Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1258 Time and Space Disorder

It's just that the world changes color in a moment!

The wind swept the sea!

It was not a normal wind at all. The sea water had been torn apart, and the bodies of many sea beasts were all crushed, and their flesh and blood were turned into pieces and flying around. The surface of the sea was like a dynamic painting of black and red ink.

The rain pierced the earth!

It was not an ordinary rainstorm at all. The raindrops were the size of an adult's middle finger, and they fell extremely fast. They formed light and shadow from the sky to the earth. The 100-meter Great Wall surrounding the navy was hit by thousands of windows and hundreds of holes by the raindrops, and eventually collapsed on the wall. Tens of thousands of soldiers have been killed and injured more than half after dozens of seconds.

There was no rain in the wooden house town area, but the nearby temperature dropped suddenly, estimated to have reached 70 degrees, all the water was frozen quickly, and some frail people were directly frozen to death!

Qin An was a little dizzy, and hurriedly activated the Heat ability to fight the cold, raising the nearby temperature, and protecting the three of Wu Xiaoxiao, Qin Xiaojiao, and Qin Yu beside him.

"This...what's wrong with this?"

Wu Xiaoxiao's face was pale, her mouth opened wide as she watched the collapsed city wall!

"Isn't this happening in the record of the siege campaign?"

Her voice just fell, and a light ball suddenly appeared in the void not far away ten meters from the ground.

"The Gate of Time and Space!"

Qin An and Wu Xiaoxiao spoke almost at the same time, and then looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

"How can the time-space gate appear in my memory world? Impossible! Could it be that... because of your traversal and killing many people here, has it violated the law of time and space? That's why it appeared. This vision?"

Wu Xiaoxiao frowned and spoke and analyzed, only that she could not find any other reasons besides this one.

The sphere of light slowly disappeared, and a creature with a height of three meters appeared.

She is very beautiful, with a head like a human woman, the upper body is like a human male, and the lower body is a cloud of white smoke without a specific shape.

This creature was suspended in the sky as soon as it appeared. A few seconds later, it suddenly opened its eyes and looked at Qin An like electricity.

Qin An felt her body chill when she saw it, and the energy fluctuations around her turned out to be real, making Qin An feel an unprecedented pressure!

When the beautiful creature saw Qin An, its eyes immediately rounded, and a dazzling gleam broke out on its body. Five things that were free like fireballs scattered from the body. They rolled and burned back and forth, releasing different colors.

Qin An's mouth grew in shock, this...is this a giant beast of the Five Spirits Law?

"I am the blade of time, gathered by the laws of time and space! This is the time and space world created by others using the laws of time and space, but you have broken through barriers to enter here, and you have killed your fellow clan, and the order of time and space has been destroyed by you. Only by killing you can everything get back on track!"

really! This is really a giant beast of the Five Spirit Law, named Time Blade?

I have no time to think about it, because that guy has already rushed here.

Qin An was a little tangled.

I violated the law of time and space and entered this time and space, then if I was killed, would he really die?

Everything seems to be out of control!

At this moment, an unexpected thing happened. Wu Xiaoxiao suddenly took out a forty-centimeter-long dagger from his body, and then pierced his own temple!

"Wu Xiaoxiao! What are you doing?"

Qin An was shocked at first, but it was even more shocking to see Wu Xiaoxiao's movements.

Wu Xiaoxiao couldn't answer Qin An's question because she injured her own brain and died instantly.

The next moment, Qin An only felt dizzy and seemed to be in a coma.

He moved quickly and pulled Qin Yu to Qin Xiaojiao's side, and then grabbed her by the arm.

As soon as the darkness fell, Qin An felt that he seemed to have lost consciousness. When he opened his eyes again, he didn’t know how long he saw Wu Xiaoxiao was killing Xiao Keqing, and Yaqin was flying in mid-air and was about to hit her tightly. The magic card Wu Xiaoxiao killed himself, and Guo Sihai's memory world was automatically closed. Now they have returned to the real world of space-time orbit.

Ling'er and the others didn't even know what happened to Qin An. Guo Sihai frowned and looked at Qin An, wondering why Qin An suddenly got into his memory just like Wu Xiaoxiao before.

At first glance, Guo Sihai's mouth grew in shock, because two people suddenly appeared beside Qin An. One was an old man, and the other was a handsome little girl.

What's the matter? Damn it?


Yaqin reached its highest point and eventually fell quickly.

After all, she was also a spiritual sword repairer, yelling loudly in the air, stabilized her figure when she fell, and eventually fell to the ground without any damage.

On one side, Wu Ba, Xu Dakai, Qiao Sanpang, and Wu Xiaofei all grew their mouths. They didn't expect Wu Xiaoxiao to be so powerful, and they won two One Soul Sword Repairers with one shot.

However, the surprise was uncertain, and even more shocking things happened.

The space began to twist the moment Qin An returned to the real world, and Shi Jian had opened the space-time tunnel and chased it out! Because of its influence, all the nearby 100 kilometers of space was folded, and many time-space gates appeared, the number was countless, and all kinds of creatures walked out of it almost in an instant.

Humanoids, alien species, and monsters!

The Wangna camp was occupied by these strange creatures inside and outside, and the scene was chaotic to the extreme for a while!

Even Qin An and Wu Xiaoxiao couldn't figure out what happened, and the others were even more unclear.

Qin An knew the significance of going on in the Unyielding Curse Attack Conference, and hurriedly activated the Curse of Heaven's Punishment Sword God skill, secretly put away the spell card, but did not swallow the body but put it into the Interspatial Ring, because it was him. A gift to Linger.

In such a chaotic situation, no one had the mind to care about the spell cards. The alien species that appeared were just a few meters away, and more creatures appeared one after another from the ball of light.

Wang Na, who was responsible for protecting Ling'er in the distance, did not forget her own responsibilities. She directed her soldiers to gather quickly, and then drove away the strange creatures nearby to gather Ling'er Qin An and the others.

The road is difficult to drive because all the races have piled up and the road has been blocked.

Some were weak and made all kinds of weird screams, and some tyrannical ones had begun to actively attack various creatures around them, and the chaos escalated again!

Standing on the open-top command car, Wang Na frowned and was anxious. She couldn't see the road ahead, nor could she see Ling'er and the others.

At this moment, Wang Na suddenly felt that Own’s body was getting hot and getting hotter. She lowered her head in amazement, and then almost stared out a pair of eyes, because her body was already on fire and her skin was burning. After that, he was bloody and he looked terrifying.

Soon, Wang Na became a fire man, but she did not turn to ashes because of this, but gradually lost the consciousness of human beings, and let out a zombie-like roar from her mouth.

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