United States, Yorktown, Nevada, a civilian gathering place set up in the City of Giant Forest, 8000 soldiers of the Sixth Army are stationed here, and the gathering of civilians has exceeded 50,000.

The supreme commander of the Sixth Army, Volsky, will take over as the lord of the city, re-establish the command system of the whole army, and then continue to implement the strategic goal of migrating to Seven Swords City.

The migrating troops are now very chaotic. The flying zombies have not been cleaned up. They fly around, and one rushes into the ordinary civilian population, which will cause the entire group to collapse and then fled in all directions.

So at this time, Utah, Wyoming, Nevada, and Oregon surrounding the Great Salt Lake are already full of refugees, which makes the progress of rescue work slow.


The black soldier's face was gloomy and his tone was very cold.

Both Elvis and Juliet had already taken off their clothes, only Weng Lan was flushing with Qin Sanshan in her arms.

Hey, check if there are any signs of being bitten on your body so that you can enter the city.

Weng Lan is very entangled, can't we get a female soldier at the quarantine station? Before the end of the world, they said how much human rights are here, but now they don’t care about other people’s privacy?

Ah...If it’s just a soldier, it’s fine, but the quarantine station at this moment is simply a shed outdoors, it’s all transparent, and there are people everywhere. I don’t know if I take off my clothes. How many eyes are watching. It’s daytime again, and the sun is shining in the sky, "Why, don’t you take it off? There are still people waiting in line. If you don’t take it off, I can’t let any safety hazards enter the camp! Do you understand?"

Weng Lan's hand trembled slightly, and she slowly lifted it to her own collar, ready to unbutton her clothes.

There is no way. Everyone who passes by this quarantine station has to be stripped. How can she make an exception?

A large group of soldiers came up to the town five days ago, and the people in the town finally got out of trouble.

But the situation was chaotic at the time. There were more than 5,000 refugees trapped in houses in the small town. Everyone rushed out together, and then ran wildly with more than 1,000 soldiers. After running for two hours, they encountered flying zombies again. The crowd was washed away. San, Weng Lan, Ives, Julia and a dozen civilians and two soldiers finally arrived at this fixed gathering camp after several setbacks. It was really not easy.

What was unacceptable in Weng Lan's heart, but it seemed incomprehensible to other people. The civilians who lined up behind had actually regarded Weng Lan as a freak a few minutes ago.

Isn't it just taking off your clothes?

What's wrong? No one can understand.

Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted.

"Hey, soldier! This woman has been so long and refuses to take off her clothes. I think maybe she has some scars on her body that are very secretive. Maybe she is a virus carrier, she may become a zombie at any time, so she cannot be allowed in. Otherwise it is very likely that this gathering place will be ruined!"

Someone took the lead, and others started booing."Yeah! Can't go in, let her leave!"

"At least you have to stay outside the camp for a few days. If you really don't become a zombie, you are considering letting her enter the city!"

"Yes, I put my hand on the Bible and swear that this woman must be a carrier of the virus!"

In the face of people's riots, some soldiers hurriedly appeared to stop it.

The black soldier who took the lead shrugged his shoulders and showed a helpless expression at Weng Lan.

"It's fine now, because your hesitation caused a panic here, then you can only stay outside the gathering place temporarily, I will send someone to look at you, if you have an abnormality, then he will be merciless Kill you!"

Weng Lan's face suddenly turned pale, so she was not allowed to enter? Now the outside is very chaotic. If she can't enter the gathering place, how can she continue to live? She hasn’t eaten for two days, and her milk and water are getting less and less. Even Qin Sanshan is hungry and full. She cried when she woke up in these two days, and went to sleep when she was tired, and woke up hungry in her sleep. The heart that made her mother look awkward.

And this is a gathering place. Qin Qicai, Liu Tian, ​​and other people and her children are likely to come here. If she can't go in, how can she find them?

The extremely tangled Weng Lan began to regret and hesitate.

This is the end of the world! Any one of her hesitations will eventually bring her to Death!

