Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1262 A Hundred Years Ghost

"Are you quite calm?"

Ling'er sat next to Qin An and whispered, her face flushed at this moment, but she was actually a little excited.

How could he not be excited when seeing so many sword spirit creatures? Qin An could actually understand that they were faint folks.

When Yu'er saw Ling'er talking with Qin An, her face turned pale and her eyes were almost staring. She didn't understand why Lord Lord Own whispered to a male creature of the human race.


Qin An exhaled softly.

"I was scared just now, but crisis always seems to come with opportunity. With so many time gates and so many sword spirit creatures, I found that it seems that many spell cards have also come to this monster channel."

"Spell card?"

Listening to Qin An's words, Ling'er had a little loss on her face. She couldn't even get a spiritual spell card. Even if there were many spell cards in front of her at this time, wouldn't it be useless if she couldn't attack.

Qin An raised his head and looked at the people nearby. Everyone except Yu'er was curiously looking at the neighborhood with the help of the moonlight that had just appeared.

At this time, the various races are not moving, because the sky is too dark. It’s better to enter the territory of intelligent creatures. If you enter the territory of those savages or beasts, it is very dangerous. There are too many creatures trapped in the surrounding mountains.

Qin An took out the closed spell card and quietly put it into Ling'er's hand.

"This is.......!"

Ling'er was stunned at first sight, it turned out to be the closed spell card! I broke my leg because of it. The situation was chaotic just now. How could the spell card actually reach Qin An's hands, what about the curse guards?

"How are you...?"

"Hush! Secret, don't you want it, then I will accept it as a gift for you. Ling'er, I don't know what you were like before, but now you are just Ling'er in my heart. This stage is for You have also worked hard to build the Kowloon City Link, thank you."

Qin An had a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his voice was very gentle.

Ling'er always felt that something was wrong with her. Seeing Qin An's expression and listening to Qin An's voice, she suddenly understood something.

When she came to the earth, she made herself a human being, and when she met Qin An, she was turned into a woman by Qin An.

She will never go back, because her soul is not pure enough, it has been soaked with the smell of human fireworks.

At this time, Guo Sihai had completed the handover with the alien woman Adana Ren, and then walked back to the camp.

"It's really weird. This alien race is almost no different from us. It seems that the Sword Spirit Star is really connected to the earth."

Guo Sihai seemed to be talking to himself softly, and he seemed to be communicating with Qin An.

Qin An looked at him and smiled and said, "What? Love at first sight?"

Guo Sihai smiled and nodded.

"Well, for decades in my life, for the first time I have the feeling of a sea!"

"Haha, you can do it!"

"What? You can have three wives and four concubines. I can't fall in love at first sight? By the way, I haven't asked you yet. What's the matter? How did you get into my memory?"

Qin An shook his head, not planning to answer Guo Sihai's question, because he didn't know how to say it.

Turning their heads to look at Yaqin and others, their attention is still focused on the nearby alien races. As the people of the nine major sects, they should have some understanding of the sword spirit star. Now they have seen so many. All of the sword spirit creatures are all in a complicated mood, right?

Suddenly, the earth shook, and everyone was shocked, not knowing what had happened.

Qin An turned on his super vision and looked into the distance, only to see some huge green fleshy pieces of aloe-like shape burrowing out of the ground to the west of the sky.

Green meat!

He could be sure that it was meat, not the fibrous tissue of the plant.

Each mesophyll was more than ten meters long after it broke the ground, and it swayed around immediately after it appeared. The nearby creatures that fell on the ground were directly crushed into a pool of flesh and blood. I don't know how powerful this thing slaps the ground!

The nearby race seems to be called the Loya primitive tribe.

They look more like standing lizards, do not possess too high intelligence, and are still in the stage of evolution from beasts to intelligent creatures.

And that huge aloe-shaped creature should be called Lumo, a ten eighth-level upgraded beast, its survival method is more like a plant, fixed in a place, it will attack any nearby creatures passing by. After being attacked by it, the corpse will eventually be corroded by the mucus that it secretes and penetrates into the ground, and then melts into the soil and is absorbed by its roots like a child's flesh. This is a simple eating process.

The Roya primitive tribe had a simple consciousness of running away when encountering danger, so they began to flee in all directions.

Connected to their camp are the tree elves and the wolf orcs.

Naturally, it is impossible for the two tribes to let a group of wild men enter the temporary territory of own. A melee broke out in an instant, and the bloody breath of killing quickly permeated the Tianhuan Mountain. Qin An's sense of smell is now very sensitive, even though there are still seven or eight kilometers away there. Far away, he could smell the blood.

