Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1244 There Are 23 Sword Gods Who Haven't Gained The Power

"'Ha ha ha ha!'

The master first laughed a few times like this, and then said:

‘The third sister of the Wuma family, her secret is that she almost never wears underwear, and now she still wears a small belly! She... She is not afraid of sagging! Hahaha……! ’

The master laughed stupidly, tears came out! I don't quite understand the meaning of his words, what's wrong with wearing a bellyband? Both I and the Queen Mother wear! And what is sagging? "

After a few seconds of froze, the girls all raised black lines on their foreheads. Unexpectedly, the own husband was in charge of so many things, and she was worried about whether the girl would sag!

Wu Ma Siqi was silly, and then her face changed from red to purple, and she was very angry.

What kind of secret is this? She has been wearing a bellyband since she was a child, OK? Big sis used to wear them too. They bought underwear only after entering the Xuanjian City, okay?

Sagging? Is she strong?

Qin An was also too partial. He saw Big Sister's little girl's mind, and saw the second sister's inferiority complex. When she came to her...sagging?


Wuma Siqi cried aggrievedly, Wuma Danxin, and Wuma Tienan hurriedly comforted.

"Big Sister, second sister, I don't sag!"

Wuma Danxin, Wuma Tienan is speechless, and feels ashamed. The two of him and Little Sister are like carved out of the same mold. If Little Sister sags, they will not be better!

The other women couldn't help it at last, and they all laughed out loud.

Jingyi saw that everyone's sad mood had improved a bit, so she quickly continued to describe and entered the topic that everyone cares about most.

"The master laughed at Madam Siqi for a while, as if he was tired, and Jiujin came up, so he lay in the center of the bed, as if finally going to sleep.

And at this moment, the one who was thrown aside by the master...Mrs. Hongluan jumped up from the ground, climbed onto the bed, and came to the master's side.

She should have drunk too much, and even squeezed her master's face with her hand back and forth a few times.

‘Little Security! Actually fell me! That's not bad! Married so many wives! Really capable! Ah? ’

While talking, Mrs. Hongluan began to undress, and finally she was naked, and continued to pinch the master!

I was stunned to see. I was already out of bed. At that time, I could only climb on the bed again to tell her not to pinch the master, but Mrs. Hongluan didn't listen to me at all. She... she was in front of me, doing it with the master. What a shame when something like that happened! Later... the master was awakened, and then he became fierce, not only turned from passive to active, and finally...Finally, Mrs. Hongluan was subdued, repeatedly begging for mercy! In the end, Mrs. Hongluan finally fainted! "

Hongluan on one side has been very quiet, but at this time she couldn't help blushing when she heard Jingyi's words.

Did she beg for mercy? Ah...I don't remember the following things...

"The master finally let go of Madam Hongluan, but he did not stop, but... but turned into a beast!

‘Wuma Danxin, the host of the Sword God of Slashing Sun;Wuma Tienan, the host of the god guarding the sword;

Wuma Siqi, Heavenly Sword God;

Wang Yunzhi, the sword god of the land seal;

Gong Xue, the wandering soul sword god;

Liu Xia, the sword god of flames;

Blue Moon, the Phantom Sword God;

Qin Xiaoyan, Hongye Sword God...’

While talking, the master held all the eight ladies in a row, then stood up and turned around, then took Madam Qiu over and put them away, and then a strange-looking sword appeared in his hand.

‘Give you the Sword God of Nanshan! From now on you will be the queen of mountains and seas! ’

Then my grandfather put the sword in Madam Qiu's hand, which was terrifying, the sword turned into flesh and blood and penetrated into Madam Qiu's body!

Grandpa then went to take Mrs. Na and put her away.

‘Li Na! See if Tieyong Sword God can parasitic into your body...Ah! Really went in! Haha, it means that all the power of your Time Sword God has entered our daughter's body, so you are just an ordinary person! Not bad, you are the host of the Irony Sword God! I will accompany my husband to fight the world! ’

Several ladies should have guessed it already, right? The master parasitized a divine sword into Madam Na's body.

After that, he stayed for a while before he went to hug Mrs. Hongluan.

‘Blood Lord Sword God, come and line up too! Who else? By the way, the super body sword god host Xiaoru! ’

The master went to pick up Mrs. Liu and put it down again, shook his head and said, ‘No way, no way! Big belly can't be touched! Haha, and my little Wang Hui! ’

So, Mrs. Hui was also hugged over, and don't parasite the Shadowless Sword God!

By this time, the ladies had formed a circle on the big round bed!

Grandpa started counting, laughed after counting several times, then his face became gloomy and said softly

'I want to be stronger! Become stronger! I must protect my wife and children! So I want to be strong! Nine main gods, don't come to provoke me, because...I will take the initiative to provoke you! Hahaha! Wait for daddy! ’

After saying this, the master really went crazy, unexpectedly... he started talking to each wife on the big bed! I don't know where he got so much physical strength. The emperor was not as powerful as his grandfather when he ate the elixir of Longyang tonic! It was after three o'clock in the evening that the master finally became quiet... Hey! I really don't want to witness the whole process, but the queen mother won't let me go!

Ladies, that's all you want to know..."

After Jingyi's voice disappeared, the scene fell into silence. The women were shocked and shy, but more shocked!

