Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1256 Relatives in Different Time and Space

Qin An’s relatives were not many originally. At that time, his parents left their hometown to a different place because of the trouble of no pregnant women in the same village, and they had no contact with most of their relatives.

After Qin An grew up, he first went to work in Hanghai City, and then Qin Yu, who was five years older than him, went to do business in Hanghai City.

Speaking of the relationship between the two people is not good, Qin Yu used to be a guest at home after Qin An got married, and saw that Weng Lan's saliva flowed out at the time. I didn't expect Qin An, who was poor and white, to marry such a beautiful beauty. mother.

Maybe it was out of jealousy, or maybe it was because he felt that Qin An was a little security guard and couldn't compare with his own small boss. Qin Yu once wanted to molest Weng Lan while Qin An was not at home.

Weng Lan was not the kind of woman who would be bullied. After Qin An came back, she told her husband about it.

Although Qin An's personality is very peaceful, in his eyes, his wife is God! When I heard that Qin Yu had done such a thing, he went straight to the kitchen with a kitchen knife to chop Qin Yu, but was stopped by Weng Lan.

"You guy, you look honest, how hot tempered. He just said something to me outside the door, and didn't really take advantage. So, give him some warnings. It’s a must, but you can’t go with a kitchen knife!"

Weng Lan smiled and said to Qin An.

Qin An looked at his wife stupidly and asked, "What do you bring?"

Weng Lan smiled even more thief, and then went to the kitchen and took out a glass fiber bag. Qin An didn't understand what it meant after reading it.

That night, under the leadership of Weng Lan, the couple went to the door of Qin Yu’s house. After Qin Yu appeared, Qin An put the glass wool bag on Qin Yu’s head under Weng Lan’s instruction, and then the couple took Qin Yu’s head. Weeping and crying, Weng Lan's high-heeled shoes broke, and they didn't run away until Qin Yu's wife and children came out.

After returning home, Weng Lan couldn't afford to laugh, and Qin An was dumbfounded. She really didn't expect that she would be so naughty when she looked at her well-behaved and quiet wife.

Weng Lan called Qin Yu in front of Qin An and told him that today is just a lesson. If he comes to harass again in the future, he must tell his wife about it!

When Qin Yu heard that he was beaten by Weng Lan, the atmosphere was abnormal, but at the same time, he also realized that Weng Lan was a thorny rose, which was unattractive.

Since then, Qin Yu and Qin An have no longer contacted each other. Although both Life is in Hangzhou, they are like strangers.

On the eve of the end of the world, Qin An met Qin Yu, his wife and two children on the street

The two naturally couldn't speak.

It's just that Qin Yu suddenly spoke to his son who was just three or four years old when they passed each other:

"Boy, you have to hang around, don't do security jobs when you grow up, and show people the door, what's the promise? Desperate!"

Qin An was worrying about the relationship with Weng Lan at that time. Originally, when he lacked self-confidence in his heart, he was ridiculed by Qin Yu.

But seeing how happy the family was, Qin An finally endured it and left all the sadness to himself.

In a flash, twenty-five years have come like this, just like a flick of a finger.

Qin Yu should be sixty three or four by now, right?

Qin An seemed very calm, but his mood was actually very complicated. He didn't expect that he would meet this cousin who had not seen him for many years in Guo Sihai's memory world.

He had two children back then, both sons.

The eldest one should be almost forty this year, and the younger one should be in her early thirties. So who is this 15 or 16-year-old girl?

While recalling and doubting in his heart, Qin An left the city wall and walked into the wooden house town.

"Qin An, wait for me, aren't you tired?"

"What?" Some trance Qin An asked Wu Xiaoxiao at random.

"I mean you used so many abilities just now, aren't you tired?"

"Oh, a little tired, but not to the point of collapse."

As he spoke, Qin An's pace accelerated, walking like flying, and within a short while, he entered the narrow alley, where five men faced Qin Yu and the little girl.

Qin An tried to activate Mental Energy to invade Qin Yu's consciousness.

Now this Qin Yu was originally old and weak, so Qin An did not expend too much energy to acquire his memory and know all his experiences.

Soon after Qin Yu's family arrived in Hong Kong, Hong Kong was divided into a quarantine zone.

When the catastrophe broke out, the government was naturally the party with the most information, so some quarantine areas were quickly established to prevent the situation from further deteriorating.

From the outbreak of the apocalypse to the end of the year, Hong Kong has experienced a bloody storm, troops kept entering, and some humans who became zombies were digested internally.

Qin Yu's wife and children also became zombies, and they were all killed by soldiers.

Qin Yu has experienced life's tragic madness for a few years, and then his mood slowly improved, and finally he returned to normal, but at that time he had become a beggar, without friends and team, and became a society in the cannibalistic apocalypse. The bottom slag.

