Qin An gave the spirit realm, seven kills, ancient formations, and Tatian four divine swords to the west of Tibet. Song Dieyun now parasites the 23rd sword god on the Sword God List, Tatian.

Song Dieyun was actually a bit tired at this time. Although it was a rotation battle, as a frontline leader, there were too many things to worry about. Song Dieyun had to do everything on the battlefield, so she couldn't rest at all. Last night, she retired from the battlefield at around four in the morning. She only slept for more than three hours before getting up to work. This has been the case for the past few days. It is impossible not to get tired if she sleeps for such a small amount of time every day.

Frowning, Song Dieyun walked slowly among the crowd.

The concentration camp was set up temporarily, and only one-third of the civilians in it had bedding. They were planning to escape, but they were all controlled in the end.

While walking, Song Dieyun saw a couple coaxing their daughter.

The little girl is probably only two or three years old, and she is very beautiful. At this time, there are tears on her face, and she doesn't know why she is crying so sad.

Song Dieyun was shocked, and sighed after a long time.

In the last days, the most innocent will always be the child.

Even if she was poor, Song Dieyun did not dare to soften her heart, because she knew that among these so-called civilians, there were many dangerous people hidden. Even if the children were innocent, no one could guarantee that her parents were good people.

This is the cruelty of war.

Song Dieyun is twenty-eight years old this year, and she has stepped on the tail of the pre-apocalyptic era.

When the apocalypse broke out, her whole family became zombies, and her mother pushed her into the basement of the room before the corpse, and locked the basement door with a chain outside.

Three days later, some troops passed by and heard Die Yun crying and rescued her from the basement. That year she was only a three-year-old child.

After the little Dieyun came out of the basement, she saw her mother who was cut in half by the soldiers, her father whose internal organs had been eaten, and her body with only one head left. grandfather.

At that moment, her little mind was hit hard and she was stupid after being taken back to the military camp.

For six years, she hadn't spoken a word. She was afraid of everyone. What she liked most was hiding in a dark corner, because the dark enclosed space was the safest space her mother was looking for in the most blurred.

After moving to West Tibet, Song Dieyun was adopted by Feng Xiaozheng's parents and met Feng Xiaozheng who was the same age.

Feng Xiaozheng has been a passionate little girl since she was a child. Perhaps because of the relationship between the two people, they gradually became best friends and sisters after contact. Song Dieyun finally got out of her childhood nightmare and finally returned to normal. people.

However, her personality is still very cold. Only when she is with Feng Xiaozheng will she be like a normal woman. If she leaves Feng Xiaozheng, she rarely speaks.

Just as at this time, entering the concentration camp, the lieutenant in charge of Song Dieyun's side, Yuan Jie, the giant ant king, was just walking around, like an outsider.

"He has a fifth-level rune mark on his body!"

A superb warrior with infrared see-through eyes spoke. Yuan Jie quickly stepped forward and glanced at the middle-aged man sitting on the ground.

"Stand up, say your identity, age!"

Yuan Jie's voice was serious, and the other nearby coalition power fighters also looked gloomy and were waiting.

The fifth-level upgrader sat on the ground for a few seconds, then stood up, raised his hands above his head and said with a smile:

"Everyone, my name is Wang Ergou. I am fifty years old. I am an old guy with no identity. I am just a commoner!"

Yuan Jie did not relax his vigilance because Wang Ergou raised his hands. He made a face at the medical officer on the side, and the medical officer took out an injection from the medicine chest beside him.

"Mr. Wang, because it is wartime, we have to inject TC virus inhibitors for you! Please cooperate and reach out."

The man named Wang Ergou still had a smile on his face, but he glanced sharply at the medical officer.

Since he is a fifth-level upgrader, it is naturally impossible to be a white man in Shulan City. He was a person who died in Shulan City Church. He originally wanted to run to Yong'an Pass, but he was surrounded by a group of soldiers.

The soldiers of the Allied Forces will directly throw TC virus suppression aerosol bombs when they are in action, causing him to temporarily lose his abilities and be trapped.

Now that the inhibitory ingredients in his body have just failed, how can he be reconciled when he sees that he is being injected with a TC virus inhibitor again?

Turning his eyes, Wang Ergou finally decided to resist. He turned around abruptly and ran back quickly.

Before the other soldiers could react, a big hand suddenly stretched out in the void, grabbing Wang Ergou, who had run more than fifty meters, in his hand.

Numerous civilians in the vicinity, including the many supernatural fighters of the coalition, were all scared and dumbfounded. They didn't know what the dark black palm was about the size of a giant truck.

Ten seconds later, the big hand disappeared, and Wang Ergou was crushed into a mass of fleshy flesh. After falling to the ground, his body fluids splashed, and the pieces of flesh flew around, looking so terrifying.

