Wu Xiaoxiao once again activated the static space ability, and finally jumped to the ground continuously.

She is a static space used in Guo Sihai's memory world, and is restricted by the laws of time and space and cannot be opened for too long at a time.

So when she stood on the flat ground, the still space ended, everything returned to normal, and all she saw was the man walking on the tip of the angry sea a kilometer away.

Wu Xiaoxiao's mouth grew wide, and she couldn't believe her own eyes.

Regarding the lord of the Qin League who returned after the disappearance of the Qin League for many years, there are actually some legends that the people in the Real Fire Palace think that Qin An is an ignorant, womanly benevolent guy, and it is estimated that he does not have much strength. Later, Qin An realized his strength in the Battle of Blood, and the people in the True Fire Palace recognized him, but only thought that he was an ordinary sword god body powerhouse!

So Wu Xiaoxiao couldn't accept the shock that Qin An brought to her at this time.

That tiny figure ran wildly at the top of the wave, and any monster that approached would eventually be killed. A blood mist had already risen nearby. It was the blood that gushed out after the monster's death was swept by the wind.

Because the Flying Sword fish flew to the shore and brought the water on them like falling rain, the flames on the shore were almost extinguished at this time.

Although the carnivorous shrimp are almost dead, some Flying Sword fish that fell down after hitting the mountain wall are still alive. They moved their bodies on the beach after they found Wu Xiaoxiao and crawled towards Wu Xiaoxiao.

Wu Xiaoxiao bit her lip, hesitated slightly, and then rushed into the sea with her legs.

During the running, some Flying Sword fish attacked her. Wu Xiaoxiao avoided the bone spurs shot from a long distance, and then quickly shot the Flying Sword fish that was approaching oncoming.

The first ability of concealment of heaven and earth is concealment and heaven and earth, and the second ability is the front of concealment!

The so-called Recluse's Front is a physical attack ability, which can make Wu Xiaoxiao's fist attacks suddenly accelerate in an instant, and the speed is as fast as a flash.

Combined with Wu Xiaoxiao's own ten fifth-level upgraded system, her single-body close attack defense ability is actually very strong, but it is not suitable for this kind of battle against a group of sea beasts.

She cannot be completely defensive.

As long as she is injured, the TC virus is the sword spirit's energy to repair the wound, and her upgraded system ability will decline. This is a vicious circle. The more severe the injury, the faster she becomes weak.

Wu Xiaoxiao understands this very well, but at this time she just can't suppress her own curiosity, she just wants to run to the man to see what happened!

So Wu Xiaoxiao finally rushed into the sea.

Fortunately, Qin An ran all the way along the waves and almost killed all the Flying Sword fish nearby, so there were not many sea beasts in the sea.

Wu Xiaoxiao was floating on the sea, swimming desperately forward. In the end, she swam out 800 meters. When she came out of the sea to watch, she saw Qin An with bare buttocks controlling a group of tornadoes and was about to fly head-on. The countless Flying Sword fish that started blowing away, the posture is so mighty!

"Damn it!"

Qin An cursed in a low voice in his heart, and quickly transformed himself into a suit with his ever-changing abilities.

Turning around and rushing quickly, returning to Wu Xiaoxiao's side, Luoye's Movement Technique was finally unable to continue, and Qin An fell directly into the sea.

"Why are you here?"

Qin An shouted, his voice full of discomfort.

Wu Xiaoxiao was a little out of breath. For Qin An, it was only less than a minute after he left the city wall. However, Wu Xiaoxiao climbed the mountain wall and climbed down again, but it took almost fifty minutes and a lot of energy was consumed. .

"I want to do a copy with you! Haha, your butt is very cocked!"

"Go away! You are really crazy!"

Qin An cursed. After that, he did not intend to care about Wu Xiaoxiao's life and death. After disappearing and teleporting to a distance of 200 meters, he dived into the sea and looked around. At this time, the nearby Flying Sword fish had given up their attack on the city wall, and they were all heading here. The edge is coming.

