Song Dieyun almost jumped away from Qin An, and she finally reacted.

Oh my god...

Is she stupid? Why do you keep touching someone's chest?

Compared with being shy, Song Dieyun was more emotionally annoyed, so her voice was a little trembling.

"Confirm his upgraded level!"

The medical officer on the side hurriedly took out the blood collection equipment and testing equipment from the medicine box, intending to conduct a comprehensive inspection for Qin An.

There is nothing to say, Song Dieyun thinks that what she has to do now is to clear up her doubts, it's just a man, she hasn't seen it before!

She didn't think about it just now, she was just checking the opponent's rune mark.

She clenched her fists subconsciously, and Song Dieyun felt her palms feel hot.

He scanned Qin An's chest with his eyes, and hurriedly let his eyes go away.

Damn it!

She... She did not have any random thoughts just now, but at this moment she was a little fanciful, how could the temperature on her palms not get away!

Yuan Jie, the giant ant king, looked very bad after a long time. He and Song Dieyun have known each other for many years, and they have also worked together for many years.

He originally thought that one day, this woman who didn't know why love would fall into his own hands, now seeing Song Dieyun's appearance made him a little worried.

Could it be that this girl is about to get rid of it? And the man who awakened her was not Li Ziyuan, nor herself. It was this kid who had accidentally encountered him?

An angry mood rose in his heart, Yuan Jie squinted his eyes and gave Qin An meaningfully.


A few hundred meters away, Di Qing in ancient clothes and black robe had a smile on his lips.

He looked at Dongsheng beside him, and said:

"Juvenile, although our communication is brief, I am still very happy. You hide behind me, the will of the Lord God has been integrated into my soul, I am going to kill!"

"Killing? Killing who?" Dongsheng's attention was originally focused on Qin An's side. Hearing Di Qing's words, he turned his head to look at him.

But Di Qing had already moved, his body exuded a gloomy chill, his long hair drifted without wind, a somewhat old-looking brass mask appeared on his face, and a long bow in his hand!

This bow is black all over, and I don’t know what material it is made of.

With the longbow in hand, Di Qingren has stood up and the empty string is full. After letting go, a jet of black smoke bounces from the bowstring. In the black smoke, a black long arrow converged by the energy of Ghost Qi for a thousand years pierced through the air. The surrounding airflow swirled at high speed, forming a dark gray tornado with a radius of more than three meters.


The air burst, and the cremation flashed in the air near the tornado. A huge arc of half a meter deep leaked from the ground where it passed. It's horrible.

Qin An, Yin Yao, Lu Ya, Xiao Jiumei, and Song Dieyun all discovered that terrifying energy fluctuation when Di Qing shot.

The target of Di Qing's attack was Song Dieyun, one of the coalition leaders.

When Song Dieyun faced the tornado that suddenly came to her side, she naturally hurriedly avoided.

The Ghost Qi arrow rushed forward without hitting the target, and the tornado surrounding the arrow killed everyone along the way.

But Song Dieyun, who had been hiding to the side, was physically alive for a while, lowered her head, and was surprised to find that the black arrow had passed through her chest!

Impossible, she obviously avoided Song Dieyun's face and turned pale.Di Qing wears a mask and can't see his expression clearly.

Ghost Qi's arrow, transformed from the resentment of the Millennium Ghost Qi, is different from ordinary arrows.

Resentment is like a shadowy thing, Song Dieyun naturally can't avoid this kind of attack that actually belongs to the mental energy attribute.

Di Qing, with a disheveled face and a mask, stood in place, and the Ghost Qi on his body became more turbulent. He held a bow in his left hand and a long knife in his right hand that slowly emerged from the void and held it in his hand.

"Die Yun!"

When Yuan Jie saw that his sweetheart was injured, he hurriedly jumped over and hugged his shaky body into his arms.

"Die Yun! How are you? Are you okay? Are you okay?"

"I can't die! Send a warning signal, this guy is very strong!" Song Dieyun's mouth shed a trace of blood. After pushing Yuan Jie away, she knelt on one knee, opened her mouth slightly, and began to chant softly.

