Senior officials gathered in the meeting room of the underground command center just opened by Dong Junwei.

Li Ziyuan, the commander of the Allied Forces of the Second Army from the City of Inflow, and his portable Simei Ye Siya, Gu Lan Fei, Song Dieyun, and Feng Xiaozheng were all present.

The second big man was Guo Sihai, who was an airborne frontline soldier. At this time, he wore a general robes and sat there very mighty and majestic.

Then the third big man is Guo Jingda, the commander of the Third Allied Forces, and Guo Sihai's pro-Big Brother.

Turning his head slightly, Dong Junwei sitting in the first place looked and looked at Li Ziyuan’s and Guo Sihai’s faces respectively, then shook his head and smiled at Guo Jingda: “Hey, see, young talent, if it’s before the end of life, How can such a young face appear at a sergeant meeting of this level?"

"Haha, Mr. Dong, you are in the same generation as my father. We juniors are gathered here now. We still have to listen to the teachings of the old general. Sihai, Ziyuan, don't you think?" Guo Jingda was full of expressions. Talking politely with a smile.

Guo Sihai smiled slightly, and also said a lot of praise to Dong Junwei. His attitude was neither humble nor overbearing. It was completely different when he was with Qin An, as if they were two people, and he really had the bearing of a national leader.

Li Ziyuan's handsome man is a bit coquettish, he is the kind of man who makes people impressed at first glance.

The biggest feature is that the eyes are full of spirituality, as if or talking.

At this moment, he was sitting in the own seat, next to him were two wives Ye Siya and Gu Lanfei sitting next to him, and behind him were two little sister Song Dieyun and Feng Xiaozheng.

Li Ziyuan kept frowning, obviously feeling a little upset.

When I came to hold such a high-end sergeant meeting by myself, the two wives had to follow it all the time. The reason was that Mr. Dong invited Song Dieyun and Feng Xiaozheng to participate.

Hey, the two of them are golden kings after all. There is nothing wrong with coming to participate in this meeting. The golden king can be regarded as an official rank, but although the two wives of own have now also obtained the sword god, their integration with the sword god is still low, and there is no Those who have received the canonization are naturally not qualified to participate in the conference.

I thought that sending Ye Siya and Concubine Gu Lan to Qin An's side would be a little more leisurely. I didn't expect these two women to be unbearable. Knowing that they had established a headquarters in the sea city, they ran directly over and followed along all the way. Here, hey, really upset!

Li Ziyuan struggled for a while, and saw that Guo Sihai and Guo Jingda were both saying New Year greetings with the old general, and he also had a sense of meaning, and said a few words casually.

Dong Junwei knew Li Ziyuan's character, and he didn't like to participate in these relationships, and he didn't bother to reason.

Li Ziyuan is a brave warrior, otherwise he wouldn't be the number one golden king, claiming to be a powerful ancestor in Western Tibet.

Seeing that there was not much to say about the scene, Dong Junwei waved his hand, and then said: "Good day, please introduce the situation we are facing now to the two coalition commanders and Sihai!"

Ye Liangchen stepped forward, smiled slightly without talking nonsense, and directly turned on the PPT projection, and then reported the military situation for everyone.

"Commander Guo Jingda has just arrived, so the time has come. Now I will brief you on the military situation and the preliminary operational policy designated by our First Allied Forces Command.

Nowadays, from the west of Inner Mongolia to the central part of Jilin Province, there are six groups of corpses coming here, the number is estimated to be more than 100 million, or even more, because they have a base camp in the future, all concentrated in the 600 kilometers under the ice city. On both sides of the soul road, with Guimenguan as the leading troop headquarters, leaped towards this side.

Originally, we were very passive, but now we have almost cleaned up the zombies in the underground tunnel here. In a large area along the Shanhaiguan area, some strongholds have been established and some fortresses are under construction.

Then, with strongholds and underground passages, we have a more flexible and quicker vertical and horizontal space. Perhaps we can surround the Shanhaiguan underground base and have a real confrontation with these zombies!

The enemy's forefront troops have already arrived right away, and our air force and long-range artillery troops have also launched bombings against zombies in a large area, and have achieved certain results, but they are far from enough.

Therefore, the situation of frontal collision between ground forces and zombies is inevitable.

After studying the terrain, we set up ten blocking points. These places are good at arranging our organs, disturbing the zombies, causing them to lose control, and then entering the complex terrain, and we will eliminate them one by one!

Of course, this is only the first phase of the strategic goal.

After that, the soldiers from the ten blocking points withdrew. We will use the underground tunnel as the basis to start the second extreme battle with the zombies. There is only one goal, and that is to kill all the zombies from the north on the Hebei Plain, so that they cannot advance into Henan. Finally enter our Jiulong Mountain.

In addition, we will not forget the most primitive strategic goal of this expedition, which is the battle plan for the Moling Sect!

