The fifty thousand horses led by Ye Siya and Gu Lanfei have reached 20 kilometers southwest of Jiaziguan.

The so-called Jiazi Pass is actually only 13 kilometers long. It is an arc-shaped fortification built on flat ground. The height of the wall is 30 meters and the garrison is 30,000 troops.

A huge basin was artificially excavated on the east side of Jiaziguan Pass. Seawater was introduced to form a lake. Many dangerous sea animals were trapped inside to form a barrier.

To the west of Jiaziguan is the Changbai Mountain Range. This mountain is winding and winding. There are various traps in the mountain, which cannot be passed by the army.

So if you want to enter the Hellfire Fortress, you must go to Jiaziguan.

Of course, you can walk a few hundred kilometers to the west, but there are more zombies over there, and the large army was also in crisis in the past, and it is very likely that it will be trapped in the corpse and will no longer be able to go to the prison fire.

at this time,

Ye Siya was looking up at the sky with a binoculars. Six hundred sorties of fighters from the rear base were flying over the sky with the help of the night, and they were about to launch the first wave of air strikes on military targets in the Hellfire Fortress.

"Hey, do you think we are a bit at a loss? Why should we fight the enemy head-on as a ground force? Feng Xiaozheng and Song Dieyun, two little bitches, can lead troops into the sea and advance into the enemy's hinterland by boat? "

Concubine Gu Lan pouted, obviously very upset.

Ye Siya smiled and said softly: "No way, they are stronger than ours, and you and I can't deny that Feng Xiaozheng's military talent is also stronger than ours. They who enter the sea and land in battle must bear it. The crisis must be much greater than ours! After all, we still have a way out, and once they land, they will never die!"

Concubine Gu Lan put her mouth flat and sighed:

"The population of Hellfire Fortress is said to be more than 20 million or more. We, 100,000 people, come to attack the city, don't you think you are a little overpowered?"

"Nor can you say that, after all, we can be regarded as occupying the right time, the right place and the right people."

Concubine Gu Lan rolled her eyes helplessly, and then said:

"Where do you start? Do you want to be so optimistic?"

Ye Siya frowned at this time, and said seriously:

"Western Tibet has been sending troops to fight in various places over the years, trying to eliminate all the monsters of the end times, but it has never been able to do so. Now the Otherworld monsters have come to the earth, if we cannot consolidate our own territory in a short period of time and expand the results of the battle. , Then the road in the future will be even more difficult! One of our biggest enemies today is the billions of zombies in India, and the other is the two religions of the last spirit and destiny!

There hasn’t been any movement in India. If we can’t take advantage of this good opportunity to kill the two spirits and destiny, then when the southern zombies migrate across the border, we will suffer from the enemy.

Therefore, by destroying the two religions, we can have a relatively stable rear.

After all, there are not many zombies in Russia. As long as you eliminate the zombies gathered in the road in the winter city, you will be considered a victory!

So in this context, we have to choose to attack with all our strength. It is the time when we have to fight back.

You should feel it too, how active the upper hand is now, the dispatching will send us waves of reinforcements and air support, the navy has also been dispatched, and also actively provoked the extermination of the zombie clusters in the Northwest and South. Fight!

Hey, when the end of the world just broke out, not many people gathered in western Tibet.

After so many years, although there are offspring among the zombies, they are far from the reproduction speed of our human beings, because we have never stopped consuming them!

The implementation of the 25-year population policy in Western Tibet has allowed humans to recuperate. What are they fighting against the zombies? In addition to ammunition and weapons, the fight is actually a consumption!

The origin of the beheading medal is this spiritual symbol.

Twenty-five years ago, a person killed a hundred zombies and then sacrificed. When the humans died, the zombies might not have been cleaned up yet.

But now, if one person kills a hundred zombies, then perhaps the party that will eventually prevail will be human!

This is human and harmonious!

As for the location?

After all, we now have an underground fortress in Shanhaiguan. Although it has just begun to be established and has not yet formed, it can be used. If we can’t beat the big deal, we’ll just run, and then run along the tunnels and go back to Jiulongliancheng. Qin An has done a good thing. I have seen the master plan of Jiulongliancheng, which is very sci-fi! "

After hearing what Ye Siya said, Concubine Gu chuckled.

"You are really optimistic!"

Ye Siya laughed too, the two sisters laughed for a while, and their expressions became dim again.

"My husband should already be

The husband in Ye Siya's mouth was naturally referring to Li Ziyuan, but she was only half of what she said, obviously worrying about ears on the wall.

"Well, so let's keep going. This battle is about to break out. This move is full of crises and opportunities! Whoever will be the winner will be announced soon!"

"He had planned for so long, all the sacrifices in the past two years should not have been in vain!"

"Yes, the sacrifices of those soldiers over the years are indeed too great. Now it's our turn!"

