Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1293 The Fall of the End of Extreme Fear

Song Dieyun can only retreat to the strong, and the shortcomings are far away.

She is good at controlling summoned creatures, and her melee ability is really average.

And Di Qing, the general who has almost reached the level of Four Soul Swordsmanship, is obviously very strong in melee combat.

Attacking the dark horse with a longbow with a broad sword makes his breakthrough ability exaggerated.

"Protect your lord!"

Yuan Jie saw that Song Dieyun's strength was not up to the opponent, and hurriedly shouted the nearby supernatural power fighters to move forward, blocking Song Dieyun's body.

In the face of such a strong person, it is impossible to break the defense of others without a protective barrier. This battle is really impossible to fight.

With one as a thousand, the fact that the Wanjun took the leader and the first level appeared to the opponent, which is also a tragedy for Song Dieyun.

After Yuan Jie's shout, Di Qing was already in front of the wall of supernatural fighters and warriors. He pulled the reins, and the black cavalry jumped ten meters high, straddled thirty meters, and reached Song Dieyun's body, with a big knife The gloomy Ghost Qi fell vertically, so fast that Song Dieyun could not dodge.

For a moment, Song Dieyun was in a daze. She was originally tired, and her body became weaker after releasing a wave of skills.

Turns out... really can't avoid it?

When facing Death, most people don't actually think of fear.

Like Song Dieyun at this time, she was a little regretful.

A painful childhood, youth like the shadow of a little wind kite, during the ten years of being baptized in battle...What did she get? What is the point of her being alive?

Ah... Maybe she should have died with her parents and family back then? Then she would not live so lonely in the last days.

Goodbye, her only friend Feng Xiaozheng.

Goodbye... Li Ziyuan!

The woman who felt the death crisis did not actually give up. Her body wanted to continue to live, so she subconsciously raised her hands, naturally to resist the opponent's big knife.

Will her hand be chopped off?

Will her body be cut in half by the cold Ghost Qi blade?

Will her internal organs fall to the ground when her body is damaged?

Ah... What a disgusting scene!

The emotions in her mind changed sharply, but Song Dieyun's hands finally failed to collide with the big knife.

So hot? Why is the palm so hot? It's like... the strong chest just now?

Song Dieyun was stunned. Twenty-four flower leaves wrapped in heart-shaped scars appeared in her eyes. Then they got closer and closer to own's eyes. Eventually she was swallowed, and her body melted into an extremely warm, solid and flexible mind. .

Qin An took the shot. After the amount of information slowly appeared in his mind, he finally remembered the position of own. He belongs to the western part of Tibet and seems to be a relatively important person!

Now that he had a position, Qin An would naturally not be a spectator anymore, and found that the supernatural player named Song Dieyun was about to be killed by Di Qing and Ma, Qin An quickly turned on the teleportation ability and appeared between Ma and Song Dieyun, and then thought The woman who was about to raise her hand was pulled into her arms, and several of them jumped a hundred meters away.

Letting go of her petite body, Qin An left without nostalgia, and when he teleported back to Di Qing again, Yin Yao was already standing there, holding a peculiarly shaped long sword in her hand. Swing and collide with Di Qing's big knife!

The energy explosion of the colored light sword Spiritual Qi and the black gloomy Ghost Qi caused the air within 100 meters to wrinkle, and the potential energy immediately surged around like a water wave. Even Qin An, who had just arrived nearby, was pushed towards the retreated by the air wave. More than ten meters away, other people nearby flew directly to farther places, and some ordinary civilians with no abilities actually fell directly to death.Suddenly, the dust flew up, blocking people's sight like a mist, and no one knew what happened just now.

Qin An's Movement Technique was too fast, Yuan Jie and others had been taken away from 100 meters without seeing him appearing Song Dieyun.

Song Dieyun couldn't figure out the situation herself, because she didn't see Qin An's face, and she didn't know whether the chest and the twenty-four-color petals were hallucinations.

