The real distance between the Jiaoshan Great Wall and the ancient city of Shanhaiguan is only 3 kilometers. It is the remnant of Yanshan Mountain, the highest peak of the mountain barrier in the north of Guancheng, with an altitude of 519 meters. Its peak is a large flat top, which can seat hundreds of people in a flat area. There is a huge rock saga, which looks like a dragon head wearing a horn, hence the name Jiaoshan. The Great Wall here is the first mountain that the Great Wall crosses northward from Laolongtou to Yueshan Customs. So before the end of the world, people called it the first mountain of the Great Wall.

On the turret of the Great Wall at Najiaoshan, at this time, a pretty girl in a pink floral dress was sitting.

Next to the pretty girl, there was a little girl in a green floral dress.

In short, the two people dressed like maids in the homes of the rich in the old society.

Qiu Jinse was very upset at this time, very upset.

"You...Where did you get these two sets of clothes? And why did you become a woman?"

Qin An cleaned up all the wild vegetables he had just made, and then he even got a barbecue rack out and put it on the ground next to the fort.

"The clothes are made by my little maid, Jingyi. My wife thinks it looks good, so I let her make some. And I am my wife’s locker. They put them in my Interspatial Ring. We had a lot of items, and we went through a big battle last night. Our clothes were all rotten, so I took them out and wore them. Don’t you think they look good?"

"What about you? Why do you want to become a woman and wear it?"

"Hey, now you are also a superpower, and you will understand later. I actually brought a lot of clothes, but the battles have damaged all of my clothes, and I haven't noticed it, but now it's all left. Women’s clothes are out, so they can only be worn out."

"But... but your voice, why is it a woman?"

"There is no way. I actually don't understand my ability to change this kind of change. After the transformation, it becomes all. That is to say, I am a woman from the inside out now, and I can get pregnant if I can!"

"You, you, you, Qiu Jinse have turned from dumb to stubborn, and his face is pale. I'm really afraid that Qin An will not want to become a woman for a while!

Qin An laughed loudly, thinking that teasing Qiu Jinse was really a joy.

At this time, Yuer and a group of sword spirit girls should have been taken by Jia Li to Shanhaiguan base, right? Qin An intends to take Ling'er to see them later, so the reason why he didn't leave by himself was to accompany Qiu Jinse to wait for the upcoming woman in red, the girl of the Shadowless Night Demon, Li Wanhua.

Thinking of Li Wanhua, Qin An's face became gloomy and stopped talking.

Be cruel! He must have a breakthrough!

For many years, he has never been afraid of killing, but he has some kindness of women, which he understands very well.

In the past, he could be willful and unscrupulous, what's wrong with being a Virgin? Do whatever you want.

But now he can't. He is the husband of several women, he is the father of a girl and a fetus in the womb, he has to set an example for them, and he is responsible to them.

He will never forgive the guy who wants to destroy his life and kill his own woman, no matter who she is, let alone... Li Wanhua had nothing to do with him, but he just helped her wash her in order to maintain justice. He cleared his grievances and killed the two brothers and sisters of Yikusitian.

Who would have thought that this Li Wanhua got the divine sword, became the host of the sword god, and had been the shadowless night demon of Qincheng for more than 20 years!

The wind blew gently, bringing a mixed and unpleasant smell in the soil.

Last night, there was a chaos in this neighborhood. What you saw in the past was the muddy ground and the blackened ground.

Qin An looked to the south, and saw Shan Hai Shuangyue walking up the hillside with Li Wanhua, which was less than three kilometers away.

Qiu Jinse's mood is a bit complicated, that is, entangled with Qin An's changes now, and also nervous because of being alone with Qin An again. Gradually, Qiu Jinse calmed down because of Qin An's quietness.

She began to reminisce about seeing Qin An again and again.

He is really a freak, how many people have changed in front of him? Thinking of this, Qiu Jinse couldn't help but put a smile on his face.

Humph, should this be considered a kind of fate?

Qin Xiaoan, An Xiaoqin, Xiao Qingan "Hey, Green Flower Girl, what's your name this time?"

what is it call? Qin An was taken aback for a moment, and then clearly distinguished Qiu Jinse's meaning.

"How about...An Xiaoqin? Safe An, a small size, a piano piano? Isn't it very feminine?"

"What about after that? If you transform yourself and run to my eyes again, would you still call another name?"

"It's too much, just make any combination, Qin Daan, An Daqin, Qin Zhongan, An Zhongqin

"I think Qin Er'an is best for you!" Qiu Jinse interrupted Qin An suddenly, pouting.

Qin An looked a little surprised at Qiu Jinse, then smiled.

This dumb girl is actually very lively.

If she had not experienced childhood hardships, if she hadn't been in jail for five years, she would have been a sunny woman, right?

The wild vegetables in his hand had just been cooked on the grill, and Qin An sprinkled some condiments on it, then made a plate and put all the roasted wild vegetables on the plate.