Qin An summoned his own Heavenly Punishment Divine Sword and held it in his hand. After that, the energy of the rotating sword spirit circulated in the water, turning on the power of the sword god Yang to break through the heavens.

A circle of Haoran Sword Qi radiation spread, and thousands of Flying Sword fish within a half circle of six kilometers were beheaded.After that, Qin An started the Five Spirit Samsara method and used various abilities to fight with Flying Sword fish. The sea water he only killed turned red. I don't know how many Flying Sword fish were killed.

Wu Xiaoxiao was floating a hundred meters away from Qin An, her mouth wide open. It turns out that this situation is shocking when viewed from a distance, and it is even more indescribable when viewed from a close distance?

Now I don’t know how many Flying Sword fish’s bodies are in the sea. There are many around Wu Xiaoxiao, they keep bumping into Wu Xiaoxiao’s body, and even let Wu Xiaoxiao step on their bodies a few times to get out of the sea. To the sea!

Of course, you can only stand up for a while, because the corpses that were piled up suddenly will be washed away after the waves surge, and then Wu Xiaoxiao will fall into another pile of Flying Sword fish corpses again.

From all directions, Flying Sword fish kept jumping out of the sea to attack Qin An.

These little wise creatures seemed to be irritated. They didn't care about Wu Xiaoxiao who was also in the sea, and just attacked Qin An, as if they wanted to avenge the thousands of fish brothers who died.

It's a pity that in the end they just died under Qin An's strange abilities.

Qin An's group attack ability is too strong, Wu Xiaoxiao can be sure, in the entire Western Tibet Real Fire Palace, there will be no more capable person like Qin An!

No one can kill all enemy forces from all directions without being injured in such a three-dimensional all-round encirclement attack.

What's more, this is at sea!

He...Why can he be so elegant?

A group of Flying Sword fish rushed forward. Qin An flashed up to a height of 100 meters, and then stepped on a Flying Sword fish to avoid nearby attacks. After that, it turned into a fire knife and turned a few small circles, killing hundreds of them. The Flying Sword fish turned into a real body again. At this time, he was still floating at a height of 100 meters from the sea. A group of Flying Sword fish flew up again. Give out that red light and golden light again and again, and then kill the enemy!

At this moment, an accident happened, and a huge figure suddenly popped out of the sea!

Its body is five or six hundred meters long, its whole body is black and shiny, and its huge head is covered with sharp teeth, which looks terrifying and hideous!

When it appeared, there were countless Flying Sword fish corpses hanging on its body, which made it look even more terrifying, as if it were a carrion giant fish from the world of science fiction!

OMG, this is the sixth-level upgraded black iron shark!

This upgraded shark is very scary, regardless of its huge body, but it swims very fast in the sea, and its defensive power is also very strong!

Wu Xiaoxiao was a little worried for Qin An for a while, fearing that he would be eaten by the shark.

But before she could even think about it, a huge mountain suddenly appeared, and then it fell straight and directly smashed the upgraded black iron shark that had reached a height of more than 300 meters from the sea into the sea! ! !

The huge mountain peaks into the sea, the powerful potential energy surges, and the waves are instantly surging. Wu Xiaoxiao was directly impacted and flew up to a height of more than one thousand meters. He could see nothing in his eyes, and only felt dizzy in his mind and body. As if to be torn apart by that huge wave.

God, is she going to faint and die in this huge wave?

At this moment, a warm embrace hugged him into his arms, and it was the man who was struggling with the raging sea!

He seems to be able to understand everything, because neither the huge sea waves nor the flying sea beast corpses can touch his body at all! She was surprised to find that this man's body turned out to be dry! His clothes were not wet by the sea! ?

How... how could this be? How strong is he?

As Qin An dodged together, Wu Xiaoxiao's mind gradually became clear, and then he saw clearly the bad situation he was in now.

Qin An embraced her and stepped on the top of those monstrous waves, avoided the flying corpses, and then flew around!

Yes, Wu Xiaoxiao thought of the word "dance", because Qin An's movements are really too cool and freehand, and the surrounding artistic conception is too shocking!