Her voice was originally not loud, but after the sound medium carried the sound source one meter away from the body, the power of potential energy caused the nearby air to appear wrinkled ripples, as if the sound had infinite quality.

At this time, she had already taken her own and hid in the distant Qin An team. Yin Yao gave a soft hey, and then seemed to be talking to herself naturally, as if she was saying to Qin An:

"This woman named Song Dieyun is not an upgraded! She should be a believer of the Third Sword God Tiange, a singer! And Na Di Qing is a believer of the seventh sword God and Ghost General! Ghost Whisperer! Hey, ghost The whisperer vs. the song whisperer, what a passionate scene, it seems to be back to my great sword spirit planet again!"

upgraded? Ghost Whisperer, Singer Whisperer?

Nine main gods, forty-nine sword gods!

The star of the sword spirit, aliens invaded the earth, and the end of the world suddenly flooded Qin An's mind with this information, the power of the amnesia spell card continued to dissipate, and he was slowly recovering his memory.

The concentration camp was completely chaotic. Di Qing's arrow not only injured Song Dieyun, but also killed almost 600 civilians!

The people in the concentration camp were too concentrated, and where Ghost Qi's arrow flew, everyone except Song Dieyun was not spared.

A red flare broke through the air, and a warning signal was sent out. The abilities that followed Song Dieyun's entry summoned parasitic beasts and besieged Di Qing.

Di Qing stood still on the spot, and the black energy surrounding him quickly transformed into physical armor, enveloping his whole body.

The attacks of the powers fell on him, but he did not suffer any harm like a rock.

Ordinary abilities, armor-piercing shells, and laser shells can't break their defenses at all.

The warriors of the supernatural powers were shocked, and they didn't know who the opponent was, who actually possessed such strength.

Dongsheng had already ran back to Yin Yao at this time.

He is also smart enough to start running when Di Qing starts his hand. Otherwise, it would be difficult to move a single step in the concentration camp at this time. The civilians inside are running out, and the surrounding defenders are coming here. The roads extending in all directions are still blocked.

"All back, control the order, and give him to me!"

Song Dieyun's whispering singing has a healing effect, which can be regarded as a kind of spiritual ability, and it actually swallowed the Ghost Qi arrow on the body!

She already knew that the man on the opposite side who was now covered in black armor was definitely not an ordinary supernatural being, he should be a member of the nine god-tier clan.

At the feet of Di Qing, the black light flickered, and gradually a group of tall horses covered with black armor rose from the ground and carried Di Qing on their horses.

Di Qing's strongest attack state is on. He was once the most brave general in the history of the Song Dynasty. At this moment, he is a seduced ghost who crawled out of The Underworld in the last days, like a god of death!

Song Dieyun furrowed her eyebrows and didn't care at all. A small hole had been torn in her chest, revealing tender white muscles.

Dark Song's healing ability has restored the damage suffered before. This handsome and petite woman slowly closed her eyes, and the tune in her mouth became a little high-pitched, which made people feel relaxed and happy to hear.

In this kind of singing, the originally chaotic civilians gradually calmed down, as if they were controlled, they retreated to both sides in an orderly manner, and an empty space was made between Song Dieyun and Di Qing.

The two great powers with the will of the main god are separated by three hundred meters.

In the singing, some tangible notes are slowly formed. Some are only a few centimeters in size, some are half a meter in length, some are flat like paper, and some are three-dimensional like building blocks.

Opposite, Di Qing, who had been motionless, suddenly raised his hand to restrain the horse's rein. The black horse from The Underworld raised its forefoot, and a cold red flame rose from the horse's hoof. After a long hiss, his four legs alternately landed on all fours, entraining a stray wind. Song Dieyun rushed, and after the start, he hung the long knife on the horse, pulled the bow full, and shot out three Ghost Qi arrows!

Song Dieyun looked solemn and didn't dare to care.