At this moment, Elvis and Juliet were on the sidelines. Juliet watched coldly, but Elvis said: "We are together, I can testify that there is nothing wrong with her body and it is impossible to be bitten by a zombie! She just has a strange personality. Well, we have been together for a few days, and I already know her! Isn’t it just taking off your clothes for an inspection? Just check it, why not let people go into the city?"

While talking, Ives walked to Weng Lan and said softly:

"Lan, although I don't like you very much, we are companions these days! So I can come out to testify for you, but you must be honest enough yourself. Take off your clothes and let them investigate. Check it out!"

Weng Lan nodded quickly and glanced at Ives gratefully. No shame in his heart, he handed Qin Sanshan to Ives, intending to strip herself immediately.

At this moment, a white officer in military uniform suddenly appeared, grabbed Weng Lan's hand, and then pulled her into his arms.

"O'Neal, leave this woman to me. Isn't it just a check? I will check her inside and out. If there is no problem, I will send it back to you."

While talking, the white officer dragged Weng Lan away. Ives hurriedly grabbed the clothes he put aside on seeing him, and then followed with the child in his arms. Juliet frowned and looked at it. In the end, she didn't enter the city alone. Although she was a selfish woman, getting along with Weng Lan and Ives these days also made her understand that there is no absolute trustworthy partner. It is difficult to survive in a chaotic situation, so if it is not necessary, she does not plan to abandon Weng Lan. After all, Weng Lan’s various performances are remarkable. At least she is a smart guy, and she dares to kill people, and she has great skill. good.

In this way, the white officer took Weng Lan and left the quarantine station, and walked more than 500 meters south to a fortification, where the soldiers were using tree trunks to build a simple fence. The white officer finally took the three women of Weng Lan. Entered a wooden house that had just been built.

"Please sit down, three ladies. Introduce yourself, my name is Alshan Reid."

Ives returned the three boys to Weng Lan, and then asked while wearing his own clothes:

"Then this officer, did you bring my companion here to check her?"

Arshan Reid smiled and shook his head, then took out a photo and shook it at Weng Lan.

Weng Lan frowned after seeing it, because the woman in the photo turned out to be herself, and this photo was obviously taken when she first met Qin Qicai in that huge garbage dump, and the angle of the photo was taken from the air. .

"Three days ago, I received some messages. The man named Shirakawa Five Dragons died, and the gangster found his body.

This incident has now been known to people in New York. Shirakawa Wulong's wife is the daughter of the godfather of the gang, and she was very annoyed when she heard the news of her husband's death.

Shirakawa Wulong left New York this time to find the woman in the photo.

If I am not mistaken, it should be her! "

While speaking, Alshan Reid raised his hand to Weng Lan.

"One hundred and twenty kilometers north of this place, there is Akrambu, the city of the gangster alliance. When I was in Jusen City, I would make some small deals with the gang leader in Akrambu, so that we can live with each other. Better. Then this picture was given to me by the Lord of Akram, so I plan to hand this woman to the people of the gang and let them take it to Akram."

At this time, a few soldiers rushed in, and Arshan Reid clapped his hands.

"It just happened. I just brought the people back. I will tie them all together. Since these two women have something to do with the target, they should pack them together and send them to Akram, as a gift!"


Ives and Juliet are all stupid.

After a few seconds, Juliet shouted.

"Hey, listen! I am not familiar with this woman. I am from the city of giant forests! You can't treat me like this. I want to see your senior officers. Some of my family members belong to the military department. Doing violates my rights! I want to protest!"

Alshan Reid curled his lips, and the soldiers had sealed the mouths of all three of them with tape.

"This is not a long way. I will give the gang members some vehicles and let them take you along with you, and then use those vehicles to bring back what I want from Akram Putrajaya, some spices, Some coffee beans, and some gold."

Alshan Reid walked slowly to Weng Lan and lifted her chin.

"I have to say, you are a beautiful oriental woman. I know that there is a place on the other side of the world called China, so are you of Chinese descent or Japanese? Nowadays, there are not many young people who know these, and the world has returned to the primitive. It's as if the New World hasn't been discovered yet. Most people know Japan, but... but they think Japan is a small island off the west coast of United States. Haha, it's really ridiculous!"

