Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1227 She Is My Woman

There is already a mess near the Jiaoshan Fort, but with Qiu Jinse's insistence, everyone is still camping here. This night is really tiring.

Qin An was sitting in the simple wooden house just built by scavengers, looking at Qiu Jinse in a daze.

The dumb girl finally spoke again, and she spoke again not with herself, but with Li Haibo who was adding tea to everyone.

"Oh, I have really gained knowledge. I didn't expect your abilities to be so powerful! What did you call it before? Call the wind and call the rain, and Miss Qiu casually summoned a vast ocean! Just now I really thought I would drown, but suddenly I came back alive again. It should be Master Qin An who performed that magical healing technique for us again? Hey, when I didn’t contact you before, I just felt that I was living in the last days. , But now I have the feeling of being a human for two lives. Is this clearly a whole new world! And my youngest son... Brother Jia Li, how did he become a supernatural person?"

Just as Jia Li was about to explain, Qiu Jinse on one side suddenly stood up, and then pulled the busy Li Haibo over to sit down, and took the tea kettle in his hand to serve everyone.

"Ahhhh, Miss Qiu, what are you doing? I'll be fine!"

Qiu Jinse smiled like a flower, and said to Li Haibo:

"You must have been frightened a lot just now, so sit down and rest. What about Wei Ran's Big sis? Is she okay now?"

"Well, I gave her something to eat, and now I have fallen asleep. After all, it is already more than one o'clock in the morning. She is a little tired. There is also watermelon. I also let Taotao take him to sleep. The child is still young... .. Autumn Miss, let me come!"

"No need, Li Dage, just sit, drink some tea and go to rest. I see that the people in our clan are still building simple wooden houses, so you don't need to let them do it. Since Li Watermelon is the kid He is a supernatural person, and West Tibet will definitely take care of him. Now Tibet and Jiulong Mountain are one body, so you will move to Xuanjian City to live in the future. I believe you will be welcomed there too! Hey, it’s a pity that I’m a female prisoner. I don’t know if I can make up for it in this battle and become a free person in the future. If I can, I will live near your home. I really like this kid Li Watermelon. I want it in the future. Get close to him. You don't care how he becomes a superpower, as long as he knows that he will not be a thing in the pool!"

Qin An's brows frowned, this dumb girl...too much talk, right?

Why is she so polite to Li Haibo, this attitude is as if Li Haibo is his natal relative.

No, the dumb girl hasn't married yet, how can she have her natal relatives?

Naturally, Qin An could not understand Qiu Jinse's thoughts.

She is a great task from heaven. She has to find a good match for Qin Wenxin, who is not long before the full moon. Then Li Watermelon is really good. Now she is a soul sword repairer, and her future achievements are limitless! Moreover, Qiu Jinse had been observing him before and found that he was not stage fright, not afraid, and there are some cleverness in times of crisis, and he really liked it as he watched it.

If you put him around and educate him, he will definitely be a great man in the future. If Qin Wenxin and Li Watermelon can become a couple, Qin Anke will be in-laws with others.So if I really become Qin An's relatives to several children, I will naturally be relatives to Li Haibo.

Qiu Jinse's thoughts can be regarded as long-term. With such twists and turns in his heart, even if he killed Qin An, he couldn't understand it.

You can only talk about women's thoughts, men can't guess, and after guessing and guessing, they still don't understand.

Ignoring that Qiu Jinse had already chatted with Li Haibo about the family life there, and inquired about the birthdates of his two children, Qin An turned his head to look at Wu Xiaofei, Xu Dakai and Qiao San Fatty.

At this time, Wu Xiaofei had already dressed Yu'er, but she had a good time just now, and she didn't seem to care about it. The eyes of Xu Dakai and the others were about to fall out.

Qin An really didn't expect that these beauties belonged to a clan of sacred machines! Isn't this Ling'er's fellow?

Because I absorbed the sword soul stone, I was upgraded, and my body broke through the mortal body into the strong body state.

Therefore, he was able to withstand the remnant thoughts of the True Fire Sword God, absorbed all of her abilities, and was refined by these abilities into a jump promotion physique.

No wonder Xuantian and the other summoned creatures in his body all disappeared. It turned out that the remnant soul of the True Fire Sword God entered his body and refined them, and stored them, until then the energy was released.

So entangled, who is the True Fire Sword God? Qin An always felt that he cared about her, especially when she disappeared.

But this is just an emotion, Qin An can't struggle for too long, after all, there are too many things in his heart now.

At the same time, he also incorporated some memories of the True Fire Sword God. These memories did not let Qin An know the secrets of the Forty-Nine Sword God, but he knew the customs of many Sword Spirit Stars and many different languages.

Therefore, not only can he understand what Yu'er is saying, he can even speak this foreign language, which is a big surprise.