Therefore, General Li Ziyuan still needs to set up the headquarters in the sea city, and then can send ground troops to march along the coastline, destroy all the homeless fortresses, and collect civilians, transfer land to Jiulongshan through the navy, and carry out a second time. Education, free them from the control of the end-spirit sect. This is the follow-up thing, and it is also a long-term job. Those people who live under the rule of the end spirit are not all forced. Therefore, it is not our military affairs to rely on the political department to distinguish between them. NS.

So what we have to arrange now is for Dong Junwei and Guo Jingda to send ten people to fight at the blocking point, and then the Li Ziyuan department arranges the coastal march to attack the Mo Ling sect!

That's the situation, and several army commanders can discuss it. "

"Hey, good morning, can you not use the word mopping up? How does this make me feel like a devil enters the village?" Guo Jingda laughed.

The others also laughed.

Only Li Ziyuan was still frowning. He looked at the people in the conference room, not too many, and suddenly said:

"Lao Dong, I heard that Qin An is on the front line! He is the lord of the Qin League and the commander-in-chief of the Nine Dragons Liancheng Guard Army. Although he did not hold the rank of the three major coalition forces, his status is enough to participate in this meeting. Why? Sneak up? I still want to meet this great hero who has brought hundreds of thousands of flying zombies into the ground with his own power! Why are they not here?"

"Yes! Mr. Dong, I also wanted to meet the Qin leader this time. I heard that he traveled to the United States for eleven years and traveled to all major states for eleven years in order to find his wife before the end of the world. Haha, I’m a woman, I don’t have any big thoughts, so I like to listen to some legendary stories, so I really want to hear it with my own ears. With beautiful features, graceful figure, but with such a sense of Monster Qi, it is not lost in the name of the golden king demon fox.

"Huh, what's the use? I heard that he married four women as his wives when he came back, and he was still entangled with many women. He was also a sassy villain!" Song Dieyun, the golden king of singing soul Yi, his face was cold, and his tone was more like ice.

"Yo-yo-yo, what a good thing to say! It's also a matter of other people's good looks. At least his wives are married by Ming matchers. It's not like some people, my men obviously ignored her, she still died and followed her. It's really not wanting face!" Gu Lanfei never cared about the occasion, she always said whatever she thought of.

"Lan Fei, don't talk nonsense, let Dong Lao and the generals laugh!" Ye Siya's face was red, and she was always soft and weak.

Ah...Li Ziyuan felt that he was going crazy.

She was really weird. Why did Qin An marry four wives and never heard of a fire in the backyard?

I just marry two, and then have two confidantes, so I don’t have time to spend every day.

Chinese people pay attention to the doctrine of the mean, Yin & Yang reconcile, maybe the four women around them are not moistened by their own?

Yes, it's time to solve their problems. After all, own is not a man in his heart. Even though he has been in this body for so many years, he still can't be a man!

Looking up at the smiling faces and eyes of everyone, Li Ziyuan didn't mind, anyway, everyone knew about his own affairs.

After coughing slightly, Li Ziyuan said:

"My deployment here has also been completed. After returning to Shenshu City in a while, Ye Siya, Gu Lanfei, Song Dieyun, and Feng Xiaozheng will each lead a group of people and start marching north along the coastline. Attack the four wanderers fortresses of Grace, Land Rover, Blood Kill, and Zhangjia Village respectively.

You guys, don't think that my two wives and the two Little Sisters look like young women, and they are absolutely unambiguous when they lead the army in battle!

Then my scout troops have already mixed into these four places at this time. They are all powerful supernaturalists. It should not be a problem to win the four fortresses when the inside and outside are combined. After that, my follow-up army will converge with the four-way vanguard. Then they went straight to the Wanderers Fortress in the north of town. It is said that there are 100,000 coalition troops stationed there, which will be a tough battle. So I asked for support. If you want to completely eliminate all the forces of Mo Ling, 100,000 people are far from enough! "

Dong Junwei nodded, then said:

"Well, I have thought about this situation. Behind Zhenbei Fortress is Hellfire. We will go out this time. Regardless of whether we can kill the leader of the Moling Sect and the so-called queen behind them, the Hellfire Fortress must be taken. Down! Because there are tens of millions of people over there, it is also the largest city with the most concentrated population of the Moling sect! So as long as we break the hellfire, the Moling sect will be cut off by half! Therefore, the increase in the number of people is mainly Now that the Moling Sect and the Destiny Sect are united, our early stage combat deployment is far from enough. The kid Guo Jingda came from the rear. Isn’t it just the combat deployment adjusted by the chairman? Huh, the battlefield is changing, and we will too. Mankind has tolerated the last twenty-five years of changes. It seems that the chairman does not intend to continue to endure it. Our battle to regain lost ground will start from the Hebei Plain!"

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