Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1263 Don't Play Culture With Us

Wu Xiaoxiao had obviously entered the memory world of Kurosaki Ren and learned something about her.

Died in 1940, the ghost of a hundred years?

Qin An frowned slightly.

The makeup on Kurosaki Ren's face is too heavy, and she has been coldly, even if Wu Xiaoxiao tells her origins, she hasn't changed in any way.

"A spy who was resurrected, his hands were covered with the blood of Chinese people. It really made me feel a little sick to see you. I will tell you in advance that this girl accepts your life!"

Wu Xiaoxiao's voice was colder than Kurosaki Ren's face.

As the highest organ of supernatural powers in Western Tibet, the so-called Real Fire Palace is not the place where the gods stay in the world of Xianxia.

Wu Xiaoxiao received a systematic and detailed education since he was a child, which naturally also includes the history of the country before the end of the world.

So when she crossed into Kurosaki Ren's memory and discovered all the evil deeds she had done to Chinese people in that era, she naturally disliked this woman very much.

Kurosakiren felt Wu Xiaoxiao's malice, and suddenly the corners of her mouth were slightly provoked, which turned out to be a smile.

"Sakura... I originally wanted to go back to see it at that time.

But after the defeat, he was stayed here.

Hey, there are cherry blossoms here too, but you Z people will never understand the beauty of cherry blossoms.

RB's March is a farewell March, a sad March, and of course, a March of beautiful cherry blossoms.

How sad, how intoxicating.

The withering of the cherry blossoms implies Death, and a beautiful death is the greatest fortune of mankind.

If one asks about the spirit of Yamato, the cherry blossoms in the mountains reflect the sunrise.

You don’t understand, how can you understand the beauty of Death...? "

Kurosaki Ren's voice was very soft, as light as a whisper. After hearing it, everyone present felt their souls shaking, as if the ghost from The Underworld was talking in their ears. The feeling made people shudder.

Wu Xiaoxiao bit her lip tightly, only feeling very angry, this century-old ghost actually played with her deeply, if she goes to refute it hoarsely, it will appear that she has lost her prestige.

Qin An raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said:

"Bushido spirit? Gorgeous and short-lived aesthetics?

There is such a story in the ancient East, under the beautiful cherry trees, there are many souls belonging to those bushidos. Legend has it that the cherry blossoms were originally only white, and those unpaid samurai chose to bear their lives under their favorite cherry blossom trees. The bright red blood slowly seeped into the soil, gradually dyeing the cherry blossom petals red, and the more the cherry blossom petals became. Red means that there are more dead souls under the tree.

This story is indeed poignant, but it is just a fig leaf for you to forget the facts.

During the Qin and Han Dynasties more than 2,000 years ago, cherry blossoms were cultivated in the palaces of our country.

In the Tang Dynasty, cherry blossoms have been widely seen in private courtyards.

When the nations came to Korea, your messenger brought the cherry blossoms back to Dongying, so that they could become your national flower.

It's a pity that you forget who your true ancestors are when you lament the beauty of the cherry blossoms. This also destined your aesthetic concept to be only a temporary sigh.

You admire the beauty of Death, but we value alternate eternal life more.

Orchid symbolizes spring, symbolizes elegance, and represents eternal love. How can you understand the firmness of "the air is like blue, but will never change, and the heart is like blue and never change"?

The lotus symbolizes summer, symbolizes nobleness, and represents purity of character. Have you ever understood the great beauty of "the lotus leaves in the sky are infinitely green, and the lotus is red in the sun"? How can you comprehend the style of ‘straight through the outside, no vines or branches, silt but not stained, clear ripples but not demon”?

Chrysanthemum symbolizes autumn, symbolizes auspiciousness, and represents longevity and happiness. The leisurely life of "Pick the chrysanthemum under the eastern fence, leisurely see Nanshan", is it because you have been yearning for it too, right? Oh, by the way, there were also chrysanthemums that you brought back during the Tang Dynasty. You took other people's things and just said it was own. You are very professional.

Plum blossoms symbolize winter, symbolize strength, and humble ambition. In the severe cold, the plum blossoms before the blossoming of a hundred flowers, and spring is the only one in the world.

Humph, the alternation of the four seasons is the flow of time, the continuation of life, and the eternal life of consciousness.

Transient aesthetics? The Fall of the British? What the hell is that?

After a hundred years, you still don't understand what is true beauty.

Since you admire Death, then I don't mind letting you die.

Wu Xiaoxiao, when you fight with her, if you can't beat her, call me, brothers will fight for you! "

The surrounding group laughed when they heard Qin An's last words, and the atmosphere immediately changed from tension to relaxation.

Qin An is a person from the pre-apocalyptic era, and his memory of history is far deeper than that of Wu Xiaoxiao. He is unwilling to forget this period of history. His father Qin An once said to Qin An a very simple and clear sentence before.

Child, save some money. When you have money, don't forget your penniless past!

Even if it is the end of the world, even if Qin An is already a super power, he will not forget these words, especially at this time!

The arrival of another world race, where to go in the future, is actually very easy to choose.

Kurosakiren finally opened her eyes and looked at Qin An, with a fierce light in her eyes.

She is not a monster, just a new life form resurrected a hundred years after death.

She has all the memories before her death, but she doesn't know how the world has changed in the hundred years after her death.

Therefore, she actually still hates the Chinese people, so she also hates what Qin An said.

She was completely beaten, and she didn't know how to refute it.

Guo Sihai only felt happy in his eyes. People Qin An is a cultural person. This little devil wants to play a big sword in front of the cultural person. He really blinded her grandma's dog eyes!

At this time, the chaotic Tianhuan Mountain was turbulent again.

There is no other reason. The beasts piled up at the entrance have broken through the obstacles and rushed into the surrounding mountains, and what followed were the countless zombies of Otherworld creatures.

Humans, Orcs, Migu Humans, Yousa, and Stones have reached an agreement to unite internally and externally.

In their eyes, the so-called zombies are the undead, and the undead on the Sword Spirit Star are the enemies of all races, because their only consciousness is to kill and swallow. In their eyes, all life forms are food.

There was a scream of killing, Qin An, Guo Sihai and others all stood up, and then looked at the entrance to the south.

There was already a fire soaring to the sky, and the mountain wall was printed red.

Suddenly, the entire surrounding mountain, which was still dark, was illuminated like daylight!

Qin An raised his head in surprise and looked up. Numerous time-space gates were appearing in the sky above the mountain, and when all the light disappeared, a variety of Heaven's Punishment spell cards had appeared!

Oh my God, the opening of the time-space gate actually sent a lot of Heaven's Punishment spell cards!

The five wise races can still be restrained, and the wild people and beasts in the Tianhuan Mountain can no longer resist the temptation of spell cards. Those with strong bounce ability have already flew up to touch those spell cards, and then they will guard. The curse clansmen appeared, and the surrounding mountains flickered for a while, and chaos descended.

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