Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1257 Uncle Killed

Qin Xiaojiao trembled all over, her eyes were finally full of horror, she was just fifteen years old after all.

How to do? What should I do?

Seeing Daddy being kicked to the ground again, listening to the lewd laughter from the bad guy named Stinghead in his ear, the little girl cried, but tears are the most useless thing in the last days.

The stabbing head pulled Qin Xiaojiao to the exit of the narrow alley, and then the smile on his face condensed.

Ah? Who are these two...?

Qin An is neatly dressed and decent.

The water on Wu Xiaoxiao's body had been dried by Qin An, but the wrinkled clothes still seemed to have been torn down, but this made her coquettish beauty more prominent, and her graceful figure looked bloody.

However, the stabbing head only glanced at her severely, but did not move on.

People in the last days are not fools. Qin An and Wu Xiaoxiao's expressions are too calm, and they feel scared by their calmness.

"Two, who are you?"

As he spoke, he turned his head and winked at own's four men.

The four of them ignored Qin Yu, turned around and stood behind Shitou.

Qin An didn't answer the question of the stabbing head. He walked forward slowly, passing by the stinging head few people who didn't even bother to look at it, but fluttered at Qin Xiaojiao from the corner of his eye.

The little girl was pale at this time, looking at her miserable appearance, she was also looking at Qin An.

Qin An finally walked to Qin Yu's side, then knelt down and frowned to look at him.

Hey, he's really old. It stands to reason that he is only in his sixties. Shouldn't he be so old?

This can only show that he has had a really hard time over the years, at least beyond his own understanding and imagination.

"Do you still know me?"

Qin Yu raised his head weakly and looked at the handsome face in front of him. He was very familiar, but he didn't seem to know him.

The last time Qin Yu saw Qin An that year, Qin An was still fatty.

So today Qin Yu couldn't imagine that the person he was familiar with would be his cousin who was once looked down upon by him.

Seeing that Qin Yu hadn't spoken for a long time, Qin An directly asked, "Are you Qin Yu?"


The old man's body trembled slightly, his face became extremely surprised when he looked at the young man in front of him.

He hasn't used the name Qin Yu for a long time!

Nowadays, people who know him call him always called Hua, and even his daughter Qin Xiaojiao doesn't know the name of own. How could this young man who suddenly appeared know his name?

"My lord... who are you?"

Qin Yu spoke tremblingly. He really hoped that the young man in front of him could have something to do with him. Perhaps he could save his poor daughter.

Qin An sighed, feeling a little depressed in his heart.

Now that he is in Guo Sihai's memory space and time, even if he can kill everyone in front of him, it seems that Qin Xiaojiao's fate in the real time and space orbit cannot be changed.

Perhaps as Wu Xiaoxiao said, shouldn't he be nosy?

This kind of statement is wrong. If you don't know it, it's fine. Now that you know, how can you ignore it?

Looking at Qin Yu's bloodshot but withered old eyes, Qin An said softly:

"My name is Qin, and my name is Qin An! Cousin, do you remember this cousin who used to be?"

What? ! !

Qin Yu's eyes suddenly turned round, and he could barely breathe when he looked at Qin An!

"You...how could you be Qin An? No, it's impossible! Even if Qin An is still alive, he should be almost 60 years old now

"In the last days, I became a supernatural person, so I didn't grow old! I didn't expect to meet you here, cousin, how are you doing?"

Qin An's voice was very flat, with a smile on his face.

Now Qin An himself has a big family, so he values ​​family affection a little bit more seriously.

Although Qin Yu is not a good person, after all, he has a blood relationship with his adoptive father. Now that Qin An sees his tragic situation, he will naturally feel compassion.

Even if he doesn't have any feelings for Qin Yu, he doesn't mind treating him kindly.

"You... are you really my cousin Qin An?"

"Well, yes, that's the little security guard back then..."

Qin Yu heard what Qin An said, and hurriedly rolled over and got up from the ground. Because his body was too excited and weak, he failed to stand up. Instead, he fell to the ground again.

Qin An stretched out his hand to help him up, and didn't mind the dirty smell on his body.

"Cousin! No, no, no! My lord, because of our surname Qin, you save my daughter.

Qin Xiaojiao, her name is Qin Xiaojiao, she is also your niece, you are his Uncle!

I know that I am not a human being. I made mistakes against my younger siblings, but I have already been punished!

In the last twenty years, I am worse than a dog!

My lord, please save my daughter, I am willing to die, but she is innocent! She is only fifteen years old, please help her! Please! "

While talking, Qin Yu kowtoed Qin An, and Qin An couldn't stop him.

grown ups?

Qin An smiled bitterly and shook his head after froze for the meeting.

What is the time?

Twenty years ago, he and the man in front of him were relatives, but now they are not. Qin Yu didn't even dare to call himself a cousin.

He humblely prayed, hoping that he could save his daughter, that looks really humble, he has been a beggar for many years, this should have been a habit of him?

On the other side, Qin Xiaojiao's face was a little blush, she forgot to resist, and couldn't believe what she heard.


That man who seems to be just a little younger than himself, could he be his own Uncle?

How could it happen? Qin Xiaojiao couldn't believe that she would have such a young Uncle.

So what exactly did Dad do in the so-called back then? Want to constantly apologize to this Uncle?

By Qin Xiaojiao's side, the stabbing face was pale.

He rolled his eyes randomly for a while, released the hand that was holding Qin Xiaojiao, and then said to the four men:

"Huh! Let's go!"

As ordinary people with no abilities can survive in the end times, they are very good at seeing colors.

Besides, Qin An has made it very clear that he is a supernatural person who will not grow old.

Even if Sting Tou is really a fool, he is not willing to go to enmity with a superpower at this time.

When he thought about it, since the strategy didn't succeed, he just left, but he didn't expect that he just took a step, and he felt a pain in the back of his head and became unconscious.

Qin Xiaojiao, who had just been freed, had no time to realize what was going on. She watched the Uncle who suddenly jumped out and shot five red lights from his hands, and then the stabbing head and his four men were hit. If you go to the end, you should be dead.

Qin An’s eyes were very cold. He had just heard the conversation between Thorn Tou and Qin Xiaojiao. For such a wicked person, let alone in such a real world, he would not let it go even in a dream, otherwise he would be the Angel Madonna. Isn't the heart just getting ridiculous?

Qin An would not have thought that because of the five people he killed casually, a huge crisis had already struck him!

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