The sound of metal delivery sounded, and the colorful sword Spiritual Qi merged with the black sword Spiritual Qi released from the black iron shield. After that, the shield was directly cut in half by the divine sword. The sword's power did not diminish, and it tilted down like anger. The sea is raging!

However, such a shocking sword did not kill the monster. It moved to the side with extreme speed, and then turned into a pool of blood and melted into the ground!

Qin An’s spirits were highly concentrated, and he turned on super hearing to listen to the sound of the monster cell splitting, but after about five seconds, Qin An’s face changed drastically, and the nine avatars appeared and teleported away at the same time. After that, ten Qin Ans turned on together. With the ability of alchemy, in an instant, under the feet of those alien women, all the soil with a thickness of ten centimeters on the surface turned into gold-colored metal within a full range of almost three kilometers.

The next moment, there was a puff of sound from below, and all the more than a thousand tentacles that wanted to break through the ground were blocked, making the alien women escaped for a while.

Qin An's face was solemn, and these level 20 upgraded beasts are genuine! All kinds of abilities are really too powerful, what should I do now? It has entered the underground, what ability does it have to attack it?

Level 20 upgraded beast! It is estimated that ordinary control abilities are useless, so the offensive abilities are not effective now. I don’t know where the weakness and vitality of this monster are. If it keeps hiding in the ground and only uses its tentacles to attack, it will only be beaten. For the sake of it!

Just thinking about it, the underground bloody water moved quickly through the soil, all the tentacles were retracted, it appeared on the north side of the metal ground, and then re-emerged tentacles on the bloody water, those that looked like three dollars of ham sausage. The tentacles are extremely powerful, and the soil is directly pushed up by it. The five-meter-thick soil layer still can't stop them from being as fierce as a bamboo. More than a thousand tentacles all broke the ground, and then attacked the alien women standing on the metal plate.

Li Watermelon usually looks like a two-hundred-and-five, playing with mud, bullying and bullying other children in the camp, but at this time it is a ghost.

He has been paying attention to the movement of the tentacle monster, and there is no fear in his heart. As the saying goes, the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Li Watermelon is a brand new calf.

Seeing the many tentacles over there burrow out of the ground and then attack this side, Li Watermelon lifted the Fire God Sword and quickly launched a ball of light.

Since the rapid-fire photosphere can be called the rapid-fire photosphere, the rate of fire is naturally extremely fast. In just ten seconds, a cross section is full of the light and shadow energy left after the photosphere explodes.

The tentacles collided with the ball of light bursting through the wall, and they were almost completely destroyed in the end.

However, this is of no use at all, because the tentacles can still grow, and they grow rapidly!

Level 20 upgraded beast, Realm is already a strong middle stage, how could it be slow to repair the body!

Jia Li also took action at this time. He quickly transformed himself into a beast, and then turned into a giant with a height of 100 meters just like Qin An. The nine-backed sword dragon elephant can transform the host into a huge, and at the same time has super defensive power. and strength.

Jia Li strode forward, traversed the dissipated ball of light to blast the barrier, then stepped out of the metal ground and stepped onto the soil ground.


After a muffled sound, the nearby hillsides almost trembled. The Great Wall of Jiaoshan was already ruined, but after a violent tremor, it collapsed one after another!

Unfortunately, although Jia Li's attack was full of momentum, and the huge soles of his feet plunged into the ground at a depth of five meters, it was useless for birds.

After the tentacles circled underground, they quickly wrapped around Jia Li's legs, directly making Jia Li unable to move.

"Dage!" The three of Xu Dakai's eyes were red upon seeing this situation, and they called out together, worrying about Jia Li's safety.

Qin An raised his hand and waved a ball of flames, which burned Jia Li's tentacled legs.

The tentacles quickly withdrew after touching the power of the flames, and Qin An grabbed Jia Li's shoulders and directly pulled his huge body back.

"Don't rush to shoot, this guy is very strong, if you don't know its weaknesses, there is no way to deal with it!"

With sweat on Jia Li's forehead, he nodded hurriedly.

"Damn! The tentacles of this thing are corrosive and toxic. I was entangled by them just now, and only felt that the skin quickly dissolved, and the whole leg became numb and unable to move!"

During the speech, Jia Li got out of the transformation state and returned to the normal body state. Xu Dakai and the three hurried over to support him, only to see that his legs turned out to be bloody and bloody at this time, obviously unable to recover quickly under the attack of the sword spirit.

Qin An retracted the clone to reduce energy consumption, and at the same time used a healing technique to save all living beings to stop Jia Li's wound from decaying. Although he could not completely repair it, it also controlled the deterioration of his injury.

What a powerful attack power!

It seems that these tentacles can't be touched easily, they will get hurt when touched!

