The three Wuma sisters were nervous, and their whole bodies trembled.

Jingyi glanced at them, then smiled slightly and said:

"I didn't recognize Madam Dan Xin, because you all look exactly the same, so I can only keep my mouth shut. Anyway, the master won't be angry with me. He drank too much.

‘This is Wuma Danxin! Do you know why I can recognize her?

She has 198 eyebrows on the left, but 199 eyebrows on the right.

The second sister Wuma Tienan is 199 on the left and 198 on the right!

The little girl Wu Ma Siqi has 198 eyebrows on both sides!

Are you funny? ’

Hearing this, the faces of the three Wuma sisters became a little sad. It turned out that Qin An could recognize them through her eyebrows!

Before thinking about it, Jingyi continued:

"The master burped and continued: ‘however, the reason why I can recognize them is not through my eyebrows.

I don't bother to count their eyebrows every time I meet.

Hey, tell you a secret. In fact, I have secretly observed the three sisters many times. After all, they are exactly the same beauties, so they will naturally attract people's attention, including me.

So I can recognize them because I understand them.

Wuma Tienan is the quietest and the smartest.

Her temperament is actually the most similar to Weng Lan among the three sisters. She is the kind of woman who is obviously very smart but doesn't like to express emotions.

She likes reading books, playing piano, and ancient poetry and painting. She is the kind of talented girl who is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

If you were born in ancient times, you don't know how many talented and handsome guys would hook up to write poetry for her!

But...for such a mature and steady woman, I know a little secret of her, a secret that may not even be known to the second sister of Wuma and the third sister of Wuma!

Guess what? ’

This time the master was really asking me because he looked at me.

I racked my brains to think about it, but I really can't think of it! I can only shake my head. "

Wuma Tienan and Wuma Siqi both frowned and looked at Big Sister, wondering what the secret of the Big sis who grew up together since childhood.

Wu Ma Danxin didn't even think about it, what secret did she have? I think should not be……

"The master suddenly raised his hand, and the half jar of real fire wine that I had received on the side actually flew into the master's hand. That action is so handsome!

The master took a long sip of wine and blushed again, then he said:'She is the Big Sister of the Wuma family. She took care of the two Little Sisters since she was a child, and she has formed her seemingly mature and stable character, but she is only 22 years old now, and all the deepness actually has such a deliberate pretense, only Because she is the Big sis of two Little Sisters! So what does the real Wuma Dan heart look like? ’

The master said that he drank all the wine in the wine jar, and then threw the wine jar to the side of the bamboo forest. He lay down beside Madam Dan Xin, looked at her face, and looked at it for a long time! "

Wuma Dan's heart blushed. What Jingyi said was so vivid that she even felt that Qin An was looking at her.

"Naturally, I don't know what the real Madame Danxin is like, and the master didn't expect me to answer. He drank too much and originally wanted to use me as a prop to talk to himself.

‘The real Wuma Danxin is actually a very dumb young woman. In the earliest exchange market, there used to be a hawker selling lollipops...’"

Ah... Wumadan covered her mouth, and her face turned red. She was shocked, but Qin An didn't expect Qin An to know her little secret!

"'Later the hawker moved into the Hanging Sword City, and I discovered this little secret of Wuma Danxin. She would go to buy a lollipop every weekend, and then she would hide in a place where no one had eaten before returning to heaven. Ju! She is very familiar with the hawker, and she has known each other for many years, indicating that she has formed this habit. Before meeting me, before there is no Xuanjian City, she would go to buy lollipops.

Wu Ma Danxin is very childish when eating lollipops. She will use her tongue to lick the round candy into various shapes. I can only say that this guy has great tongue skills, and that inanimate candy will be made by her. Lively puppies, kittens and other small animals will occasionally turn into sexy and curvy beauties!

I was five or six kilometers away from her several times, watching her go and lick the lollipop, and I was stunned.

I think if her two Little Sisters see that the mature and stable Big sis still has such a naughty side, they should be stupid, right?

