Adanaren's eyebrows kept frowning, she was a magnificent princess, the man in front of her had no respect for her, and he said something messy, really maddening!

"Don't understand this?

Okay, then I'll change another one!

A monk and a strange nun entered a small shop to stay, and happened to have only one room left. Xiao Er said:

For monks, color is emptiness, and emptiness is color. It's nothing if two people share the same room for one night!

The two thought so, so they agreed. One person sleeps in the same bed at one end.

In the middle of the night, the nun's feet touched the monk's second child and asked: What is it?

The monk thinks about it: That's a dead man!

After a while, the monk's feet touched the nun's younger sister, and he asked: What is that?

The nun said: That's a coffin, specially pretending to be your dead person!

Haha, isn't it funny? Could you understand me? Are there any monks or nuns on your Sword Spirit Star? Do you know what the second and younger sister mean? ."

Guo Sihai smiled shamelessly, Adana Ren's face turned green.

Behind the two, followed by Ada Khan, Ling'er, Yu'er, Duoguayan Liuxiang, Jia Li, Wu Xiaoxiao, Wu Ba, Yaqin and others in turn.

In addition, there are actually many aliens with more than a thousand.

Seven days ago, everyone didn't know what happened, because they hid in a cave in Nanshan. After Nanshan disappeared the next day, all the monsters in the surrounding mountain were dead, and Qin An also lost his trace.

In the early stage, Ling'er and Guo Sihai were very anxious, afraid that Qin An would be dangerous.

Later, Linger comforted herself and Guo Sihai.

Nanshan is Qin An's summoning object. Since it disappeared naturally, it means that Qin An is not in danger, otherwise Nanshan would have disappeared long ago, and it would not last until dawn.

Maybe Qin An just encountered other things and went to do it.

This argument is not very reliable. If Qin An walked alone, how could he not say hello to everyone?

Next, a group of people stayed in the surrounding mountains for two days, trying to wait for Qin An, but they never saw Qin An's figure. Instead, many alien zombies from the south surrounded them, putting everyone in danger from time to time. .

In the end, Guo Sihai decided not to wait. The reason was simple, it was impossible to take everyone's life for Qin An.

Moreover, Guo Sihai thinks that even if Qin An encounters any danger at this time, it will not help them to wait. It is better to find a way to get out of the place of right and wrong as soon as possible, so that Qin An will find that everyone has already left when he comes back, and he will be more comfortable if he wants to escape. No one can deny that Qin An's strength is very strong.

As a result, Guo Sihai fully began to show the ability to own, gathered all the aliens gathered on Nanshan together, let Ling'er do the translation, and then integrated all the forces, and finally rushed out of Tianhuan Mountain and fleeing. After five days, he finally found the entrance and exit of a monster tunnel, so he escaped.

After leaving the dangerous place, Guo Sihai looked relaxed, but the pressure in his heart was extremely heavy.

A large number of zombies in the north have not yet been dealt with. Tangdu's forces in the northwest are dealing with the corpses over there, and it is said that they have also fought together.

West Tibet took advantage of the great migration to fight zombies in many southwestern provinces.

While Jian Zhifeng is now starting a war on the north, he has actually sent a coalition of 100,000 people to fight against a small group of corpses heading north from Guangnan Province.

It can be said that the situation across the country is very tense and messy.

Then the door of time and space is making trouble again. After the earth has experienced the end of the last 25 years, the opening of the next end of the century must be related to aliens.

So it is absolutely impossible to deal with so many Sword Spirit Star creatures by relying solely on humans, what should we do? I can only cooperate with aliens.

Naturally, the best partner among many aliens is the human race.

That's why Guo Sihai is willing to get closer to Adana Ren.

For the benefit of the country, Guo Sihai doesn't mind dedicating himself to a marriage with an alien princess.

Guo Sihai believes that only in this way can he understand everything about aliens from Adanaren's mouth.

As for Ling'er, Guo Sihai knows the relationship between Ling'er and Qin An, so he doesn't report illusions about Ling'er.

To put it bluntly, Ling'er is Qin An's person, Guo Sihai can be brothers with Qin An, but he must also allow himself to have a completely independent subordinate line.

Qin An is too strong to be a subordinate, but a brother.

Guo Sihai actually believed in Qin An's character and knew that he did not have much interest in state institutions.

But Guo Sihai also thinks very long-term, and now Qin An can be regarded as the overlord of one party, so his future descendants will certainly inherit this status.

Qin An is not interested in Jiangshan, and Guo Sihai can't guarantee that Qin An's descendants are not interested in Jiangshan either.

Therefore, Guo Sihai, who is about to become the next generation of national leaders, intends to plan the establishment of his own team, and then control the future and the destiny of the entire country.

Guo Sihai molested Adana Ren in this way, making the two of them more familiar.

All the way forward, finally reached Shanhaiguan, and then took many aliens to meet his immediate boss.

Ling'er had selfishness. She didn't care about the country. She even wanted to know whether Qin An had returned to Tianju. If not, she felt that she had to look for Qin An again.

Naturally, Guo Sihai has nothing to say, he has real feelings for Qin An, but he has more important things to do at this time, formulating a foreign policy with aliens, destroying many zombies in the monster passage, and at least he has to find Those passage entrances are blocked or surveillance walls are set up.

There are too many things, so that Guo Sihai can't waste time for one person.

In the end, Ling'er took Yu'er, and Duoguayan Liuxiang walked towards the direction where Tianju was.

The night came quickly, and Qin An and Qi Lu hugged and fell asleep.