Suddenly, Wu Xiaoxiao found several flying birds passing by, and then they were swept away by a huge wave.

Looking down, Wu Xiaoxiao's face was flushed and her eyes widened. The sea of ​​huge waves was at the feet of Qin An and her, forming a tumbling flower!

On the wall in the distance,

Of course, Guo Sihai and the soldiers were more shocked than Wu Xiaoxiao. They all grew up and stunned.

After the mountain wall disappeared, they finally knew what had happened.

Although Qin An was already two kilometers away from the Great Wall at this time, there was something called a telescope in this world.

"Look, look, that's a human, right?"

"Nonsense, isn't it a human being a monkey?"

"This is too awesome, I really don't know who he is! Is it our upgraded? What abilities are he using, one will be stormy, another will be ice and flames, another will be red light and golden light flying all over the sky, After a while, the whole person disappears and becomes invisible! Isn't this too strong?"

"It's so cool to kill!"

Guo Sihai followed Qin An’s figure with a telescope in his hand, but Qin An’s speed was too fast, and Movement Technique was too weird. Guo Sihai actually used a lot of energy to move the spectacles back and forth, only to see Qin An’s shadow in the end. And the many Flying Sword fish that keep dying.

At this time, a huge upgraded shark appeared, and then at a height of one thousand meters above sea level, a mountain also appeared, and the soldiers exclaimed.

The huge mountain peaks into the sea, the sky soaring waves pierced thousands of meters into the air, and the sea rushed to the beach. These huge waves extinguished all the fires that were originally burning on the beach. After that, all the cooked carcasses of carnivorous shrimp were brought back to the sea. Wash off their shells in the sea water and tear up the cooked meat inside!

The soldiers cheered for a while, they have been struggling with how to deal with these corpses, and now they don't need to worry!

The potential energy generated by the huge mountain entering the sea is too huge, and the entire sea level is ascending, and now the 100-meter city wall is almost level with the sea level!

Like Guo Sihai and other high-ranking generals, they were naturally worried, afraid that the sea would eventually overflow the city wall and wash away a group of them.

However, the soldiers laughed, full of joy. They reached out under the city wall and they were able to touch the sea. This is really a new and different experience! They all know that if they can survive this battle, that eternal life will never forget today's scene!

Fortunately, the sea did not continue to surge, the power of potential energy disappeared, and the sea quickly receded.

The soldiers on the city wall let out crazy cheers again, and even Guo Sihai smiled on his face and heaved a sigh of relief.

He continued to watch with the telescope, and finally saw the man flying on the top of the wave, and Wu Xiaoxiao in his arms!

In the past, Wu Xiaoxiao appeared all by himself. According to her, it was an ability to travel through time and space. Why did he bring a man this time? Who is he?

Qin An was tired and decided to retreat because he found that even if he could kill hundreds of thousands of Flying Sword fish by himself, it was useless. There were too many of them!

And Qin An has discovered a new group of sea beasts swimming 20 kilometers away!

That is the flame jellyfish! sixth-level upgraded!

Qin An has seen such a guy in the Gulf of Mexico!

Their bodies in the river are very large, a hundred meters long, and their appearance is similar to that of a lighthouse jellyfish, with a red light radiating from their bodies! They do not have much power in the sea.

However, the flame jellyfish is terrible after landing. After losing water, its three-dimensional body will collapse into a lump, and then "flow" on the ground.

The so-called flow is the way it moves on the land, a bunch of flesh squirming back and forth, a group of flame jellyfish squirming together looks like a stream of red light.

If they are hurt at this time, they will burn hot flames. These flames are not only a shield ability, but also an attack ability, which is very powerful.

It is actually very simple to kill them. The body of these jellyfish is translucent, so the upgraded neuron center will show black stains in the body. As long as the stain is broken, its nerve center will be destroyed. Destroy and die.

Then a flame jellyfish is naturally easy to deal with, but there are plenty of jellyfish in front of you, and there are even more of them than Flying Sword fish.

And a wave of Flying Sword fish has made Qin An almost tired to get down, and he is naturally powerless to face the new sea beast.

