It only took more than forty seconds, and the 10,000-meter water column had all landed.

The alien beauties have no idea what happened. They were involved in the water before. Many women’s clothes were gone. A group of people piled up. When the water column fell, they were hit by the splashing water and mud. Go back quickly.

Qin An stepped forward to look after the water column disappeared.

Good deed, the ground was rushed out of a large hole with a radius of more than 100 meters and a depth of seven or eight meters! As for the tentacle monster that Qin An tried his best to get rid of, the skin and muscles had completely rotted at this moment, leaving only a bunch of weird bones!

It turned out to be directly killed by a powerful water jet containing the energy of the sword spirit?

Qin An swallowed fiercely, and then looked at Qiu Jinse, who was standing opposite the big pit and also in a daze.

Now, she is regarded as a true one soul sword repairer, Qin An's eyes narrowed slightly, and she inadvertently turned on the perspective ability to look at Qiu Jinse's chest, only to see that an eleven-color flower rune mark had appeared there.

Qiu Jinse was not an upgrader before, could it be said that in an instant, her body had undergone eleven evolutions, so she suddenly realized this ability?

This is really a human being. Qin An's life is also considered a series of adventures, and now it is only a ninth-level upgraded state.

But look at Qiu Jinse, who turned out to be a god in one move? Will you enter the ten first-level state? Then in her mouth, where is Qin Wenxin, who is passing through, Sacred? Can this change happen to an ordinary person?

The four-character title Sword God Shadow of Time and Space?

I don’t know if Qin Wenxin’s journey has brought information about the future. Now forty-nine sword gods are all two-character titles. Will there be four-character sword gods in the future?

So in the future, will it not be a world with sword gods all over the world?

Qin An didn't dare to imagine, nor could he imagine, after all, the future was too far away for him, and there were indeed a lot of things facing him right now.

Let's do it one by one! As the saying goes, those who are able to work harder, Qin An feels that his own body is still strong, and he can't retire so early. His children have not grown up yet, and he has no successors.

In 1943, United States psychologist Abraham Maslow proposed in "The Theory of Human Motivation":

Human needs are divided into five levels from low to high like a ladder: physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, respect needs, and self-realization needs.

For such a simple understanding, take Qin An as an example.

In the early stage of the last days, he needs food and a place for him to sleep. This is a physical need and has nothing to do with sex.

After Qin An got the supernatural power, he hoped to establish a base area to be protected. This was a security requirement.

After Qin An’s powers became stronger and he was not too worried about the safety of his own, he began to hope to establish a stable network, marry a wife and have children, and the thirteen wolf riders would appear. Only women such as Lan Yue, Liu Xia, and Xiaoyan would be gradually confided. Qin An establishes an ambiguous relationship, which is a social need.

Wandering in all corners of the world for many years, Qin An accepted the title of Golden King in Western Tibet after his return, returned to Qincheng and became the lord of the Qin League with his own will. This is the need for respect, and he has reached the age where he needs a social status.

So now, he has everything, and what he needs is self-realization.

He needs to have a life goal, and he needs to realize his own life value.

The last days have lasted for more than 20 years, and Qin An has been wandering for more than 20 years, seeing too much life and death, seeing through human nature, and seeing the vastness of the world.

This made him miss the life before the end of the world. Although he was just a small person and poor in that world, he was equally happy.

So his goal in life now is to restore the world to normal, minimize war and fear, and stay away from his life!

Li Watermelon, Qiu Jinse, Gu Changqing, He Tianyu, Qin Le.

This is the sword repairer next to him, so Lan Yue and others are sword gods with supernatural powers, and Vajra and the others are ordinary supersavers.

He owns Tianju, which is a mobile security fortress, which means that Qin An is now able to form a mobile army!

A sentence made by the West Tibet many years ago is very reasonable. This is an era in which heroes are needed. Ordinary people are already like ants in front of the real strong sword repairmen. Now, the Nine Main Schools have appeared, and the time and space gates continue. The teleportation race and monsters will come, and the future will be full of crises.

Qin An knew that he had to be more proactive, to take the initiative to understand this new world, and to take the initiative to guide its future.

Qin An didn't want to let himself be a victim of the Sword God's conspiracy, so what he had to do... was to find the hosts of the Nine Great Sword Gods and other Sword Gods! At least he has to control them by his side, so that they can't be free, and then hide in the corner to calculate himself!

Life is not a novel, it cannot be so profitable. When a monster comes, it will go to death. If the equipment is exploded, it will be awesome.

After repeated psychological construction, Qin An has understood the path he will take.

Still the same sentence, he didn't want to be a savior, he just wanted the darkness to recede and light to the place he went! Then such a world does not belong to him, but to Qin Wenxin, to Jin Bao, Jin Dou, to Shi Lida, to Li Chen's kid, and to all the latecomers who are about to live in this world!

