Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1275 I want a living place


Little Jiumei was stunned for a moment, then flushed all over her face.

"Mom, do you repeat what you just said?"

Yin Yao frowned and found that own Xiaojiu seemed a little excited.

Hey, although this kid doesn't talk about it often, it doesn't seem that he doesn't want to miss his father, but he doesn't always talk about his own feelings because he is worried about his own feelings.

Yin Yao thought that she and her daughter were close enough, but she didn't expect her daughter to have her own little secret in her heart. She should really want to meet her biological father, but as a mother, she has always ignored her daughter's feelings.

Forget it, what if she sacrifices some for Xiao Jiu's sake?

Yin Yao, who has been a mother for more than 20 years, has fully realized that she is a mother, knowing that when a child grows up, meeting her needs and fulfilling her own wishes is what a good mother should do.

"Well, I suddenly found your relatives nearby. You have been obedient these few days, and take care of your relatives' mood. I'll introduce him to you, OK?"

"Yeah! Okay! Mom, you have to count what you say! Is my father really near here? Oh my god, he has the ability to find me in this way! He won't come here specially! Mine, right? Mom, you’re so kind. Did you bring me out this time to make me recognize my ancestors? My father’s surname is Qin, right? Isn’t it mom?”

Xiao Jiumei's tone was a bit eager, Yin Yao felt that her daughter seemed too eager for her father, and she was a little jealous.

"His last name is silly!"


"Yeah! You're a fool! How else would you be tricked into bed by a woman?"


Xiao Jiumei was stunned for a while, and then she spit out her tongue, and finally realized that Yin Yao's mood seemed to be a little wrong, so she obediently stopped talking, afraid that Yin Yao would regret it, and her heart was filled with anxiety.

Seeing her daughter's cautious appearance, Yin Yao sighed again in her heart, and she couldn't help but think of that sentence, it's really not a female congress!

Thinking of this, Yin Yao looked sideways at Dongsheng again.

These two stunned boys were looking at Yin Shiyao in the arena with their mouths wide open.

Maybe Yin Yao's sword god is too bright, Dongsheng actually noticed her gaze, so he turned his head to Yin Yao and smiled slyly, and said:

"Hey, boss, how come the person below looks the same as you?"

Yin Yao frowned, then said: "My name is Aunt, what the boss, I am not a triad!"

The Er Lengzi boy scratched his head, then did not refuse, and simply called Aunt.

The little nine sister on one side raised her mouth, swept Dongsheng from the corner of her eyes, and said very dissatisfied: "Huh, he is a fool, my father must be a thousand times smarter than him!"

At this time, the situation in the arena has been reversed.

There are still thirteen living slave gladiators, and they never dared to step forward again, because a pile of mud has appeared at the feet of the blood girl!

As gladiators, they would accept Death at any time, in fact, they had already taken Death down.

But this does not mean that they have no fear.

Death is a very simple matter, but it would be terrifying to be chopped into meat with one knife at the time of death!

In the face of terror, everyone will be afraid.

On the rostrum, the master finally found his own voice, and said in a slightly trembling tone:

"City Lord, this...what's the situation?"

Li Shulan's frowning brows slowly stretched, and she said in a steady tone: "It was a bit accidental, but these slaves have been thoroughly checked, and there are absolutely no supernatural beings among them. Moreover, although she is brave, she is not. What kind of abilities are used, but the power is a little bit stronger, and the movements are a little more dexterous. Maybe you have practiced martial arts, but you have been hiding it all the time? This can only be the reason?"

After thinking about it for a while, Li Shulan nodded, and then said:

"This woman is called Yin Shiyao. She was bought when she entered our city of Shulan and became a slave. Her master has always treated her well, so she is also considered a lucky slave.

I think she may be accustomed to that kind of life, so she didn't choose to use her own ability to secretly leave. After all, people in the last days need a place to settle down, right?

Forget it, no matter how much she is, although she is a female, since she is a slave, she can naturally participate in the corner fight dominance.

Ah, it was really tyrannical. She chopped all the dead corpses into meat. Although she was sneaking at the beginning and took advantage of the opponent's underestimation, but then it can be regarded as one-to-many!

Hmph, I think the reason why she is so tyrannical is also a very clever performance.

She just wants to create this kind of horror atmosphere, right?

If those male slave gladiators could rush to her, she might not be able to take advantage!