In another world time and space, ten thousand worlds are dead, the three gods of God of War powers are simultaneously activated.

The dark gray mist instantly occupied all the open space. Countless monsters from Otherworld rushed towards Di Qing from the void. After the monsters, six God of War puppets from Otherworld stood in front of Song Dieyun.

The three Ghost Qi tornadoes shattered like bamboo, crushing all the monsters, and the death air mass of the world was also not spared. It was blown away by the fierce wind, and the three black long arrows were finally blocked by three another world God of War puppets.

Di Qing Zongma had reached ten meters in front of Song Dieyun. He pushed the long knife with both hands, surrounded by black Ghost Qi on the knife, and a Ghost Qi blade formed as the long knife fell and flew towards Song Dieyun.

One of the God of War puppets is a large meat ball with a diameter of three meters. When the Ghost Qi blade flies, it also rolls forward and rolls out five or six meters. Its body stretches from a meat ball to a meat wall. The sides are five meters long and half a meter thick.

After the Ghost Qi blade struck, it collided with the meat wall. Eventually, the meat wall was torn apart, and the defeated puppet was severely damaged and disappeared. The energy of the Ghost Qi blade was cancelled out and disappeared without a trace.

Di Qing is closer to Song Dieyun. The other five God of War puppets move forward together, standing with Di Qing, who is carrying a long knife. The translucent colored notes that originally hovered beside Song Dieyun also flew forward, blending in. The bodies of five God of War puppets were removed.

These notes have blessings such as strength, speed, defense, agility, etc., making God of War puppets stronger.

However, the five God of War puppets could not take advantage of Di Qing's long sword. Although they did not let him get close to Song Dieyun, they were constantly injured. If it were not for the blessing and healing effects of those notes, they were afraid It was only three rounds in front of Di Qing.

Song Dieyun's face became paler and paler. Slowly, she opened her eyes, her eyes filled with worry.

How to do? She is actually not the opponent of this man, it will not take long for him to break through the defense and reach his side, and she can face the seemingly ordinary but in fact extremely powerful long knife in his hand?

The star of sword spirit, the sixty-eighth continent in the west, also known as the Alpha continent.

On the absurd plains, the undead, the sky beasts, the green savage races, and other minority allied forces have fought for more than 80 days and the sun and the moon, and the number of races participating in the war has exceeded seven billion!

The Alpha Continent was originally very large, but one day, swallowing wind suddenly appeared on the surrounding sea!

The so-called devouring winds are the new energy matter on the Sword Spirit Star. They look like ordinary tornadoes, but they have an unbreakable swallowing ability.

They blow through the sea, through the ground, through the air, then the sea, the land, and the air disappear without a trace, everything becomes nothingness, and no living thing can survive in this void space.

There is no space tunnel on the Alpha continent, which means that the only way to leave this continent is by sea.

However, the devouring winds have now surrounded the Alpha continent. They are engulfing the continent at a very fast speed, causing many races on the continent to gather towards the center of the continent, and finally meet in the absurd plain.

There are four billion undead races. Half of them are intelligent creatures and half are beasts controlled by intelligent creatures.

The undead are not welcome in any continent on the Sword Spirit Star, because they symbolize Death, and the places they go are nothing but war and violence.

Therefore, the undead that other races have to face can only form an alliance, and then start a decisive battle mode with the undead on the absurd plains.

This is an unavoidable war, because the continent is being swallowed quickly and getting smaller and smaller.

This is a war that will not be victorious, because when the continent disappears, all races and all life entities will be swallowed.

The appearance of the savage people, the beasts and the humans are the same, and the language they use is similar to Chinese.

The difference is that the Celestial Orcs belong to the half-orcs and can be transformed into giant wolves; the Greens belong to the Human race, natural warriors, the receptors of sword spirit, and they are born with a strong body Realm. Of course, half-orcs are also strong bodies after they are born.

In the territory of the Green Savage Race in the Absurd Plain, the Four Soul Sword Cultivator, the king of the Green Savage tribe, Alder Kiran was standing high and low with his eyebrows furrowed, looking at the black and overwhelming undead army in the distance.