Because Qiu Jinse suddenly turned from an ordinary person to a super superpower, Qin An felt a little in his heart.

He did not continue to struggle, nor did he express his own emotion to Qiu Jinse. The moment he turned around, Qin An saw Qiu Jinse's eyes.

She was looking at herself, with a little triumph in her eyes, but she found that she didn't look at her, but she was quickly lost.

Qin An smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth. His story with a dumb girl may have just begun. He knows his own heart, and he likes to tease this girl who suddenly appeared in his own world!

Hey, after returning home, I have to do a good job in front of my wife. Qin An knows that his own heart is derailed!

In the past, no matter how many women there were around him, he didn't think so, but the meaning at this moment was different.

It seems that one should look at the night sky in the dead of night, feel the nature, and then talk to Weng Lan who has been missing for many years.

Does he really fall in love with another woman besides her? Time dilutes his love for Weng Lan?

Qin An knew that this was actually a good thing, but he didn't want to, and resisted it. Since he didn't want to, if he resisted, then he should control himself.

Weng Lan, where are you?

Are you still alive?

A trace of loneliness in his heart rose, Qin An raised his palm, and a black spar hidden between the bones of the tentacle monster appeared in his hand.

Compared with the previously obtained sword soul fragments from the bone-blood tribe, this is really a big sword soul stone, although its shape is irregular, it is not a complete sword soul stone.

Qin An did not put it in the Interspatial Ring this time, instead he took out the two pieces of sword soul fragments from the Interspatial Ring. After that, the mysterious color light in his hand was radiant, and the sword soul stone and the sword soul fragments were all absorbed by him!

In an instant, Qin An felt that his body, which had been exhausted due to the continuous release of abilities, was restored to its best state, and the energy in the body was still ascending, a feeling of burning heat suddenly appeared, and then filled his whole body!

What a powerful energy! It turned out that absorbing the Soul Stone can also evolve himself for more than ten seconds, Qin An lowered his head and looked at own chest, then his eyes were rounded and he was slightly stunned.

Eleven colors rune mark! He... how did he cross two levels and directly enter the ten first-level upgraded state? Can this incomplete sword soul stone from the tentacle monster provide so much energy?

Before Qin An wanted to understand the key to the problem, a voice appeared in Qin An's heart!

"Hehe, you finally broke through the Mortal Body Realm and entered the state of strong body! Then it is time to say goodbye to you, I will instill all the scattered memories into your Spiritual Sense, and let you know some sword spirit stars Thing."

Ah? True Fire Sword God!

Qin An heard that the voice belonged to the owner of the Wrangler, the woman in red.

"Don't be too surprised, I am not the Sword God of True Fire, I am just a trace of the spiritual thought she left in your body! This is also the last little power of the Sword God of True Fire! Xuantian no longer exists, because the star of the sword spirit is Collapsed, without the sword spirit star, he has no meaning to exist! You will understand these things later! Qin An, I have merged the Xuantian sword body, the three-phase female devil, the nine blood spirits, and you for you. The many summoned creatures in the body are thanks to the help of the Five Elements Samsara magic energy. Also, I have merged the nine clones for you. From now on you will lose the ability of the clone, but you will gain the jumping physique!"

"Jumping physique? What the hell is this?"

"In simple terms, because of the energy of your clone, once you are upgraded, there is a probability to stimulate your clone potential, giving you the opportunity to continuously upgrade and quickly become a stronger existence! Because I have merged your nine Doppelganger, so you can upgrade up to nine times in a row, I mean you should be able to understand.

For example, if you are now ten first-level upgraded, then you may be upgraded several times in succession during the next advance, and you can directly reach ten third-level, ten sixth-level, ten eighth-level, and you can upgrade up to nine times in a row to enter twenty. class! The species on the Sword Spirit Star will actually be upgraded. The higher the upgraded level, the stronger the strength. Like these newly-arrived divine machine girls, their average number of upgrades is actually only the fifth-level!

So Ling'er is a strange thing. She could become a sword god in the sword spirit star. This was when she became a god back then, I didn't expect it.

Qin An, now that you have a decision in your heart, let it go! I...I am a loser. I have not been able to stop the Sword Spirit Star chaos for so many years. On the contrary, it has caused the war to burn thousands of continents around the world!

So now it's up to you. I hope you can build a future with your own hands. You have this ability, and you should do this! Because you are Qin An!

Goodbye child, hope I can really come back to life completely, and then be with you forever and never be separated

The red woman's voice slowly disappeared, and tears slowly welled up in Qin An's eyes.

Why does she feel heartache, who is she? And who is he?

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