Qin An didn't pay attention to the fighting of those gladiators. He adjusted his body's breathing before trying to use Mental Energy to communicate with the soul in his mind.

"you know me?"

"Of course I met, you are Qin An, thank you for saving me."

The atmosphere at this time was a bit weird, and Yin Shiyao, who was trapped in her physical and spiritual world, didn't know what to say to Qin An.

"That's good. I don't understand many things now, because I am amnesia! It seems that I should also be a so-called supernatural person, otherwise I can't run into your body, and I will kill people like this. Come to you again, because my body is here, I hope you can tell me about my business. Don’t worry too much about your current situation, since I can enter your body to help you fight, then I will definitely do Do your best to protect you."

After speaking, Qin An tried to leave this body. The next moment only felt dizzy, and actually left. It was really possible to think of it.

"Husband, isn't it a bit bloody?"

Qi Lu had been watching the fight in the field just now, and now that the situation was set, she focused her attention and then talked to Qin An.

Qin An came back at the right time, so he shook his head slightly, only to feel that his mind seemed a little dizzy.

Ah, it seems that the most important task nowadays is not to retrieve the memory, but to understand the environment and abilities that one is in.

"It's okay, since we are all here, let's go after watching the results. I have never seen such a ferocious gladiatorial match, but it is indeed wonderful even though it is ferocious."

Qin An commented on what Own had done. The reason for not wanting to go was naturally to ensure that the woman in the arena was safe.

Ten minutes later, the thirteen-two contest was over, and the host announced that Shulancheng's candidates for this year's contest were the two surviving gladiators and the dark horse female slave Yin Shiyao.


The audience reacted, and they were all dumbfounded.

The previous rounds of qualifiers took a long time, and it might not be possible to end a day.

Why did this year end like this?

The host saw the anger in the crowd below and hurriedly said that the qualifiers were over, so the next step was the exhibition match.

Are there any slaves?

As a result, the venue began to be cleared, the remaining female slaves were sent back to prison again, and the three promoted were taken to the podium.

Li Shulan glanced over the three of them, and finally looked at Yin Shiyao, who had already cleaned her body. She was pale, weak, and crumbling, obviously very tired.

Li Shulan smiled slightly, she was not a supernatural person. From the start to the present, it took less than half an hour to become so tired. If it is a supernatural person, shouldn't it?

Thinking of this, Li Shulan spoke. The main idea was to say that before the finals, the three people can get better treatment. After all, they are going to seek benefits for Shulan City. As long as they can live to the end, then Shulan The city will be able to laugh last among the cities of the Peacock Terrace.

Qin An found that the woman had never left her eyes since she came to the rostrum, and could not help but frown slightly.

How do you feel that this woman seems to be very attached to him?

This mud horse, she wouldn't be her lover who secretly engaged Qi Lu outside, right?

Thinking of this, Qin An shook his head quickly, feeling that his own head was amused, so he would even think of such a bloody plot.

Since there were no accidents, the woman named Yin Shiyao by Li Shulan had successfully advanced, so Qin An was relieved for the time being, so he greeted Qi Lu and went home with him.

Qin An originally wanted to breathe in the fresh air to make own a clearer mind, but didn't expect to come here to participate in such a killing game.

So Qin An is now very anxious to go home, and then he has to take Qi Lu's hand and ask her carefully who he is!

Qi Lu heard that Qin An was going home, so she stood up and took his arm and walked outside without saying hello to anyone.

Cui Aza saw that the two of them had retired, and did not stop or follow. She was just the supervisor of the two of them, not a nanny, so naturally she didn't need to take one step after another.

And she was actually a little afraid of Qi Lu.

Before, the city lord Li Shulan asked her to invite Qi Lu and his wife to watch the Gladiator qualifier, but Li Shulan never came to say hello after Qi Lu arrived.

What does it mean?

Cui Aza thinks that Li Shulan must also be scrupulous about their husband and wife, so she is reluctant to get too close, and can't act like others, so she can only let it go.

Qi Lu and Qin An also found their way home without anyone seeing them off.

Qin An found that he seemed to be pretty good in other aspects except no memory.

Walking on the street, Qin An’s expression was a bit awkward, because after opening his perspective eyes, he actually saw everything within a few tens of kilometers of Fang Yuan clearly, including the humans around them. Their naked bodies were in Qin’an. There is nowhere to hide under the super vision.

At the same time, Qin An also found that own hearing seems to be very good, he can hear the voices of the whole city, and he can listen to the conversations of one person or several people alone in the many noisy sounds.

This is really amazing. Qin An increasingly wants to know who he is and what kind of world he is in.

After returning to Own's family, Qin An hurriedly threw Own questions to Qi Lu.

Qi Lu didn't hesitate, and directly told Qin An a story that was not very true.

In this story, she has been married to Qin An for more than a year, and neither of them has any other relatives in the family, and Qi Lu is willing to accompany Qin An and live together in this end of the world.

Qin An was completely stupid after hearing Qi Lu's words. Oh my god, this turned out to be the end of the world?

In the subconscious, Qin An felt that there were zombies running around in the last days, and there was no safety at all. How could he enter the last days?

After Qi Lu talked to Qin An, she asked Qin An if she was hungry, and then ran out before hearing the answer. It turned out to be cooking.

Qin An looked at Qi Lu's back and shook his head slightly and sighed, knowing that this woman had lied to him.

First of all, the past that Qi Lu described is too rough, almost taken in one stroke. If two people have really been married for a year, how could there be only a little bit of the past?

In addition, Qin An found Qi Lu pale when she left, and there was a hint of panic in her eyes. There was nowhere to hide this information under the capture of super vision.

After being stunned in the room for a while, Qin An turned on her perspective ability and looked at Qi Lu. The corners of her eyes in the kitchen were slightly moist, as if she was about to cry.

Suddenly, Qi Lu accidentally cut her finger, and the blood immediately gushed out and dried up quickly, and the wound began to heal quickly.

Qin An felt very surprised, but in the end he also wanted to understand. Didn’t Cui Aza say before that Qi Lu is also a so-called supernatural person.

After a long sigh, Qin An decided not to expose Qi Lu for the time being. He felt that this woman did not seem to be hostile to him, but was a little guilty and unconfident.

What lie did she tell him? Is he really her husband?

While thinking about it, Qin An raised his foot and walked out of the room and entered the kitchen.

"Hi, I think it seems I can cook, or else I will come?"

Qin An looked at the busy Qi Lu with a kind smile. He felt that it would be better to do it yourself in order to have dinner. If you don't do it yourself, it is estimated that lunch will go directly to dinner.

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