Perhaps the blood of the alien race is different from the blood of human beings. Qin An frowned slightly when he smelled it, only feeling that his own blood seemed to be boiling, and it was flowing at an accelerating rate, which made him a little restless.

The voice of Tiancai Lingnian Machinery kept ringing in his heart.

"Found Yiling Flame Spell Card, system task: kill!

Discovered the three spirits resurrection spell card, the system task: kill!

Found the three spirits demon spell card, system task: kill!

Qin An's brows furrowed tighter, and Heaven Punishment Lingnian could communicate with the curse-shouting tribe who lacked stamina, and let them have their own memory, and then the cursed-shou tribe would send out some tasks related to them.

For example, before conquering the two-spirit strong body spell card, the system task is to kiss Qiu Jinse.

Conquer Yiling and close the spell card, the system task is to eat dumplings stuffed with chives and eggs.

This should be something that Qin An wants to happen subconsciously, so the curse-shou clan talent who has his own memory will issue this kind of task.

So at this time, is it possible that what he subconsciously wants in his heart is to kill? So all the curse-keeping clans have given orders to kill?

But who are you going to kill? Why did you kill it? Qin An couldn't understand.

On the other side, after killing all the Loya primitives nearby, Lu Mo quickly retracted all the mesophyll into the ground.

The strong man of the wild wolf orc smashed through the layers of Luoya primitives, and finally found the place where the magic leaf flesh disappeared, and then began to incarnate into a wolf-shaped creature with a length of four meters.

They quickly dug the ground with their sharp claws, and quickly found the location of Lumo's body.The fighting was extremely fierce, and in the end, the two strong men of the wild wolf orcs were killed, and finally the road demon was killed.

At this time, the remaining Loya primitive tribes were also killed by other wild wolf tribes and tree elves tribe.

It can be seen that the creatures on the Sword Spirit Star are all decisive killers, which can only prove that they should be used to killing.

The leaders of several major races completed a simple meeting, and Adanaren, the princess of the Shulu clan, quickly returned to the center of the camp on a bipedal animal like an ostrich, and met her father Ada Khan.

"Hey, it's too messy! I don't know where this is. Big Elder has disappeared again. Maybe he died in the chaos." Ada Khan is very burly, two meters tall, and looks like his age. It's an Earth man in his forties.

"The Aruda clan is right next to our camp, and I have asked the soldiers to guard! There are also a few outsiders in our camp. They say they are the ronin of the Shumuru family. I can't tell the truth from the fake. It's called attention, and now it's better to do more than less." Adana Ren's brows frowned.

"Well, we should have been sucked into the space-time gate! Aruda is my archenemy. We were fighting before we came here. Although it is chaotic here, our most dangerous enemy is still La Ruda. Mainly focus on them. There are also those tree elves, they look very beautiful, but for our human race, they are cannibal Devil, so we must be careful. Fortunately, the mountain rain race also appeared. Just now I communicated with one of the Elders of their clan. They were originally in a place called Star, Life, which is far away from us. They have to travel through the space tunnels of seven continents to get there. I really don’t know how to get sucked in. Here! Everything is as predicted by our big Elder, the energy of the Sword Spirit Star is disintegrating and transferring, and we are really going to experience an apocalyptic catastrophe!"

"Father, this is also helpless. If you come here, let it be! I just hope to find our people! I don't know where they went. On the previous battlefield, there were hundreds of thousands of us on both sides of the melee. But now that there are more than a thousand of us following us into the same door of time and space, it is really worrying!"

"Hey, it's dark all around now, and I don't know if there is daylight here, if only a local can ask about it."

"Father, if it's the time and space world of another world, who knows if the locals will be monsters like those of the undead?"

"Hey, who knows! By the way! Naren, did you just see that nine-clawed Soaring Dragon? How do I feel that it is the legendary Nine-Dharma Dragon Beast?"

"Nine Magic Dragon Beast?!"

Adana Ren's tone was full of shock, her face paled, but she did not continue to speak.

The father and daughter fell silent.

After listening to their conversation, Qin An was just amazed. It seems that the human race of the Third Eastern Continent is indeed very close to the human beings on Earth. Why is it so?

Qin An was thinking, and suddenly heard Wu Xiaoxiao speak to the Kurosaki Ren who was running with everyone.

"Hey, Ghost Whisperer, how many years have you been resurrected? Can you still adapt to this world?"

Kurosaki Ren was wearing a kimono and sat there quietly, without speaking, nor any expression on her face.

Wu Xiaoxiao continued coldly: "Did you die in 1940? It is now 2040. The ghost of a hundred years is now living like a human being. This is really weird!"

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