But her ruthless methods have frightened everyone. The bloody air makes her unstoppable, but makes the enemy hesitate. It's really smart.

Don't you have to choose three people for the promotion match? Just start like this.

Host, why are you standing stupidly? Go ahead and do your job and tell the audience that the final three contestants will be produced among the thirteen male gladiators and this female gladiator who survived. Let them get started!

The process of the opening ceremony is over, and the selection mode is directly started! "

The so-called host stood not far from Li Shulan, and immediately returned to the own live broadcast station after hearing the instructions, and then picked up the microphone to convey the instructions of the city lord.

The people finally turned from being quiet to boiling again.

However, this kind of boiling sound is not very turbulent, it is a bit chaotic.

Everyone didn't speak loudly, they were all whispering to the people around them. They just felt that today's trials were really weird, and the terrifying image of that woman was already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In fact, not to mention ordinary people, even some low-level upgraders have a cold back at this time.

To know the combat power realized by Yin Shiyao makes them feel that even if they encounter it, they will not be able to get a bargain!

Not to mention the sheer power and speed, even the incomparable dexterity of the Cultivation Technique can dazzle people.

This is not surprising at all. As the so-called eunuch is ups and downs, Qin An has been an upgraded person for 25 years since 2015, even if he has no ability, just as an ordinary person, he has the spirit of killing. It is not comparable to these slave gladiators.

However, Qin An was really tired at this time.

It is easy to say that one is worth a hundred, but it is really not an easy thing to accomplish.

Thirteen male slave gladiators and himself, in the end fourteen into three?

Qin An heard the host's voice on the radio speaker.

Slightly stunned, the corners of his mouth raised, and a smile appeared on his face.

The next moment, many people in the stands heard a surprised voice, because they found that the blood-red woman sat cross-legged on the ground, still holding a knife and axe, but there was no movement. What is even more exaggerated is , She actually closed her eyes!

What's the matter? What trick is this woman going to play?

There are more than 10,000 audiences around, so there will naturally be some smart people in it.

Just a few seconds later, someone shouted:

"Fourteen in three! Thirteen gladiators, and the woman! She has already shown great strength. At this time, she wants to tell other gladiators that she doesn't need to do it anymore! She already has fourteen spots. One, then the remaining thirteen people can only go to grab the next two places! Haha, that’s awesome, she doesn’t even put the other thirteen gladiators in her eyes! This is also normal, A hundred gladiators fought her but failed to win, and she was killed so many, her bones became fleshy, and the remaining thirteen people would dare to provoke her? They could only choose to fight each other. Dou finally survived and two people were promoted!"

Once this person's words were spoken, they spread quickly. After a few minutes, the whole audience was boiling, thinking that the female slave was really undesirable, so they all inquired about her origins.

The remaining thirteen gladiators finally figured it out, and they all looked pale after looking at each other.

Thirteen into two trials, in fact, is far more cost-effective than one hundred into three, but their mood is not at all relaxed. At this time, more blood has flowed in the arena, a kind of first-level upgrade. The flies gathered. They were as big as a table tennis ball. After they fell on the pile of meat, they swallowed human flesh while expelling eggs from their tails. These eggs are extremely powerful and difficult to kill. In a few days Later they will emerge from the cocoon and become mature.

But these guys are harmless. They can be regarded as city cleaners. More importantly, the spread of the virus cannot cause harm to the human body, because humans are now immune to many viruses.

In such a depressed situation, finally a gladiator made the first move. He sneaked close to the gladiator closest to him, and then slammed his back behind him, slashing the opponent's arm with a single blow.

As the so-called death and resurrection, the guy who was attacked thought of Death and immediately became extremely fierce. He ignored the broken arm of his own, turned around and chased the attacker with that intact hand with an axe, and the two fought a few times. In this round, it turned out that the broken arm won, and the sneak attacker was hacked to death.

Someone died here, and the others started to move, and wisely rushed directly to the man with the broken arm, because his body had been injured in many places, and at this time he fell to the ground weakly and dying.

Smarter, this was a praying mantis hunting a cicada. When the oriole was behind, when three gladiators rushed to kill the severing arm, four people followed them and killed them all.

The scene became chaotic for a while. Because of the accident of the female slave Yin Shiyao, the Shulan City Gladiator Qualifier finally had a different content from previous years, which made the audience feast their eyes and frightened the audience. Dream!

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