"Do you know these things? Liu Haoya, mother-in-law, duck mouth, haha, they are all good things. At the beginning of the end of the world, many people depended on eating them to survive! Actually, I have never eaten charcoal grill myself. Wild vegetables, now you take it orally again, you can taste it with me!"

Qiu Jinse was stunned for a moment, and then a little moved, he picked up the chopsticks, picked up a roasted wild vegetable and put it in his mouth.

Um! It turned out to be delicious!

This is Qin An's first time roasting wild vegetables, and he is the first taster of his craft! Qiu Jinse couldn't help having some little happiness again.

"I'm still thinking, why Guo Sihai, Concubine Gu Lan and the others all ran away and didn't protect you. It turns out that Zangxi has already started to deal with the people in black secretly! Humph, that's good, I don't have to worry about it! It's just that That ghost Tian Yue'e doesn't know where she has gone, or if she will make trouble again! I don't think she will give up. After all, she can only be resurrected if she kills you!"

Tian Yue'e?

Hearing Qin An mentioned this name, Qiu Jinse's face became gloomy, and he didn't speak, but went to eat.

"Well, you don't have to think of the sadness after the old time. The reason why I mentioned her is to tell you one thing. I, Qin An, is not a capable person. Before the end of the world, I was just a little security guard. Just like a beauty of your level, go. You may not even look at me on the street. But now, because of my abilities, I have become a so-called apocalyptic powerhouse. Then, Qiu Jinse, I can promise you that your past is just the past, you You don’t need to go back to the jail, and you can rest assured in the future."

After listening to Qin An's words, Qiu Jinse was stunned, and turned his head to look at Qin An, with mixed emotions in his heart.

His words really made her worry more than any sweet words.

She never thought that one day, a man would give her such a promise!

"...Your past is just over. You don't need to go back to the prison, and you will live with peace of mind in the future.

So simple, and so domineering!

Qiu Jinse, a seemingly simple man, looked straight at the green flower girl, and his tenderness finally turned into disgust.

Why did Qin An just become like this? This makes her feel okay at all?

damn it!

Qiu Jinse was extremely depressed, and only felt that Qin An at this time was really Qin Er'an, and he was almost home!

What's even more annoying is that his changed little girl is even more beautiful than herself. Look at her face, look at her breasts... so angry! Humph, continue to eat, eat all of it, and don't keep it for him at all!

Qin An really has some experience in becoming a woman. Over the years, he has seen beauties from all countries and races, and they are of the kind of perspective holographic images, so it is natural to be able to become a beautiful woman.

Of course, Qin Anke has never changed the heart of a woman, but with such a magical ability, he naturally wants to try to change everything, which is like a child discovering a fun game.

The two flower girls were talking one after another on the Jiaoshan Fort site, and then ate all the wild vegetables equally. The atmosphere was actually very good, which was only discovered by Qiu Jinse later.

When the woman in red and two other beauties climbed up from the mountain and walked along the Great Wall all the way to her, Qiu Jinse sighed that time flies so fast. It would be great if they didn’t come, she seemed There are many things I haven't said to Qin An yet!

This man is really a gentle guy. He never asked her questions about Qin Wenxin again. They are very familiar now, and he didn't ask her about Tian Yue'e. This is as if he is fulfilling his promise to own, that is, simply go on with peace of mind, and he will not come to cause any trouble to himself!

Really heartwarming!

Qiu Jinse's face was red.

In fact, she had misunderstood again. People Qin An just had too many things in his heart and didn't have the time to pay attention to her.

However, in fact, all love starts from a misunderstanding. This is really the mysterious part of love.

A girl and a boy met for the first time.

Both people will guess what the other person is thinking.

The girl glared at the boy, often thinking about:

This kid wears real soil! This kid is so short! This kid’s eyes are so small!

But the boy will think that the girl's staring eyes are Qiubo.

What's the matter? Why does she look at me like this? Is it interesting to me?

Because of this misunderstanding, the boy will go to trouble finding the girl and say some irritating words to attract the girl's attention.

Girls usually impress him because of the boy's naughty, and then in order to conquer such wild horses, they gradually start to contact with them until they finally fall.

Before love, if you think too complicated and lose, simple people will easily get happiness!

The true meaning of love is just a psychological game between men and women.

The green flower girl lit a cigarette and took a deep sip in her mouth, which looked nondescript.

Fenhua girl stared at Li Wanhua in red with a nervous look on her face.

"The woman in red will leave it to you, and I will deal with the two next to you!"

Qin An spoke softly, his voice like a silver bell.

Qiu Jinse's heart was touched again.

He...he really didn't ask why she was going to kill the woman in red?

Qiu Jinse misunderstood again, Qin An knew, in fact, much more than she knew!

Even if Qiu Jinse didn't do it, Qin An wouldn't be able to let Li Wanhua, who was already mentally disturbed, return to own!

Do it, what are you waiting for? He still has to participate in the curse attack, and then to find that Yin Shiyao!

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