At this point, both of them closed their mouths, their expressions solemn.

Three minutes later, Concubine Gu gave the order, the whole army formed a team, and then the soldiers were divided into five groups and marched to Jiaziguan in a hurry!

After midnight, Hellfire City will blaze into the sky!

The top of Hellfire City is City No. 89, which is also called Peacock City.

In the southeast area of ​​Peacock City, there is a large yard, and all seven large houses in the yard belong to Lu Junde.

Lu Junde is 72 years old this year and is a sixth-level upgrader, so he has some background, so he can own the property of seven big houses.

It was late at night, Lu Junde was originally asleep, perhaps having a nightmare, he woke up suddenly, and then turned over and sat up.

The old man is about 1.7 meters tall and weighs more than two hundred catties.

He slept naked, and the folds that appeared on his stomach after doing it were simply disgusting.

"Little Deer!"

With a hoarse cry, in the corner of the room, a woman kneeling on the ground crawled over on her knees, with a urinal in her hand.

Lu Junde sat on the edge of the bed, spreading his legs, squinting his eyes slightly, and seeing the deer approaching, regardless of whether she was ready or not, he started peeing directly.

The deer accurately put the urine into the urinal, and held it respectfully, until the old man was done with it, then bowed his head and retired on his knees.

Lu Junyi sat on the edge of the bed and licked his chapped lips with his tongue, and then said:

"Ah, I can't sleep anymore, go and look at my toys!"

Xiao Cui hurriedly stood up, walked over to help Lu Junyi up, and then walked outside without putting any clothes on him.

"Little deer, how many years have you been to my house?"

Lu Junde's voice sounded very kind.

"Grandpa, it's been three years! At that time, I wandered around the Peacock Terrace with Big Brother, and then we were arrested as a slave. Grandpa took a fancy to me, so he bought me."

"Oh, it's been so long, how are you Big Brother?"

"He... died two years ago, in the arena! In order to reward me, didn't Grandpa bought his body from the slave farm?"

"Oh... by the way! I remember. That young man has very strong muscles. After I bought him back, it seemed that he used his meat to make dumpling fillings. That dumpling was really delicious! Haha, you Big Brother almost became the gladiator king, but unfortunately he eventually died. Xiaolu, you seemed to have eaten a lot of dumplings at that time? The dumpling stuffing made with Big Brother meat is delicious?"

The woman named Xiaolu trembled slightly, but forced a smile on her face and said:

"It's delicious, grandpa!"

Lu Junde clasped the waist of the deer with his long nails and laughed.

Amid the laughter, his nails were buttoned into the deer's flesh, causing the deer's painful sweat to flow out, tears flickering in his eyes.

Finally, from Lu Junde's bedroom to another room, Lu Junde let go of the deer.

The room was brightly lit, and two people were chained in the room.

One of them is an old lady who looks the same age as Lu Junde, her name is Song Yumei, Lu Junde's wife before the last days.

The other is an old man in his sixties, his name is Song Yugui, Song Yumei's biological Little Brother.

The two of them were not wearing clothes at this time, and their bodies were covered with typhoid fever, old wounds and old injuries. Song Yumei's tongue had been cut off a few years ago, and Song Yugui not only lost her tongue, but also had no eyeballs for a long time. NS.

Lu Junde sat on the room's grandmaster's chair, and didn't mind that his disgusting wrinkled skin was exposed to the light.

"Wife, brother-in-law! I came to see you!"

Song Yumei's sister and brother have been tortured for many years and have already gone crazy. They were originally in a dizzy coma, but after hearing Lu Junde's voice, they were awakened immediately, and then their whole body began to tremble, and their faces were full of fear. .

This can only show that their fear of Lu Junde has penetrated into their souls, and they cannot escape even in their sleep.

"Ah, back then, I became their son-in-law and was bullied by my wife and brother-in-law. It's really like a dog! Haha, fortunately, the end of the world has come, letting me escape from Sea of ​​Bitterness, making me a supernatural power I can avenge my revenge! Xiaolu, you are too late. In fact, eight years ago, I imprisoned 13 young and old members of Song Yuzhu’s family. It’s a pity that the female relatives of his family didn’t have to toss, so I just played them casually. Hey, now, I have only these two toys left. Both are dying and mentally abnormal. Do you think I should send them to the underworld to reunite with their relatives?"

The deer raised his head hurriedly, seeming to be at a loss.

This is a woman who is almost thirty years old. She is actually pretty, but nowadays, apart from that beautiful face, there is no healthy skin on her body anymore.

Lu Junde is an old man with abusive propensity to pervert, Xiaolu has suffered no less in the past three years than Song Yumei's brother and sister who were chained.

She was already a pair of withered flowers, she didn't go crazy, she didn't choose to commit suicide, just because there was still a thought in her heart that could not escape.

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