In fact, Qi Lu held Qin An tightly, like an octopus.

After a long time, Qin An couldn't fall asleep, and he didn't know what was thinking in Dao's heart.

Hmm...Actually, he didn't think about anything, he was just listening, listening to the apocalyptic city at night.

Finally, in the noisy voice, Qin An found Yin Shiyao. She was still kept in the cell, but she was replaced with a better condition single room, which even had a TV.

At this time, the news of the qualifiers is being broadcast on TV. The TV station is set up in Peacock City. Therefore, the content of the news includes the status of the qualifiers of all cities. The most eye-catching is of course Yin Shiyao from Shulan City.

Qin An is still amazed. He knows that he is a few kilometers away from Yin Shiyao's position at this time, but he seems to be by her side through the ability, he can hear her steady breathing, and he can go to have a relationship with her. The spiritual eyes meet each other.

What exactly is a supernaturalist? Why is he a superpower?

Looking sideways at Qi Lu, he seemed to be asleep. Qin An subconsciously wanted to get up and leave quietly, but before a thought, he was already standing at a height of 100 meters.

Qin An, who was only wearing a pair of trousers, turned pale with fright. This mud horse was really like a dream. Why did it fly into the sky?

He originally thought he would fall quickly, but he didn't expect that a pair of transparent wings suddenly appeared on his back, which made him levitate in the air.

Oh my God, he...he actually grew wings and became a birdman?

After being stunned for a while in the air, Qin An began to try to fly. He moved extremely fast, and he flew around Shulan City in a short period of time.

After adapting to flying, Qin An laughed loudly, only feeling extremely refreshed. It turned out that flying can make people feel so free, as if the world is own.

It's really curious. He can let the soul enter other people's bodies, and can also teleport space to reach a hundred meters high from the room. Now there are transparent wings to fly, so what can he do?

With some expectation in his heart, Qin An suddenly raised his hand, and a strong wind cut through the sky, and even split the clouds in the sky in half. The sword sword god Yang broke through the nine heavens, and it was the same to take the first level within tens of kilometers. It's as easy as picking up something from a bag.

Qin An was flying happily, his thoughts turned, dark clouds were covered, and then heavy rain drifted!

Oh my God, he can still control the weather? This made Qin An a little confused.

The rain-gathering ability of the Sword God Extinguishing Dust can already be used to the fullest at the twenty-four level.

How fast can it fly?

Suddenly Qin An began to accelerate, and started in a rapid state in the air. In almost a few seconds, Qin An left the land area and flew to the sea!When he dived and plunged into the sea, it was really like a small cannonball. The powerful flying potential made the waves rise and splashed flying fish in the sky!

In the sea, Qin An's body ignited a flame, and even if the Yanhuo Guard was turned on, he was still a fire man in the sea! The sea water can't extinguish the flames at all.

I don't know how long it took to swim, Qin An saw a huge figure approaching in the sea, it was an upgraded tiger shark, one hundred meters in length.

A long weapon suddenly appeared in his hands, and Qin An naturally didn't know that it was the Divine Punishment Sword, but he felt very familiar with it.

Fast forward, a sword swung out, Yang cut the star and the moon to smash the shark, and the blood quickly lost the sea!

Qin An's heart moved slightly, and the Heavenly Punishment Divine Sword disappeared into his body, and then soared into the sky. After leaving the sea, the flame shield disappeared, but the golden armor covered his body!

"This... what is this? Who am I?"

With a roar, Qin An continued to fly high, and finally entered the atmosphere!

The intense friction produced powerful potential energy, but Qin An, who opened the golden armor, didn't care about the attacks of these potential energy at all, and finally broke through the atmosphere and entered the universe!

Oxygen became thin and almost non-existent at once, and Purdue Sword God's ability was activated, allowing Qin An's body to adjust quickly, so that it could continue to survive even in the absence of oxygen.

After drifting outside the atmosphere for a while, Qin An returned to the earth and fell back to the surface of the sea. The Movement Technique was turned on, allowing him to stand and walk on the surface of the sea.

Qin An looked at the world and the ocean with a look of astonishment. After a long time, he spoke softly:

"Could it be... Am I a god?"

After thinking that he was a god, Qin An returned to Shulan City and found that he was still a human, because he had an appetite after smelling the smell of barbecue on the street.

Hey, the real god should be bigu, right? Why are you interested in these dirty things?

It was eleven o'clock at night, and there was a small night market in front of Qin'an's house, which looked very lively.

Qin An sorted out the clothes that didn't fit well, which he had just stole from the courtyard of a family.

I walked up to a stall with a mutton barbecue sign and swallowed. I found tragically that I had no money. How do I spend it?

"Is this really lamb? If you sell human meat with a sheep's head, once this girl finds out, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people!"

"Ah, don’t worry, nobles, our shop never sells mutton! Our meat market in Shulan City is very regulated. All human meat shops have operating licenses, and the consumption inside is much higher than that of my small shop. That is to say, the ingredients of human flesh are more expensive than mutton, and I am not stupid. How can I not sell cheap things and sell them more expensive?"

Qin An heard the dispute over there, and looked sideways, and saw a pair of beautiful sisters sitting on a small square table talking to the little boss.

The one who was speaking was looking younger, and the woman who was so beautiful and looked a little bigger, stared at herself with her wavy eyes at this time.

Qin An looked at him for a few seconds and then lost the battle. He looked up at the sky a little awkwardly, and then turned to leave.

The woman who stared at Qin An was naturally Yin Yao, while the one who was talking was Xiao Jiumei.

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