Yin Yao shot after Qin An. She hadn't figured out her own mind when she shot her, but only after fighting with Di Qing a few times did she understand her own mind depressed.

She had already seen Di Qing's strength, a little weaker than herself, but she definitely had the strength to compete with the Four Soul Sword Cultivator.

So seeing Qin An suddenly shot, she did not hold back for a while and shot too, fearing that Qin An would be injured by the other party.

And she regretted it after she shot it... Qin An suddenly acted to save other women. Why should she bother?

Yes, I just lost my mind. I was thinking about Qin An’s twenty-four-color rune mark. Song Dieyun was not sure, but she could tell at a glance that the twenty-four-color rune on Qin An’s chest was real, which made Yin Yao Somewhat unacceptable.

How could Qin An be the 20th fourth-level upgraded? It is important to know that the maximum number of upgrades of the general Three Soul Sword Swordsman is twenty fourth-level. The so-called maximum here is actually a limit state. Most of the average Three Soul Sword Swordsman upgrades have less than twenty times of upgrades. The more the number of times, the lower the chance of being able to continue to be upgraded. Similarly, the higher the upgraded level, the stronger the physical skills and the easier it is to comprehend other sword god skills.

So Song Dieyun couldn't imagine why Qin An could reach the 20th fourth-level upgrade.

This is the earth, and the sword spirit is almost lacking. Even if she, the real sword god, does not activate the fifth sword god ability to summon the sword spirit now, her strength is the pinnacle four spirit sword repair state, which means her ability is still affected. Limited by the laws of the earth and conditions, how could Qin An, as a pure earth person, have completed twenty fourth-level upgrades?

In fact, anyone with the Star of Sword Spirit will be surprised when they see it, because in fact, even the first and second sword gods don’t know the existence of Tiancai Lingnian, and Tiancai Lingnian has been trapped since he was born. , That is the purest energy spirit of the sword spirit star.

Qin An obtained the curse of the first sword god ability, the physique of Leaping Evolution, because of the Spiritual Thought of Heaven Punishment, which made him a special existence.

Before in the monster channel, he used the power of the bloodline to induce the intricate energy mixture, and then opened countless spell cards on him, protecting his body, saving him from disaster, and absorbing nine at the same time. The magic dragon beast, the behemoth of the law of time and the blade, the queen of the corpse, many sword soul stones and so on are powerful energies.

Now, the energy accumulated in his body can almost make him Upgraded again.

It’s just that the 20th fourth-level to the 20th fifth-level upgrade requires too much energy. Although Qin An is only one step away, this step is also far away.

Once Qin An is upgraded, it is very likely that he will jump to the 20th fifth-level and enter a higher level of evolution. It is estimated that a large group of people will be scared to death.

In short, I was distracted by thinking about Qin An's upgraded level that I just learned, so I took the first shot when Qin An might be in danger. This was Yin Yao's explanation to Own.

This explanation is still very tangled. Although Yin Yao pretended that Wang Fang had a fate with Qin An overnight and had a child, she really didn't have much affection for Qin An.

Damn it’s avatars, maybe because of the loss of separation from her daughter, so I always like to go to Qin An to wander around, making Yin Yao’s memory more and more about Qin An, which affects the mind of the ontology.

It seems that we should sort out our own emotions!

Yin Yao was still very strong while fighting and thinking. The Xiangying Sword God she held in her hand could break Di Qing’s defenses. With the weird Xiangying clone ability, plus Yin Yao’s Super Realm physical skills, Di Qing was beaten. Back again and again, although not defeated, it has always been at a disadvantage.

The eyes of Yuan Jie and others nearby were straight.

In their hearts, Song Dieyun is already considered a super strong, but now, the guy who Song Dieyun was unable to fight back was beaten back by the woman who suddenly jumped out. What is this woman? who? Why is it so powerful?

Qin An was also surprised at Yin Yao's abilities at this time. Her fight with Di Qing was actually not fancy, and it seemed that her movements were not very fast. This is because a semi-transparent chaotic energy magnetic field that resembles an entity has formed around the two of them.