So, is the bloody water spreading in the five-meter soil layer now the real body of the other party?

When Qin An thought of this, his body was already moving, and he pounced on a bunch of tentacles that appeared again, and the tentacles all pounced on Qin An without hesitation.

Just when the two parties were about to come into contact, Qin An activated the ability to control object transmission, and directly transmitted a three-meter cube of soil from the blood water of five meters underground, and then returned to normal from the giant state, and activated the transmission ability. Going underground, it releases flames against the nearby soil containing blood.

A stern cry came from around, and then the blood quickly floated up, rushing out of the ground and turning into the body of the tentacle monster.

Qin An teleported out of the ground, and arrived on the ground. Hundreds of red leaves mixed with nine light waves that swept across a thousand soldiers waved at will, forming a red and yellow energy network that covered the tentacle monster.

At the same time, Qin An opened the alchemy technique again, metalizing the soil on which the tentacle monster stood, preventing it from entering the soil.

The tentacle monster's mouth kept uttering a sharp roar.

Although Hongye Flying Daggers and Sweeping Thousand Army Lightwave castrate quickly, the Tentacle Monster is faster.

The eight main tentacles suddenly grew longer, pushing up its body and reaching a height of 100 meters directly!The Red Leaf Flying Daggers and the Light Wave Sweeping the Thousand Army cut off the tentacles located in the lower section, but the tentacles did not fall. It just hovered in the sky 100 meters. The eight main tentacles lifted the plain cloth, and many branch tentacles grew rapidly. , Pounce on Qin An together!

NS! How can this thing fly?

Qin An felt that he was a little stunned! This is too strong, right? Being able to go from the sky to the ground, defense, attack, strength, evasion, recovery, and other parameter values ​​are all so powerful that Qin An’s entangled is that there doesn’t seem to be a brain structure similar to earth creatures in this thing’s body, so he What should we do to kill the opponent?

Behind, Qiu Jinse covered his mouth with his hands, his face flushed and his eyes were sharp. this Qin An's combat effectiveness?

So strong!

Although it took less than two minutes to do it, he actually beat the monsters and ran around in the sky?

In the end, Qiu Jinse was still unable to escape the curse, as the so-called lover's eyes appeared to be Xi Shi!

The monsters are using their own ability to fight against Qin An. Although they look similar, it is clear that Qin An has the disadvantage now. After all, his abilities cannot be released all the time, and the monsters can go to the sky at any time. In contact with Qin An, Qin An can be played to death with only his tentacles.

But in Qiu Jinse's opinion, it was not the case. He only felt that the monster was beaten by Qin An and had no power to fight back.

From the very beginning, Qiu Jinse hadn't spoken, because Qin An attacked her, making her feel that she might be hated by others.

Yes, Qin An's true age now is more than twice his own. How can he have the mind to deal with a little girl like himself?

Moreover, it is impossible for him to lack a woman by his side!

As a graded superpower, he just went to the street and posted a notice saying that he wanted to find a one-night stand. It is estimated that the women who came to sign up could line up from Jiulong Mountain to the west of Tibet.

Not to mention anything else, if you get Qin An's genetic gene, if you can successfully conceive, it will be equivalent to getting a future superman!

Which woman doesn't want her own child to fly into the sky, and one day rely on him to win the world?

Hey, so Qiu Jinse feels pitiful and helpless. He was a little discouraged before.

So at this moment, when she saw Qin An's mighty power, her mind became active again.

Would Qin An not like her at all?

No, it should not be! If he doesn't like it at all, he won't be curious about himself at first! There must be something in her that attracted Qin An that made Qin An incarnate as Qin Xiaoan to follow him!

So what is this trait? Beautiful?

Qiu Jinse frowned and lowered his head, and looked at own figure, which is really good, at least not as bad as an ordinary woman!

Pulling up the collar and looking inside, Qiu Jinse's complexion is even redder, and her weapon is also good. She is sharp and strong. Yes, she shouldn't be so inferior. There is no poor dwarf in front of love, but she dare not fight for it. The weak.

She has been imprisoned for five years, can she go back to that prison? Go back to that cold cell?

can not! She can't go back, if she is allowed to go back again, she will definitely die! Even if you don't commit suicide, you will die of depression alone!

Hasn't her destiny changed? Qin Wenxin crossed back to her, instead of looking for Qin An's current wives, this is the best proof!

People Qin Wenxin also entrusted her with important things, killing the woman in red first! Second, find a childhood sweetheart for Qin Wenxin to grow up with, so that she will not have an Electra complex, so as to change Qin Wenxin's destiny, but she has put all her life on herself!

Then, Qiu Jinse understood that she must become Qin An's woman, and she must make him like herself!

He is her future!

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