Your own husband is so strong? It turned out to be... it turned out to be... my God! I can't say it, I'm shy when I think of it!

Qin An who overheard at the entrance of Tianju was also shocked.

He...he actually obtained the abilities of seven sword gods at the same time again, no wonder he jumped and promoted directly to the 24th upgraded state! Moreover, there are no parasitic beasts in his body, which means he has been upgraded in his body, and he has become a genuine mutant!

He already has

49 Xuantian,

Qin Xiaoyan, 48 Hongye,

Liu Xia, 47 fire,

Blue Moon, 46 Phantom,

One of the seven swordsmen, 44 nine sons,

Liu Ru, 43 super body,

One of the seven female sword spirits, 42 degrees,

One of the seven female sword spirits, 41 Miechen,

Wang Hui, 39 Wuying,

One of the seven female sword spirits, 38 broke the army,

One of the Seven Sword Spirit Girls, 36 Purdue,

One of the seven female sword spirits, 34 ghosts,

Wang Yunzhi, 33 land seals,

Gong Xue, 32 wandering souls,

Rongrong, 310,000 thoughts,

One of the Seven Sword Spirit Girls, 30 Fragrant Bones,

Linger, 29 magic machine,

Wu Ma Siqi, 27 Tianju,

Wuma Iron Man, 26 God Shou,

Wuma Danxin, 22 Yang Slash,

Red Luan, 20 Blood Lord

Wang Fang, 18 Xiangying,

Autumn Jinse, 12 Nanshan,

Li Na, 11 Tie Yong,

Rose purple, 10 nightmares,

The power of these 25 sword gods!

Then the missing host of 45 Apocalypse is Guo Shuai, 40 Time Sword God's energy should be in Qin Wen's heart, 37 Meixie should go to United States with the host, 35 Empress has no trace, Qin An naturally does not know the energy of the Empress has been Entered into the body of his other daughter, Qin Xiangming, the host of the 28 Wind Sword God is the giantess Lu Ya, now missing, 25 seven kills, 24 ancient formations, 23 stepping on the sky, 21 spiritual mirrors, and now beside Li Ziyuan four Mei. In the body, Qin An doesn't know either. 19 Evil Monarchs, 17 Asian Demons, 16 Canghai, 14 Singularities, 13 Dead and the Nine Lords are all sword gods that Qin An hasn't come into contact with.

Oh... the power of the second sword god True Fire should have entered Qin An's body, otherwise he might not be able to comprehend such a great first skill so easily, and he would not be able to reach the current upgraded twenty-four. Levels.

So in other words, now, forty-nine sword gods he has gained the power of 26 sword gods, more than half!

This made Qin An entangled, because this was not the result he wanted!

In addition, there are real problems that also make Qin An sorrowful.

Ah...how can this be good? It doesn’t matter if you have a relationship with your wives. It’s not bad to have a husband and wife with Qiu Jinse, but...what the hell is Hongluan?

Qin An had completely understood that if the incident last night hadn't been for Hong Luan to hook him up, it wouldn't have happened at all! He is about to fall asleep, okay?

So, why does Hongluan behave like this?

Qin An frowned and looked at Hong Luan up and down, but found nothing unusual.

Not right, she must know herself, she knew it before! Otherwise, how could she pinch her own face and call the security guard?

Thinking of this, Qin An opened his perspective eyes, and finally his gaze stayed on Hong Luan's face from top to bottom.

This... my God! How could it be her?

Qin An was shocked and no longer wanted to hide. He rushed out and rushed into the pile of women, then stood beside Hong Luan, raised his hand, and pinched Hong Luan's face!

"Ah... don't pull it, it's meaty!"

Hong Luan whispered because of pain, her voice actually changed, and she sounded unusually coquettish.

When the women saw Qin An suddenly appear, they were all nervous.

Before Qin An ran out alone, in fact everyone was a little worried. Now that he came back, everyone was relieved, but found that after Qin An came back, he even grabbed Hong Luan with a shocked expression and even pulled her face, feeling very much. It is strange.

Hong Luan's recent performance is a bit weird, could it be said that Qin An found something?

The women thought of this silently, watching the interaction between Qin An and Hong Luan.

Hong Luan pushed Qin An's hand away, a smile leaked out of her face, and said in a voice that was different from her usual:

"I raised a pet a few years ago. What is its prototype? Sparrows? Parrots? I don't know!

In short, when I picked it up, it was a small furry ball. Later, it began to evolve. It evolves very quickly, and it has the ability to change. I have checked the records of apocalyptic creatures, and there is no related record of this creature, so it is a variant, I call it the ball!

The ability of the ball is very special. It can change arbitrarily. It can become a cat or puppy, or a tree or grass. Of course, things that are too complicated cannot be changed. It cannot be compared with Rongrong’s ability to change. .

What it is best at changing is actually the face! My face is changed after it was attached to me!

You have the ability to see through, but you have never found that my face is fake. It means that you are not used to see through people's faces.

Hey, since you found out, I won't continue to hide! Sisters, don't be surprised, I am your own person! "

While talking, Hong Luan took out a bottle of vinegar from the backpack behind him, then poured it on his hand and smeared it on his face.

"This little guy is most afraid of sourness. I bathe him with vinegar and it will come down from my face.

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