"Bailu, haven't seen you for three years, are you okay?"

In the room, a man's trembling voice suddenly appeared.

The trembling body of the woman named Xiaolu suddenly froze, and tears filled her eyes after a second.

The old man Lu Junde's squinted eyes were suddenly rounded, and he turned his head to the corner of the wall, and saw that a man there was emerging from his invisibility!

It was a guy who seemed to be only twenty-seven or eighteen years old, with a height of 1.8 meters, a vigorous and well-proportioned figure, and a straight and handsome facial features.

After all, Lu Junde is a sixth-level upgrader, so he returned to calm after experiencing the shock of the early stage.

He turned his head, looked at the deer, and said softly:

"Little deer, do you know this person?"

Lu Junde was actually really calm. He thought that the person with the ability that appeared suddenly should be a relative of Xiaolu, perhaps he found Xiaolu accidentally.

Then in this Peacock City, even if he can't kill this person, he will never be killed by him. As long as he runs out and calls for help, the deer will still be his slave. Became the father of the Dark One.

Xiaolu ignored Lu Junde for the first time in three years. She just whispered in a choked voice:

"Fang Chen, you... why are you here?"

Tears also fell in the eyes of the man named Fang Chen.

Is this still the Tsundere woman who chased herself wildly three years ago, was grumpy and rude, and made him a little hated?

Looking at the countless ugly scars on her bare body at this time, Fang Chen imagined what she had experienced in less than three years?

Unable to suppress the turmoil in his heart, Fang Chen stepped forward to hold Bai Lu into his arms.

Bai Lu hurriedly backed away, stretched out his hand to Fang Chen, and then spoke in a low, stern tone:

"You...Don't come over! My body is dirty...Fang Chen, let me ask you, has the bottom plan started?"

Fang Chen's outstretched hands stopped, because the woman he wanted to hold in his arms had already retreated to the door.

Fang Chen felt so disappointed, he whispered:

"Well, the boss has entered the city, the bottom plan has been launched, and the decisive battle will start at midnight!"

Bai Lu slowly closed her eyes, and opened them again three seconds later. The tears in her eyes had disappeared. Only the tears on her face proved that she had really cried.

Moreover, Bai Lu's face did not have that humble look, and her eyes were full of determination at this time, as if she were a great winner.

"Fang Chen, help me kill him, because I was so obsessed with you back then."

The white deer bit his lip with his teeth and shed blood.

Fang Chen nodded heavily, without any hesitation, his body disappeared in a flash of the light, and he appeared again to the opposite side of Lu Junde.

Lu Junde was prepared for a long time, and a huge bone shield was born on his arm. His parasitic beast was in its original form as a tortoise, and its strongest ability was defense. This beastly tortoise shield was impenetrable even with armor-piercing bullets.

The original form of the parasitic beast in Fang Chen's body was a chameleon.

Some people think that the principle of the discoloration of the body of a chameleon is caused by the change of pigment cells, but this is a wrong understanding.

The surface of the chameleon's skin actually has a layer of nanocrystals, which can control the nanocrystals to change the refraction of light, making people think it is changing color.

Then the sixth-level chameleon parasitic beast in Fang Chen’s body is called steel-bone armor piercing dragon. Using the structural combination of nanocrystals, the skin can be transformed into nano armor and the arm can be transformed into two nano blades. Defensive attack power, in conjunction with his stealth ability that can be integrated into the air, he can be regarded as a strong melee master.

After a few rounds, Lu Junde was beaten by Fang Chen without the strength to fight back. He naturally wanted to run, breaking the window and jumping outside.

Just as Fang Chen was about to chase him out, a black shadow flew in from the broken window.

Fang Chen saw that it was Lu Junde, but at this time he had already changed from a living person to a corpse.

Then, another figure floated in from the window, and a handsome and somewhat seductive man stood in the room.

Fang Chen's breathing was a little quick because of his complicated mood. After seeing the man, he gradually calmed down and said softly, "Boss!"

Bai Lu also saw the man, and couldn't suppress his emotions anymore, and cried out again. The three years of grievances finally came to an end.

With an evil smile on the corners of the charming handsome guy, he walked forward and immediately reached Bai Lu's side. Then he hugged the Bai Lu who wanted to dodge into his arms, and whispered in her ears:

"Thanks for your hard work! I will find someone to help you heal your wounds. As for your heartache

Halfway through, the charming handsome guy suddenly pushed Bai Lu towards Fang Chen very rudely.

Fang Chen hurriedly stretched out his hand and put Bai Lu into his arms, desperately wanting to hug her so as not to let her escape.

Bai Lu only felt that she was about to suffocate. She never thought that she could return to the arms of this man.

Three years ago, Bai Lu was a female soldier under Li Ziyuan, and Fang Chen and Du Haitang were the guards of Li Ziyuan.