Haha, everyone is not a puppet, and naturally neither are the three Wuma sisters. They look exactly the same, but everyone has their own soul!

As a Big Sister, Wu Ma Danxin never exposes such a naughty side to the eyes of Little Sisters. She has to pretend to be strong and mature to make Little Sisters feel safe!

Her little happiness is the moment when she hides in no one's corner and eats a lollipop once a week.

Everyone has pressure, and she has it too.

I can understand her pressure. Although I didn't have the Little Brother Little Sister that I needed to take care of since I was young, I was once a person who pretended to be kind and stable in front of others, but had many dirty ideas behind him!

She also needs someone to love her! She actually needs someone to let her act like a baby at will!

It’s just that she might never do this kind of behavior, because she is a Big Sister, so she can’t expose her nature to make herself look naive...’

When the master said this, it seemed that he was about to fall asleep, and he was lying on Madam Dan Xin's body, speaking sentence by sentence, his voice getting lower and lower! "

On the one hand, Wuma Danxin's eyes shed tears.

He...this man named Qin An understands her so? Wuma Danxin really didn't expect it.

In fact, marrying Qin An, she felt a little sad deep in her heart.

The three sisters marrying a man together was originally their childhood wish.

But after seeing Qin An, although Qin An is very good, he is a man who has nothing to do with them after all.

Wu Ma Danxin only wanted to protect the vows she had with her sisters when she was a teenager, so she had to choose to marry Qin An. She was also very open-minded.

If you marry, just marry. As long as you can stay with the Little Sisters, she should be happy, right?

Even if that man doesn't love her, even if she doesn't know whether she loves that man or not!

At this moment, Wu Ma Dan's heart was completely moved, because she was surprised to find that this man named Qin An understood her so well, and he had already put her in his heart!

Wuma Tienan and Wuma Siqi held Big sis's arm with a little distress, and also cried!

Yes, these years Big sis is indeed their parents. She almost sacrificed all of her personal time. While she has to study hard, she still has to teach them. It's really hard work! They can't even compare to Qin An, never knowing that such Big sis is actually very tiring!

Qin Xiaoyan, Li Na, Lan Yue, and Liu Xia, who was no longer crying, looked at each other, then smiled bitterly and shook their heads.

This bad guy is really good! What she had done was seen by Jingyi, and now she was told by Jingyi again, she helped him pick up girls invisibly!

Seeing that Wumadan's heart is crying, it is estimated that Wuxin will become more minded after this time?

Love is a kind of magical explosive. When it is not ignited, it looks ordinary, but once it burns, it will smash a pair of men and women to pieces and let them be buried in such a love cemetery!

Jingyi saw that her husband did not speak, so she continued:

"The soon-asleep master did not fall asleep, because a breeze suddenly blew, which made his mind clearer.

He sat up first, then shook his head and said:

‘Jingyi, Jingyi, are you still there? ’

I hurriedly responded and said: Master there!

‘Where’s Liu Ru? Where's your Liuru Big sis? ’

When I saw that the master was really drunk, he had clearly put Madam Liu to bed just now, but now there is no one.

I could only climb onto the bed, and then pulled the master over to Madam Liu's side.

‘Ah... it’s windy! Is it windy? No, no, I want to cover Xiaoru with a quilt! She has a big belly and can't catch a cold! ’

While talking, the master flashed away and disappeared. After ten seconds, he appeared not only with the quilt, but also with the pillow.

He is really a gentle man, please allow me to judge the master like this.

He moved Madam Liu's body gently, then let her lie on the pillow and covered her with a quilt.

‘Jingyi, next time I remind my lord, don’t let Liu Ru drink, even if there are major festivals and happy events! Nowadays, a super power person like me is dizzy after drinking, how about she? A big belly! It is estimated to be so uncomfortable! No, no, no alcohol in the future! Remember? ’

I hurriedly said I remembered, but the master clearly said to Mrs. Liu at the time. Madam Liu had fallen asleep at that time, so she didn't hear the master's instructions. "

Liu Ru smiled, her mouth was closed, her heart was so warm, indescribable.