"Can you let these two men stay away from me...I mean: I'm the Shenji tribe, have you heard of it? The Shenji tribe doesn't like men, including any male creatures! No matter what! How to thank you for saving me and the people, and also thank the male sword repairer, but... But even if he is a sword god, I would not like to be close to him. This is the reason of blood, you can understand NS?

"Beauty, you are so beautiful, and the little girls who appeared with you are also so beautiful! Qin An said that you are a race from the Sword Spirit Star. Is this true? I thought the Sword Spirit Star is full of monsters. , Haha, what are you talking about? I don’t understand! Do you say that I am also pretty? Thank you

Seeing Wu Xiaofei's chat with Yuerji and Duck, Qin An finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"Your name is Yu'er, you are welcome to go through the space tunnel to my planet. This is no longer the sword spirit star, but a planet called the earth, do you understand? The earth is far away from the sword spirit star. How far! Maybe it’s not in the same space and time. I think since you are a girl of the Divine Machine Race, you must be very clever. You should be able to figure out these things, right?"

Qin An suddenly spoke, using the language of the Shenji clan.

Jia Li and others were all stunned.

I really experienced too much shock tonight. I first witnessed the strength of Qiu Jinse with my own eyes, but now I heard Qin An speak an alien language again?

The latter is simply unbelievable. Could it be that the master of the Qin League, the commander-in-chief of Nine Dragons Liancheng, turned out to be an alien?

Yuer was also taken aback for a moment, then frowned and looked at Qin An.

"Earth? You said we came to earth through a space tunnel!

OMG, this turned out to be true. According to our Elder's calculation, she said that the Sword Spirit Star is about to be destroyed, and all creatures will enter a brand new world of time and space! Is this actually true?

That... Then you are not the human race of the third continent? But your languages ​​seem to be interlinked. Although I don't know the Third Eastern Continent, I have seen a few ronin over there. You speak really alike!

No, you can speak our ethnic language again. This doesn't make sense. How can two planets that are far apart and possibly not in the same time and space have a common language? This probability is simply too low, almost zero, unless the two planets have a special connection!

Yes, there is a connection, otherwise, after the sword spirit star collapsed, why would life on the planet come to the earth? What kind of connection is this?

OMG! The forty-nine sword gods disappeared at the same time, could it be said that they also came here through the time tunnel?

You can speak the language of our race, do you know Linger? Know our god machine sword god?

Yes, it must be so, and then she taught you what to say about us. After all, it seems that our body structure should be very similar, and we have the same vocal organs, so you can learn the language of the Sword Spirit Star God Machine Clan. strangeness!

But this is not right! It is impossible for Ling'er to teach a man to learn our language! She will not come into contact with men!

Unless it is forced helpless!

Could it be said that something dangerous happened after Ling'er arrived on this planet? Otherwise, how could she be forced into helplessness?

You...who are you? What do you do with our supernatural machine sword god? "

Listening to Yu'er's series of words, Qin An only felt a headache. Maybe she should meet and chat with Weng Die occasionally. They must be able to talk.

This Yu'er is obviously very smart, why didn't Ling'er show such smart energy?

Qin An sometimes felt that Ling'er was a little cute and silly.

Maybe Ling'er is a special individual. God opened the window to become a sword god for her, and naturally closed the door for her to become a smart woman.

So if Ling'er's IQ among the god-machine girls is not high, doesn't it mean that the god-machine girls in front of them can make more high-tech products?

Thinking of Qin An being overjoyed here, it seems that God is really helping him, and he has even sent him a group of free scientists.

Ling'er is their main god, and Qin An is not afraid to control them.

Seeing Yu'er staring at him fiercely, Qin An thought slightly and smiled badly:

"Are you talking about Divine Machine Sword Shenlinger? Oh...I know her! She is my woman now!"


"What's wrong? You seem shocked?"

"You...what did you say?"

"I said I know Ling'er, and she is my woman!"

"Impossible! You are talking nonsense! Don't think that you can release the colorful sword Spiritual Qi and I will compromise with you! Even if you are the true sword god, I can't forgive you for your insult to Ling'er at this moment! How could she be your woman? Ling'er is the one who hates men the most, she is the most hated male species in our race! Don't lie, I won't believe it!"

Seeing Yu'er's excitement, Qin An curled his lips.

Damn, I just talked casually, this woman actually said that he was insulting Ling'er, is he a piece of rotten meat? Stinky? Why can't he be Ling'er's man!

Hmph, these magical girls of the sword spirit stars, who obviously have the same body structure as human women, have evolved into such weird creatures. It seems that it's time to set things right for themselves!

Now that he has arrived on the earth, he has to go to the countryside and do as he does. Qin An decides to find an opportunity to slowly educate these young girls who hate male creatures, so that they know why the world has produced women while also producing men!

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