
Song Dieyun narrowed her eyes to look at Zhang Kaiyang, her face gloomy, her eyes full of murderous aura.

Qin An also looked at Zhang Kaiyang, and saw that the old man's body was already shaking slightly, but his expression remained unchanged.

Nodding slightly, Qin An couldn't help admiring him a little.

On this earth, murderous aura is no longer an invisible and illusory thing.

The law of the Sword Spirit Star states that everything has its origin, and there is life when there is thought.

With the opening of the gates of time and space, alien races, spell cards, and behemoths of the law were transmitted, and the law of the sword spirit star was also being confused with the law of the galaxy.

Therefore, the so-called murderous aura can be regarded as a mental energy attribute attack.

Zhang Kaiyang is just an ordinary person, but it is not easy to change his face under Song Dieyun's murderous intent.

Song Dieyun originally didn't believe that Zhang Kaiyang was the head of these people, but seeing his calm and calm look at this time, the doubt in her heart was a bit less.

After thinking slightly for a while, Song Dieyun turned around and called the person with perspective eyes to come over.

"Look at them, if they have a genetic rune."

Song Dieyun had already probed with the multi-color stone ring, but found no abnormalities.

The power warrior nodded to Song Dieyun, then his eyes were reddish, and the perspective eye mode was turned on.

His see-through eyes are different from Qin An, but are similar to the effect of infrared rays. The skin can be seen through the clothes, and the scene in the eyes is a little red. It can use heat to distinguish the texture of the skin. There is a gene rune. The temperature in the place is a little bit higher than that of normal skin, allowing him to find the location of this rune.

Lu Ya has now reached the ninth-level upgrade, can hide the gene rune, and there is a parasitic beast in her body that absorbs energy, and the rays on the colorful stone ring cannot escape.

Yin Yao is considered to be a sword god-body ability, in fact, he also has a genetic rune, but it is hidden in the body, and the colorful stone ring cannot be effective against the pure colorful sword Spiritual Qi.

Xiao Jiumei is a second-generation ability, and the sword god ability is the mainstream in the gene, which is similar to Yin Yao's situation.

Then when the supernatural fighter saw Qin An, his face became pale for a while.

Song Dieyun saw the abnormality of the warrior with supernatural powers, her eyes fell on Qin An again, and she asked softly:

"What's wrong?"

"Ah... there are twenty-four rune marks on his chest!"

Twenty-four colors?

Song Dieyun rolled her eyes, feeling speechless.

How could there be a rune mark in twenty-four colors?

Twenty fourth-level upgraded? Are you crazy?

"stand up!"

Song Dieyun walked up to Qin An and looked down, like a queen of Tsundere.

Qin An frowned a long time ago after hearing their conversation. He didn't even have a memory. Naturally, he didn't know much about the supernatural beings, which meant that he didn't know that the tattoos on his chest could still be hidden.

A little depressed, Qin An stood up.

He now only regards himself as a spectator in this scene of the battle, so he will not take the initiative to do anything.

Before the crisis erupted on him, he wanted to be an extravagant extra.

Song Dieyun's expression worsened after Qin An stood up.

Song Dieyun is the kind of petite woman.

She is only 1.6 meters tall and weighs only 90 kilograms, while Qin An's height is 1.8 meters tall and weighs one hundred and four.

In other words, Qin An's height has grown by three or four centimeters over the past few years. Before the end of life, he was only close to 1.8 meters.

So the height difference of more than twenty centimeters could only make Song Dieyun look up to see Qin An.

Qin An now looks like twenty years old.

In fact, he is not the kind of cream niche appearance, on the contrary, he has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his face is square. He is the image of a tough guy in a pre-apocalyptic hero movie.

It's a pity that tough guys are often uncle-level, but Qin An looks very young, because it is a supernatural person, the skin on his body is particularly good.

Song Dieyun raised her head and looked at a face close at hand.

Qin An didn't look at Song Dieyun, just opened his mouth and let out a breath, his eyes narrowed. He really didn't sleep well last night.

It's not that the ground in the concentration camp square is cold, it's just that the perverted Little Nine Sister...covered him secretly more than a hundred quilts in one night, and it seemed that he was afraid of freezing.

Qin An couldn't help but wonder if Xiao Jiumei was his mother in his previous life. That's why he is so concerned about him when he meets in this life?

Song Dieyun stared at Qin An for a while, and then suddenly shot, unbuttoning Qin An's clothes, revealing that strong and curvy chest.

Qin An opened his eyes and lowered his head, his pure black eyes met Song Dieyun.

Song Dieyun really didn't think too much, she was just going to check Qin An's rune mark.

As she thought about it, it was absolutely impossible for the 20th fourth-level upgrader to exist, so she thought that the young man in front of her must have gotten some special materials and carved a tattoo similar to the rune mark on his chest.

But when she opened Qin An's clothes and looked at Qin An with her eyes, she was shocked. She only felt that her heart seemed to be beating constantly, so sharp eyes!

Human eyes are the window to the soul. Qin An's eyes are very bright and very dark, but there is nothing special about it.

It's just that Qin An and Song Dieyun are very close at this time, and Qin An's eyes are indeed very divine, and he is a real level 24 ability, and he is a second soul who has understood the curse of heavenly punishment and the realm of dead spirits. Realm sword repairers with strong body, naturally look different from ordinary people.

A sense of oppression made Song Dieyun seem to have difficulty breathing.

She had never felt this way in front of any man, not even Li Ziyuan.

A little panic lowered her head, Song Dieyun was actually scared, so she ran away.

And after lowering her head, she saw the shallow heart-shaped trace on Qin An's chest, and a blooming flower formed by twenty-four-color flowers and leaves!

This... really seems to be a rune mark!

Song Dieyun is also a seventh-level upgrade. The Tibet-Western Academy of Sciences has issued a notification. Now the upgrade speed of the upgraded is accelerating. Not only has a group of six seventh-level upgraded abilities appeared in the army, but even eighth. -levels are available.

So twenty fourth-level upgrades are absolutely impossible.

Song Dieyun finally stabilized after spending a while.

Look, isn't there a faint scar on this man's chest?

At first glance, this scar was left many years ago. If he is a twenty fourth-level ability, how could he have scars on his body?

You must know that the skin of every upgraded person is smooth, just like uncut jade.

Her mood became more stable, her previously warm heart cooled down again, and Song Dieyun became that iceberg again.

She slowly raised her hand and touched the twenty-four-color rune mark on Qin An's chest...

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