"Ah, after doing this, the master became lively again, and remembered what he hadn't done just now! I am also a real-skinned master, and I was so dizzy and organized, and he could still speak so well! He jumped out of bed, Mrs. Tetsuo hugged him up.

‘Wuma Iron Man! The second child of the triplets! Haha, the character is the most refreshing, I like to run from the center of the sky to the outside before meeting me. A woman full of curiosity and fantasy about the unknown world! But... she is actually the most inferior of the three sisters!

She didn't seem to care about anything, but she was actually the most sensitive.

She does not have the intelligence of Big Sister, nor the liveliness of Xiaomei. She must feel that she has no personality, so she wants to go out, see the outside world, and find her true self!

Why would I know this? Look!

I am a person with special abilities, I understand the meaning of various expressions, and I also understand the inner heart shown by various eyes!

So I know these.Poor Wuma Sister, she is the person who most wants to have herself, but she can't escape the influence of Big sis and the light of Little Sister, which makes her feel like a shadow!

How could she be a shadow? She is a unique witch horse iron man!

Just like her name, she looks very strong!

She just needs a self. Master, since I married her, I can give her a self! I plan to let her leave Tianju for a while, leave her two twin sisters, and go to the military to practice!

In less than a year, Wuma Tie Nan will become a real warrior, a heroine! I hope to see her become such a woman, not as she is now, seemingly cheerful, but in fact she has closed her heart! In fact, there is no own soul! Because Big sis Little Sister is like a sight in the mirror to her, and when she looks at them, she thinks that she is herself...’"

The women looked at Wuma Tie-nan together, and saw that she was still crying, and now she was crying more miserable than Wuma Dan's heart.

Hey, this can only show that Qin An'an got it right!

Hey, this means that Qin An has conquered another woman's heart!

"While speaking, the master has been swaying around on the bed. When he finished speaking, he jumped out of the bed and picked up Mrs. Siqi who was snoring.

Madam Siqi obviously didn't drink less, and the master didn't pay attention to stepping on her when he got out of bed, and he didn't wake her up.

‘This is Wuma Siqi, the junior of the Wuma family! Being taken care of by Big Sister since childhood and protected by her second sister, the little girl has the most flexible and lovely personality.

Wu Ma Siqi is a person who doesn't have a lot of thoughts, so she will be like a idiot after seeing me, because she has no thoughts, and has never seen other men, it is natural to have love for me!

It's not that the master is bragging, but I have been very popular these years, and I will be admired by little girls casually!


Such a Wu You who is carefree and can rest assured that he is a nymphomaniac and a cute little third of the Wuma family. In fact, there is also an unknown secret.

Guess what? ’

Hey, so entangled, the master asked me to guess again, but I just can't guess it! "

Jingyi rose up with a small mouth, obviously she was really wronged at the time.

Both Wuma Danxin and Wuma Tienan had stopped their emotions that had just exploded, and then quietly listened to Jingyi's account.

They can't think of Wu You's carefree and cute Little Sister. What little secrets will they have?

Although they don't think there will be any, they are not sure now!

Qin An is indeed a capable person, not only can write poems, but also study the psychology of others!

Didn't he analyze both of his hearts clearly?

Therefore, Wuma Danxin and Wuma Tienan wanted to hear Qin An's evaluation of Wuma Little Sister from Jingyi's mouth.

The other women also became curious. They all knew that Qin An had super vision and super hearing, but they didn't understand this ability!

Now it seems that Qin An must have used this ability to know a lot of things, and when he returns to his boudoir, he must have a good chat with Qin An!

The women had plans in their hearts, and then waited for Jingyi to speak.

Jingyi cleared her throat again, and then with a weird smile, she said in a tone that imitated Qin An.

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