This is a story about love and being loved.

Tsundere's White Deer loves Fang Chen very much, but Fang Chen loves Du Haitang, who has a quiet personality.

In such a love chasing match, it was Fang Chen and Du Haitang that finally came together, and Bai Lu became a complete loser.

Angrily, Bai Lu found Li Ziyuan and applied to participate in a mission that was said to be very mysterious at the time. That was the plan!

In 2037, the Hellfire Fortress already has a very large scale, so Tibet is naturally in sight and anxious.

However, in the chaotic apocalypse, Western Tibet had no confidence to send a large force to attack the city, so after a long period of research, the top management formulated a bottom plan, and the implementer or the person in charge of the plan was Li Zi. garden.

In this way, in three years, Li Ziyuan began to secretly arrange for some incompetent, heartfelt soldiers with strong will to enter the Hellfire Fortress.

In three years, he arranged a total of 9,630 people into the prison fire, including Bailu.

After entering the Hellfire Fortress, most of these people are slaves, because they are not supernatural beings, and they are individually looking for opportunities to enter, and they are all slaves after entering, so they did not arouse suspicion.

Among the tens of millions of people in Hellfire Fortress, there are actually more than 10 million slaves.

Then one of the tasks of these intruders is to establish underground organizations among these slaves, and then use individual soldiers as units to fight separately, persuading the slaves to form small groups.

Of course, the intruders will not communicate with each other, they just act separately, so that even if someone leaks, it will not harm other small groups of intruders.

Then the second task of the intruder is to detect and find out where the airport, long-range missile force, military barracks, command center and other institutions are located.

Infiltrator task three is when the bottom plan is launched, and their respective small teams begin to destroy the entire Hellfire Fortress!

The so-called activation is signaled by the air force bombing from western Tibet. When the air strike begins, the intruders will start to move. There will be troops outside Jiaziguan from the front attack, and the navy in the eastern sea area will be bombarded with artillery before landing. Fight!

The purpose of Tibet West is very clear, or you don’t do it. Once you do it, you have to do it all at once. You can strike the Hellfire Fortress by surprise, and then use the huge slave group and the external attack of the Trinity to quickly disintegrate the Hellfire Fortress. In the end, Win!

Therefore, this time, Li Ziyuan served as the commander of the coalition forces fighting against the Moling Sect.

For this day, he has been waiting for three years.

Walking out of Lu Junde's home, the smile on Li Ziyuan's face slowly faded.

He brought five hundred upgraded people to sneak into the prison fire, and the combat mission was naturally to support those who sneaked in.

Hey, in three years, nine thousand six hundred and thirty people have sacrificed more than one thousand.

In the past three years, their destiny was handed over to faith. Before the plan was started, they were ordinary apocalyptic ronin. After being captured by the soldiers of the Hellfire Fortress, they became slaves, and then lived humble, lingering, life and death. Not as good as Life.

Now, the plan has finally started, and the power of the wild that they have suppressed for three years can finally break out. They can finally return to the role of warrior, and then burn out the shame for three years with anger, and let the blood of revenge flow all over Hellfire City. !

Fang Chen and Du Haitang did not come to the end. When Bai Lu left, Fang Chen and Du Haitang broke up after only half a year of marriage.

There is no special reason, but after they came together in Life, they found that each other was not appropriate.

Du Haitang now has a new family and gave birth to a cute kid. This time, she gave up the poor baby who had not been weaned and also entered the Hellfire Fortress. Now she should have brought a group of upgraded people. Sneak into the city of fire.

And Fang Chen entered the Peacock Terrace with another batch of Upgraders.

Perhaps there will be a future between Fang Chen and Bai Lu. Li Ziyuan has long discovered that the guard of own seems to occasionally think of the domineering Bai Lu back then.

They are actually quite suitable. Love does not necessarily lead to happiness, because it is often difficult for people to recognize what they love.

So, whether they can finally get married depends on whether they can survive this war!

The plan can really be started. Li Ziyuan walked around and found that the infiltrator fighters were excellent. Among them was a fighter who worked as a slave in the arena of Peacock City. He had secretly managed one that could be controlled. A small organization of five thousand slaves!

After the air raid, these people will cause chaos in the prison! This is what the bottom plan is all about.

As the saying goes, sacrifices can be rewarded. The slaves of Hellfire Fortress are the key to the success of the Bottom Plan.

Otherwise, how can a unit of 100,000 people come to attack a big city with a population of tens of millions?

Li Ziyuan walked in the night, looking at the full moon in the sky, his coquettish handsome face was ascending with dignity.

Whether the battle of Hellfire Fortress can win the final victory is actually a very critical factor, that is, the battle of Winter City, which will break out almost at the same time as the battle here!

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