The four powers of Treading Heaven are Heavenly Ghosts, Another World Time and Space, Ten Thousand Realms Death Qi, and God of War.

Among them, Tian Xing Ghost Old Man is a Movement Technique ability that allows the host to shuttle between different space enchantments within the earth.

Another world time and space can open a space connected to different time and space planes, and then let monsters in different spaces enter the another world time and space to attack the trapped enemy.

The Death Qi of the Ten Thousand Realms summons the atmosphere of different planes to form a mixture of super poisonous mist gas.

God of War is to randomly summon powerful individuals from different time and space planes to fight in another world space.

Then the giant hand that just appeared is the super God of War summoned by Song Dieyun.

The so-called God of War is completely random. Before being summoned, even Song Dieyun doesn’t know what they will be, but after summoning, Song Dieyun can quickly understand their attributes, and then use them to fight. .

"Continue to check. Those who try to resist will be killed!"

Song Dieyun's volume didn't seem to be high, but all the civilians in the entire concentration camp heard it.

Everyone was shocked by the mysterious big hand before, shocked by the death of Li Ergou, so scared that they all did not dare to speak.

Even the three or four-year-old laughing girl who cried before stopped crying, hiding in her mother's arms so scared that she did not dare to lift her head.

Song Dieyun caught a glimpse of the little girl's movements from the corner of her eyes, frowning, her face becoming more gloomy.

Hey, has she become a mother Yaksha in people's hearts?

She felt a little lost in her heart. Song Dieyun actually didn’t want people to be so afraid of her, but her name as an iceberg was well-known even in the Western Tibet army, which meant that even her comrades around her were afraid of her, so what could she do? ?

He closed his eyes slightly and waved away the waves that had risen in his heart.

Song Dieyun continued to walk among the crowd, opening her eyes and looking around, as if she was an idle gardener, and the people nearby were just potted plants for her to admire.

Yuan Jie and others looked at each other, and then smiled tacitly.

They had long known that their female boss was very awesome, but now they can't help but feel shocked when she sees that she kills a fifth-level superpower at will. This is mainly because Song Dieyun's nirvana stunts are almost different every time, although they are different, they are all powerful.

The warriors of supernatural powers continued to investigate in the crowd, using the rune mark and the method of illuminating the multi-colored stone ring to distinguish civilians from supernatural powers one by one.

With the example of Li Ergou, the other supernaturalists in the concentration camp did not dare to resist. They were all injected with TC virus inhibitors by the medical officer of the coalition army, and then they were taken away from the concentration camp to other places for unified supervision.

In the face of these Hellfire's supernatural beings, the coalition forces naturally did not dare to be careless, not only had to limit their supernatural powers, but also thoroughly figured out their identities.

When the soldiers were busy, Song Dieyun had strolled leisurely in front of Qin An's people, and then his gaze fell on Yin Yao's face for a moment.

What a beautiful woman!

This is Song Dieyun's first sense.

So would such a beautiful woman be an ordinary civilian?

Shine it with a colorful stone ring, the small stone on the ring did not shine.

It's a pity that this doesn't mean anything. Many people with abilities have changed their own body radiation wave intensity through genetic surgery.

And advanced abilities can also hide the rune mark on the body.

In other words, if you want to rely on the multi-color stone ring and rune mark, you can't fully find the supernatural person in the crowd, and you need some judgment.

While she was full of doubts and confusion, Song Dieyun moved her gaze and looked at the other people around Yin Yao.

Yin Shiyao's appearance is very ordinary, but her figure is enchanting.

Several other women, Lu Ya, Qin Jiusi, and even the prostitute Guan Xiaoshan are all pretty good beauties.

This made Song Dieyun even more puzzled, who are they?

She walked up to a few people, looked down, and found that a few people formed a circle nearby, obviously a group of people.

"Who is the leader of your small team, stand up and talk back!"

While Song Dieyun spoke, her eyes finally fell on Qin An's body.


Song Dieyun raised her eyebrows, feeling that Qin An's appearance seemed familiar.

In fact, she had seen Qin An's photos before, but Qin An in that photo looked frustrated and only had two-thirds of her face.

Song Dieyun didn't have the ability to remember Qin Annan's life, and she didn't expect that the big color ruffian hypocrite that she hated would appear here, so she didn't want to worry too much.

"Hey, this female general, the old man, I am the person in charge. I don't dare to call it a leader! Do you... do you have any orders? We are a group of hard-working people, so you can Don't make it difficult for us, we are willing to go to our site in West Tibet or Jiulong Mountain to spend Life!"

It was Dongsheng's grandfather Zhang Kaiyang who was talking.

Since I have already followed Yin Yao as a subordinate, I always have to contribute at some point.

Zhang Kaiyang can be regarded as an exquisite person. After Song Dieyun's question, Qin An didn't answer. Zhang Kaiyang just stood up and decided to take a look at this seemingly awesome female general. What?

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