Letting go of Weng Lan's chin, Alshan Reid returned to his own seat and poured a cup of coffee.

"I am not interested in women in this world. I prefer high-quality Life, as my grandfather Older Ridnour described.

In the sunny afternoon, the yard surrounded by small fences was planted with rose flowers, and an old version of Human Ghost Love Is Still Coming was placed, and a whole glass of high-quality red wine from the Aegean Sea was poured. That’s what I thought. Important life. "

While talking, Alshan Reid stood up and walked back and forth in the room waving his hands, as if he were an elegant music conductor.And the three of Weng Lan have been escorted out.

A soldier took the three boys who had been snatched from Weng Lan in his arms and asked, "What about this kid?"

"Child? His mother is about to leave. How dangerous is it for a woman to take such a small child in the last days? Go and kill him, quietly, and don't be discovered by those morally virtuous guards in the city!"

The soldier nodded, turned and left!

Weng Lan actually resisted. Although her body seemed thin, she also possessed the physical strength of an ordinary man because of the Emperor Sword God.

But the United States soldier who tied her up was more than two meters tall, and his muscles were as strong as stone, which made Weng Lan unable to resist.

She felt that her own blood was flowing extremely fast, and her heart was beating so fast that she couldn't breathe.

She didn't cry. She knew that tears were something she used to release pressure when she was alone when she was fine. At this moment, she was going to be caught, and she was going to be separated from the only child around her. She had to do it. What, what must she do!

In the fierce resistance, the United States soldier lost his patience and knocked Weng Lan's head hard, knocking him stunned, and then pulled it outside and stuffed it into a military vehicle with a closed rear bucket. The man came over and spoke to a soldier who took the lead.

"Alshan Reid sent someone to inform that he had caught the person we wanted? So fast?"

The soldier glanced at the talking man, and didn't know what his name was.

"You have a lot of words. This is the camp of Jusen troops. The gang should keep a low profile here. The goods have been loaded into the truck. I will send a few people to follow the truck. The old rules, let them bring the rewards back!"

"Haha, I don't like this place either, but Akrambu is free. You can go there if you have the opportunity! Why do you have to go to the Seven Sword City?"

"Yakrambu? Sir, please don’t joke with me. I have an own status here. When I get to Yakramb, when I reach your site, wouldn’t I be worse than a dog! Although I don’t want to be a good person, but I don’t want to go to a place where even dogs hate Life, so, take your man, get out of here!"

Several gangsters laughed and didn't mind the soldiers. They opened the trunk and looked at Weng Lan inside. After checking the photos, they left.

In the coma, Weng Lan had a subconscious thought, and her tears finally fell. She may have realized that she has lost contact with all her children. She is a failed mother!

The soldier holding Qin Sanshan walked far away from the camp. The little guy was still asleep. In fact, he was too tired. He cried too much in the past few days, making his small body weak.

The soldier's name is Yale, forty-two years old, a man in the pre-apocalyptic era, who has experienced the dark five years of the early stage of the eschatology and experienced the real eschatology.

Looking at the child in his arms, Yale frowned slightly.

"Hey, there is no way, I can only kill you, because I have to get life under Alshan. Today's life is sad. Uncle from Alshan is a senior official of Jusen. His future is bright. If I want to To have a better Life, you must hold him firmly. Little guy, then go to death. This is actually for your good. You have lost your mother and are about to become an orphan. Now the zombies are surging, and the future will be It’s extremely dangerous, so since it’s hard to grow up, why bother to suffer? Just leave without knowing anything! May God bless you

While talking, Yale took out a dagger from his arms, then put Qin Sanshan on the ground and stabbed him in the heart with a knife!

At this time, the car containing Weng Lan had started. Both Ives and Juliet saw this scene from a distance through the car window. They saw the soldier stabbed the child into the child’s body, and then threw the one into the child’s body. After leaving the river, the child walked along the river and eventually disappeared

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