Because of the scarcity of resources, the army was unable to feed all the poor, so slums were set up to allow them to autonomy while giving them a small amount of food.

The death of people in the slum autonomous regions is an inevitable event that happens every day. Sometimes people fight for food and die.

The army wants to manage but it has more than enough energy and insufficient strength. There is no other reason. If you want to prevent people from fighting, then provide food?

In this way, Life has been wandering in the slums, Qin Yu was finally taken in by a young Beggar Sect, and lived with one of the women, and gave birth to a daughter named Qin Xiaojiao.

After more than ten years of stability, Hong Kong's interior is considered stable, but the pressure from the outside is getting stronger and stronger. Sea beasts continue to land, causing many soldiers and civilians to die.

Qin Xiaojiao's mother died because of a sea beast landing, and the little Beggar Sect where she was also died because of that sea beast.

Because the people were gone, the site was robbed, and Qin Yu had no choice but to leave the original site with his daughter, and began to wander around in the harbor until today.

At this time, among the few people surrounding their father and daughter, the first one was nicknamed "Sting Tou". He was a local bully who relied on the rumors of drug trafficking, opening of casinos, karaoke and dance halls, and so on.

In the last days, one city and one world, Hong Kong naturally has its own characteristics.

These illegal activities before the end of the world are all legalized in the end of the world.

People’s moral thinking has long changed. In a cannibalistic world, perhaps drug use, money gambling, prostitution, prostitution, and other behaviors are not considered a big evil. Even the garrison here doesn’t think this is a big deal. Because they are also the main consumers of these activities, even some female soldiers will go to nearby entertainment venues to do part-time jobs, it is precisely the more depraved, the happier.

West Tibet has repeatedly ordered five applications to rectify the behavior of female soldiers here, but neither Guo Sihai nor other Hong Kong administrators can do anything about this kind of incident.

The female soldiers originally had physical needs. They had no husbands and children. Why can't they earn some extra money while enjoying themselves, and then buy some beautiful clothes for themselves?

For them, tomorrow means that they may experience Death.

Every soldier guarding the wall is actually the same, regardless of male or female.

Hey, the character of people in the last days is unpredictable.

"Let go of me! The soldiers are fighting, you...how can you do such a thing! Let me go!"

The little girl was beautiful and tall, but she was a little beauty.

And it can be seen that her character should be very firm, not cowardly or afraid because she is going to be bullied, just full of indignation.

She wore very shabby clothes. Although the skin on her body was smooth, it was not good, but it was not easy for a child who grew up in suffering to grow up like this.

Perhaps it was from the heart, Qin An felt that she was somewhat similar to Own's father, and it seemed that she should be of the Qin family's blood.

"Haha! Fighting? Fighting is a shit! Qin Xiaojiao, daddy has long been interested in you, and now it's in chaos, it's time to take you down!"

With a nasty smile on his stinging face, he was pulling Qin Xiaojiao out. He wanted to leave this alley while his subordinates surrounded Qin Yu.

Qin Yu tried his best to rush out of the encirclement, but the few people were young and strong, with a playful smile on their faces. Qin Yu just stood up, and one of them kicked him over with a kick, clutching his stomach. Can't get up.

"Father...! Despicable! Don't you be afraid of us going to file a complaint if you do this?"

"Haha! Now everyone in the police station has gone to the arsenal to maintain order. Who will take care of your life and death! Brothers played you and chopped them up to feed the dogs, who the fuck would know! As for your father This old man

Stabbing his head with a coldly smile, then lowered his head and leaned on Qin Xiaojiao's ear and whispered:

"Before I played with you, he died too!

Don't get me wrong, the uncle just wants to play with you. After playing you, you are just a pool of meat to me. Have you seen the big black dog from the rich man's house in the east of the east?

That's only upgraded, and I like to eat human flesh the most!

When the time comes, I will send you there personally, and then watch it eat you up a little bit.

When it eats you, I can talk to the rich man Wang about the process of playing with you. If it doesn't work, he will pay more!

Hahaha! When the time comes, the corpse will be destroyed. Who cares about the life and death of a wandering father and daughter like you?

When the soldiers' battle is over, daddy will get some women to comfort the military department. If you don't think the stupid soldiers in your mouth will send me a big red flower to wear!

Little bitch, don’t you think Own’s fate is very sad? I have seen the fear in your eyes!

Be afraid, the more scared you are, daddy will be excited about dating! And the more excited daddy is, the more comfortable you will be! The more regretful you will be when you die!

Look at your young body... it's just ruined!

You have to see my face clearly, because I will be the biggest enemy in your life, but in this life, you have no chance to take revenge.

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