If it is an ordinary person, it is estimated that it will directly explode and die if it is deeply trapped in this energy magnetic field. If it is an ordinary ability person in this energy magnetic field, it is afraid that it will be directly fixed and unable to move at will.

Moreover, Qin An felt that Yin Yao didn't actually use her full strength at this time, as if she was fighting with ordinary children.

Qin An stood still, shaken his clothes to disperse the dust that had fallen before, and then fastened the buttons.

"Did you just save me?"

Without looking back, Qin An also knew that the speaker was Song Dieyun who had returned from a hundred meters away.

Turning around, looked down at the petite beautiful woman.

Qin An just wanted to say something, and suddenly his body shuddered, only to feel dizzy in his head, it turned out that his legs fell to the ground with a soft knee!

This...what's wrong with this?

An indescribable sound wave was transmitted into the ear, making Qin An feel that the eardrum seemed to be cracked.

And the sense of panic in his heart has already made him unable to breathe.

Yin Yao, who was fighting with Di Qing, was sprinting forward. Her body suddenly stopped, her face turned pale.

The next moment she quickly moved backward and retreated to Qin An's side.

"Not good! A disaster is approaching!"

As a sword god, Yin Yao has a stronger crisis warning ability than Qin An.

Now her body shuddered unconsciously, and her heart was filled with fearful emotions. This was a situation she had never experienced in countless years.

In the past, even if it was a hands-on confrontation with other sword gods, there was no such fear.

She has been to many dangerous and strange places in Sword Spirit Star in her life for countless years, and she has never suffered such fear.

What's wrong? What is going to happen?

Ignoring Di Qing, Yin Yao took Qin An's arm and ran, and a few jumped to Xiao Jiumei's side, and then stood by.

Song Dieyun was still in a daze. When she saw the mysterious man who might be her lifesaver running away, she glanced at Di Qing, who was riding on the horse still, and then ran after Qin An.

Now she can't beat Di Qing, so this mysterious man and the mysterious woman who just started with Di Qing may be able to help, but she needs to figure out their identities first.

Yuan Jie is Song Dieyun’s dog leg. Seeing her run away, he followed. The shock in his heart has not subsided. I don’t know the identity of Yin Yao, and I don’t even know that Qin An ever appeared to rescue Song Dieyun. Just because Qin An's movements are too fast.

On the other side, Yin Yao held Xiao Jiumei tightly with one hand, while holding Qin An's hand with the other.

Qin An didn’t care that he was taken advantage of by Yin Yao because of the abnormal reaction of the body. He turned on the healing ability to repair the damage from the strong sound wave that he had just received, and then began to look around, never daring to turn on Super Hearing again, afraid to hear more The sound of horror.

Only after about ten seconds, red and blue intersecting gleams suddenly appeared on the ground!

Qin An looked around with super vision, and was surprised to find that there was such a dim light on the land within tens of kilometers.

In fact, what Qin An sees now is also one-sided.

Above the Peacock Terrace, a Tibetan-Western fighter jet that has just completed its bombing mission is flying at an altitude of one kilometer.

The pilot originally planned to turn around the base, because there was no ammunition on the plane.

Suddenly, he suddenly noticed the glimmer of light on the ground. Through the monitoring of the scanning instrument, the pilot was shocked to find that these glimmers formed a huge circle.

This circle is really big, because its diameter is 1,800 kilometers.

After reporting the situation to his boss of the friendly army, the squadron captain immediately ordered the plane to fly around to see what the luminous circle that appeared suddenly was.

In the end, they found that the northernmost part of the circle was in Russia, the westernmost part was in the central part of Inner Mongolia, the easternmost part covered the Korean Peninsula and deep into the sea, and the southernmost part was close to the Shanhaiguan generation.

What exactly happened here? No one knows.

In the three major battlefields, the monster channel was already shrouded in this strange aperture at this time.

After receiving the news, Dong Junwei immediately dispatched more reconnaissance planes to investigate.