So in the end Qin An had to return to the city wall with Wu Xiaoxiao in his arms.

"Wow! You are so powerful!"

As soon as Qin An stepped on the city wall, a female soldier rushed up, hugged him tightly, and gave him a hard kiss on the cheek.

Wu Xiaoxiao was pushed by the female soldier's sturdy man-like chest, and her body pressed tightly against Qin An's body. She felt that there was no room for breathing, and she almost lost her breath.

At this time, more soldiers in the vicinity rushed forward, and they welcomed Qin An's triumphant victory with the enthusiasm of the soldiers.At this moment, they actually don't need to know who Qin An is! Because everyone in the same trench has a unified name, that is, comrade-in-arms!

Qin An couldn't bear this kind of enthusiasm. Fortunately, Guo Sihai rushed to disperse the soldiers, and drove Wu Xiaoxiao and Qin An into the command vehicle, and finally took them to the headquarters of a tower on the city wall!

This so-called tower headquarters is built on the city wall, with a diameter of ten meters. The lower floor is a hollow area for vehicles to pass through, and the upper floor is the watchtower and the headquarters.

"Hurry up! Go get some good tea for daddy! I want to have a good talk with this brother!"

Guo Sihai was full of joy, he seemed to be really happy, and he ordered the soldiers in the command post.

"Xiaoxiao! Hurry up and introduce this brother to me, who is he? And are you now the main body or the transversal body? I can't figure it out! Am I in a dream or in reality?"

Qin An walked to the side and sat down with a smile on his face, only feeling his body was sour, he was really tired after a violent killing.

It's just that he is still wearing very neatly at this time, leather shoes, trousers, white shirt, and a black jacket outside.

The seawater actually wetted Qin An's clothes before, but Qin An used the ability to transport the objects to send the seawater away.

On the other hand, Wu Xiaoxiao is not as cool as Qin An. She looks not only like a drunkard, but more like a tragic little nympho who has been ravaged by more than 10,000 men for more than five hundred years.

Hearing Guo Sihai’s question, Wu Xiaoxiao finally retracted her gaze from Qin An and looked at Guo Sihai:

"I brought him back in three years! You will become good friends in three years!"

"Really? Will we be friends? Who is he?"

"His name is Qin An! I wonder if you have heard of it now?"

"Qin An? Is the leader of the Qin League who disappeared in the legend? Is he back?"

Qin An was speechless when he heard it. Three years ago, he was still a legendary character!

"In the four seas, there will be countless flaming jellyfish landing in a while, do you have a way to deal with it?"

Qin An didn't gossip, after all, Guo Sihai was an acquaintance to him. Although this world might be unreal, since Qin An is here now, he can't just sit idly by and watch a group of soldiers die.

Even after returning to the real world, everything will not change because of what own has done, Qin An is willing to fight side by side with Guo Sihai three years ago at this moment, and will not spare any effort!

"Flaming jellyfish?"

"Yes, there are still twenty kilometers away from here!"

Guo Sihai stood up suddenly from his seat, and then walked outside while talking.

"Sit down first, I'll arrange the arrangement! These guys are very annoying after landing, because their bodies can secrete mucus, so they can climb walls.

After Guo Sihai said that he had left, he looked very anxious.

Hey, it's really embarrassing for this kid, Qin An sighed a little.


Suddenly Qin An turned his head to look east, which was the direction of Wooden House Town.

A few tattooed men were laughing around a 15 or 16 years old girl. Beside the girl, an old bad old man kept knocking his head and making a trembling voice:

"Please! Please let my daughter go! Please! The old man kowtows to you! She is so young, she...you can't do this!"

Wu Xiaoxiao noticed Qin An's abnormal expression and asked, "What's the matter?"

Qin An shook his head, then got up and walked out, and said, "It's nothing, I saw an acquaintance!"

"Ah? Who?"

"Oh, my cousin Qin Yu! Before the end of the world, his family went to Hong Kong to travel, but he didn't expect to be alive. I don't even know this little girl. Is it my niece?"

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