The battle did not stop for a moment, because the camps of the Undead Army and the Allied Army were actually connected together.

Now that the continent has shrunk, these seven billion life forms have nowhere to escape. They can only choose to be forced to pile up together, and then continue to fight, let the blood flow into a river, and let the rotten smell fill the sky.

Standing beside Kieran is Stika Gulistan, the Four Soul Sword Repairer, the great God of War of the Ozman tribe!

"Kieran, what should we do?"

Gu Li's face was full of sorrow. She had long silver hair, her blue eyes looked unusually seductive, and her snow-white skin seemed to be broken.

Kieran is two meters tall, also has silver hair and blue eyes, and has deep and handsome features.

With a light sigh, Kieran whispered:"What else can I do? Either live or die... Does the king of the sky beast bring me any news?"

Gu Li nodded slightly.

"Demon said, let us give them some ground, the Devouring Wind is less than a hundred miles away from their rear."

Kieran hesitated, then said:

"Tell Demon D, I don't have any place for him, and there is a devouring wind behind us, let him go to snatch the undead's territory!"

"D sea, C blue, A plus three God of War have gone to the front line, but the undead also sent the Death Horn to fight. I don't know if the news is accurate, saying that C blue has been killed."

"The Horn of Death appeared

"Well, Kieran, do you want me to go?

"Where are the two God of War, Karna and Stur?"

"Kana is fighting on the forefront of the west, and St's troops are now mixed with the troops of the A and God of War of the beasts, fighting the undead's Death tomb army and the center of the continent.!"

"The corner of Death and the tomb of Death are all here! Then I am afraid that the undead enemies will also appear? It seems that their condition is the same as ours, and the rear is full of devouring winds, so they also urgently need it. A land that can stand on! Hey, what should I do?"

Kieran's words fell, but Gulistan did not answer, because this was an unanswered question.

At this time, an old man slowly walked onto the high ground and came to Kiran and Gulistan.

Kieranguli was respectful and disrespectful at the same time when he discovered him.

"My beloved Master Sharjah, has he figured out a way to solve the current situation?" Kieran's tone was a little anxious.

Sharjah looked like an old human man with a kind face, with a faint smile on his face, and he was also disrespectful, and then he said:

"Meet my king and God of War."

After that, he paused before saying again:

"I have nothing to do. The Devouring Wind is the supreme law of energy and cannot be cracked at all. But...maybe the undead have a way!"

"What? Lord Sharjah, are you kidding? How could the undead have a way?" Guli asked in surprise.

At this time, the mountain breeze blew a silver wire on Gulistan, making her look extraordinarily beautiful.

Sharjah still smiled, raised his left hand, a silver light appeared in his hand.


I felt the mysterious and powerful power!

The magnificent magic circle will be opened, and the giant space-time gate will cover the assembled undead forces, which is the power of time-space summoning from Otherworld!

I will use the supreme law of life to exhaust my life's ability, make the mysterious power bigger, and let the gorgeous magic circle come to our territory at the same time!

Therefore, my beloved King Kiran, the great God of War I admire, Sharjah will bid farewell to you, and can no longer accompany the two of you!

My Little Brother Caesar has now cultivated in the Realm of the Four Souls Swordsmanship, I recommend him to be my successor, as the next magician!

Sharjah is gone. You will embark on a journey of the same crisis as now in the new world. The cloud of the last days will not disappear, but it will continue.

While speaking, Sharjah raised his hand and placed it on Own's head.

The silver light immediately flourished, swallowing Sharjah, and then released a more dazzling silver light!

"Master Sharjah!"

Guri and Kiran shouted at the same time, but because the silver light was too strong, they could not open their eyes, nor could they see that the giant teleportation magic circle that Sharjah said had formed and covered all of the Alpha continent. The remaining land!

Seven billion life forms will be teleported. As Sharjah said, the last days will continue without ending, and an army of alien races will rise in the Otherworld.

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