At this time, Shanhaiguan's Ten Route Army had been fighting with zombies in full swing, and many small cities of the Destiny Sect behind Bitter Winter City had also been attacked by coalition forces.Although the battle was not won, because the raid was successful, the advantage was still in the coalition. Dong Junwei didn't want any unexpected incidents to happen suddenly at this time.

Half an hour later,

There was silence in the concentration camp of Shulan City where Qin An was located.

Di Qing didn't know if he was afraid of being beaten by Yin Yao, or he was frightened because of the red and blue intersecting gleam that suddenly appeared on the ground. After Yin Yao retreated, he ran away without a shadow.

The reason why people calm down is because the surrounding environment is too weird at this time.

The dark clouds in the sky gathered together, the sea was windy, and the huge waves caused the sea to surge up to the shore, and the ten-mile coastline of the Hellfire Fortress near the sea had been flooded. The people on the seashore, whether they are coalition forces or those from the Hellfire Fortress, are moving westward, and many people are swallowed by the waves.

This situation is more like the end of the world than when the end of the world had just arrived, making people frightened to see it.


Yin Yao suddenly screamed, and then a bigger vision appeared. The original dark clouds in the sky also emitted red and blue light. They also formed a large circle with a diameter of 1,800 meters, covering the Northeast University. Part of the area, and extended into Russia and the Korean peninsula.

Between the sky and the earth, red and blue gleams appeared quickly, and the luminous medium flowed between the sky and the earth. It was originally during the day, but now the dead sky and the earth have turned into red, blue and black because of the dark clouds in the sky and the red and blue gleam material between the sky and the earth. Three colors, like a The Underworld.

"This...this is the magic spell card opened by the sword god! What the hell is the ghost going to do?"

Yin Yao just felt the Spiritual Sense of the seventh main god and ghost, she didn't know that, in fact, the fiftyth sword god has appeared on the star of the sword spirit, and he came to the earth through the portal, and is planning to use the immortality. The tribe’s conspiracy to destroy the world.

Mo Luo spell card?

Some information flashed across Qin An's mind.

The so-called Moluo spell card is a fifth-level spell, which can only be activated by the colorful sword Spiritual Qi.

In other words, on the Star of Sword Spirit, apart from the ancestors of the sword spirit, only forty-nine Sword Gods can use this kind of spell card.

Mo Luo can create the skeleton of the magic circle, and then transform the colorful sword Spiritual Qi into powerful spatial energy to form a super huge Spatial Teleportation magic circle.

Qin An frowned, not knowing what the message meant.

"Mom, look!"

Xiao Jiumei, who inherited her father's super vision, yelled, raised her finger to the sky, her delicate and slender fingers were trembling, and her small face was pale with fright.

Yin Yao raised her head. Although she was a sword god, her eyesight was not as good as that of Xiao Jiumei. She only saw the dark clouds and seemed to be darker, but she saw nothing else.

A few seconds later, the voice came out from the dark clouds. It seemed that countless people were shouting, and countless ghosts seemed to be wailing.

There were originally fighting in some places in the prison fire fortress, but the sound from the sky was too strong, and it had covered up the guns.

Qin An was also looking up at this moment, his eyes were round and he could see clearly, but at this moment he couldn't believe his own eyes.

In the dark clouds, at the border of red and blue, I don't know how many life forms suddenly flashed out.

Some of them are human appearances, some are giant wolves and beasts, some are zombie skeletons, and some are indescribable appearances!

Qin An glanced over, and Super Vision began to form an overall thinking structure in his mind, counting their numbers.

One hundred thousand, one million, ten million, over one hundred million... Qin An couldn't even see how many life forms there were!

"Ah! Goodness! What is that! It fell off! Run!"

The originally quiet crowd suddenly exploded, because after appearing, countless life forms suspended at a height of four kilometers from the ground began to fall!

Qin An swallowed fiercely, raised his hand quickly, opened the Universe Cover, and guarded the space of Fang Yuan several hundred meters.

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